50 lbs. down! in 6 months!



  • you look amazing! Congrats!
  • you look awesome! congrats!! do you eat clean or is it just the tracking? i want to lose 50 by may but it seemed like a lot for a short period... now that i see that you'ev done it.. maybe not! :)
  • good for you... your looking awesome!
  • How did you do it? OH MY GOODNESS YOU LOOK GREAT! Please tell me how you lost 50 pounds in 6 months so I can try it....
  • gwild0r
    gwild0r Posts: 135 Member
    Dammmmmm! You look great.. and your kids are awesome.. Those Costumes are FANTASTIC!!! :D
  • WOW! Your one hot mama, congratulations well done!!
  • hellotina
    hellotina Posts: 147 Member
    wow, you look great!!! such motivation, keep up the good work!!!!
  • MereMe
    MereMe Posts: 312 Member
    HOT TAMALE! Wanna share anything that has helped ya do so well? :)
  • ShandiH
    ShandiH Posts: 232 Member
    Wow! You look amazing!! I love, love that red dress!
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    You look amazing and all, but those kids also killed it!!!! Keep up the great work!
  • LJGmom
    LJGmom Posts: 249 Member
    Great job!
  • MommyRobin
    MommyRobin Posts: 584 Member
    Thanks everyone! Your words mean so much to me. I do elliptical every day. I started out at just 15 min. I am now up to 100 min. I have not missed 1 day on my elliptical since Sept. 1. I try to eat as healthy as possible. But, I don't completely deprive myself. I keep my calories around 1200, but I don't beat myself up if I go over a little. Because I know I've done so well on the elliptical. I drink my 8 glasses of water a day or more. I do lots of crunches to get rid of the mommy tummy. I also do arm exercises to battle the bat wing arm syndrome. I stopped drinking cokes. I do have an occasional Diet Dr Pepper or Dr Pepper 10. I have 4 boys ages 19, 14, 7, and 3. I want to be healthy as an example for them and to enjoy being their mom. I am a more active mom now. They are my motivation. I gained the weight over the last 9 yrs. after having 3 miscarriages and going into a depression. I still get sad when I think about my losses, but I need to be here for the children I have on Earth. It has taken a long time, but I have pulled myself up out of this hole. I will enjoy life and take care of the body God gave me. 30 lbs. to go!
  • chollylops
    chollylops Posts: 149 Member
    You look fantastic! Well done and best of luck with the rest you have to lose x
    PS I too have used my children for many years to hide behind - no more though!

    20110507_IMG_14118_Jason36Robin37Calder2CamdenVercher6GoingtoseeThor.jpgIMG_6562_.jpg I used to hide behind my boys for pictures. Now, I don't mind being the only one in pics. I haven't had full body pics of myself in yrs. I still have about 30 or so lbs. to go. But, now I know I can do it! Thanks for all the support and motivation MFP'ers.
  • kmcrey87
    kmcrey87 Posts: 422 Member
    AMAZING RESULTS! You look fantastic!
  • kristitampl
    kristitampl Posts: 64 Member
    You look wonderful! Great Job!
  • kodibear123
    kodibear123 Posts: 185 Member
    WOW! You look pretty! Good job and keep up your healthy lifestyle :)
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 297 Member
    Wow you look beautiful!! Awesome job
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    Thanks, everyone! It's so funny that even my nose looks skinnier. haha! If I can do this, I know anyone can. Just watch your calories and get moving. My elliptical machine is my new best friend!

    What an accomplishment you have made in such a short period of time and you look awesome!! I feel the same way about my elliptical! Keep up the good work, you're gonna be at your goal in no time!:-)
  • AylaBean
    AylaBean Posts: 140 Member
    Good job! You look great :D
  • jofromnz
    jofromnz Posts: 82 Member
    You look amazing - love that light in your eyes!! :) Well done!! :)
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