42 Year old Mother looking for other moms



  • Vanessahogan03
    Vanessahogan03 Posts: 27 Member
    Hi I may be the youngest but I am 22 and a proud mommy of a 2 year old! I need to loose 30 lbs and NEED to cut back on the snacks and coffee creamer and bread! Please add me.
  • nerissag
    How do you add someone as a friend?
  • MzEyesOnThePrize
    My answer d. for all the above. Lol!
  • dargytaylor
    dargytaylor Posts: 840 Member

    I am a mom to 3 boys (well.....young men :smile: ), 18, 20, 22.......only 1 left at home at the present time (till christmas break, then it will be 2)

    I stopped drinking alcohol during the week, allowing myself only to drink once on the weekends. I am trying to cut that out too, not completly, just in moderation :smile: . I only had 2 margarita's over the holiday weekend!

    I need to definatley start going to the gym more.....I seem to do well for a two week period, then stop for 2 weeks.......WTH!!

    Please add me if you like!

  • Kerry1023
    Hi I'm 38 and mom to a 7yo boy.

    I need to make changes for healthy eating and stick with it to guide him in making better choices too. Our kids eat what we feed them and look to us for guidance.

    And make time for exercise. I started running and LOVE how I feel after it but working full time and coming home to daily househlold stuff leaves me tired and heading for bed instead of exercise.

    Would love to support each other and figure this our.
    You can never have too much support!

    Feel free to add me.
  • MacInCali
    MacInCali Posts: 1,044 Member
    I'm a 39-year-old married mom of 2 whose greatest challenge is trying to stop my family from asking for fast food 2 and 3 days a week because it's hell having to smell all of that deep fried goodness/badness, lol, while eating my salad/frozen meal, etc. LOL

    P.S. In order to add someone, you just need to click on our name and you'll see a green box that says "Add as Friend". I'll add you.

    Good luck to us all!!!
  • yankeedownsouth
    yankeedownsouth Posts: 717 Member
    I just turned 43 a couple weeks ago, and I have two kids (15 year old daughter and almost 13 year old son) plus my step son who is 8. I totally hear you with the wine every day! I love beer too so it's a double whammy!

    I'd love to be friends. I'll add you. :)
  • mikajoanow
    mikajoanow Posts: 584 Member
    I quit drinking diet coke. I did start to drink some low carb energy drinks, but I drink far less of those than I did diet coke and I feel so much better because of it. I think I just needed something a bit fizzy to replace it on occasion. I am 36 and a mom of three (two teenagers and one 1st grader) Welcome!!
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Hiya, I'm Mum to 4 girls aged 4 and 3. I have around 100lbs to lose and this is a great support site for that. Its great to meet other Mums on here who understand the time limits, exhaustion, frustration and happiness of being Mums and who also don't mind if all you ever talk about is diet, fitness and kids! Nice to meet you, Lally
  • KayakAngel
    KayakAngel Posts: 397 Member
    I'm 43 and have 2 boys that are old enough to mostly take care of themselves. So now I take care of me. Last year, I started kayaking and doing some hiking. I still LOVE kayaking, and I've recently started running using the Couch to 5K program (excellent for starting runners). I've been on MFP about 7 months and I'm half way to my goal - still want to lose about 30 more pounds. Friend request coming your way. :)
  • mcovillion
    first day as a member of MFP. so far i love it! i'm a 36 yr old mom of 2, lost my teaching job so now i stay home with my 6 month old. that means...easy access to snacks ALL DAY. my worst time is after the kids are in bed. i probably eat over 500 calories some nights. just announced on facebook that i'm trying to lose weight hoping that my friends will keep me accountable. feel free to friend me if you need support like i do. (i don't how to friend people yet. lol)