4 weeks until Christmas... LETS DO THIS!!



  • healthysew
    healthysew Posts: 105 Member
    My goal is 210! Which is lofty since im currently around 218, but its still a goal! Good luck to everyone else!
  • I'll be with my future in-laws for Christmas, and last time they saw me I was 15 pounds and almost 2 sizes bigger. I'm hoping to be down at least 5 more pounds by the time they see me next, but mostly hoping to drop that last 1/2 size so my 12s fit perfectly.
    My attack plan is to go off carbs between now and then. It's the best method for me, but I have to actually do it - not just think about it - to make it work.
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    Since I don't want to set myself for failure, I'm not going to give myself a weightloss goal for the holidays. Instead my goals are going to be to keep myself plenty hydrated. To stay active, even if I have to shovel all my neighbors's sidewalks. To get rest while I'm off work (I drive a school bus so I get all the school reals off...gives me time to REST). And the most important one of all...HAVE FUN is my main goal!
  • can someone help me ? How do I start over on fitnesspal ? I want to change calories and some other things...I cannot find the place to do that. I sighne dup for it 2 months ago, used it for 4 days ( I know, I know ) now I want to start fresh !!! help !!! my email is sblakley@cogeco.ca I will probably not figure out how to get back here,lol.....not computer savy
  • lupa01
    lupa01 Posts: 162 Member
    I plan to continue to work hard and be in the 140's by December 31st!! I'm excited because, when I do, not if, it will be my lowest weight in almost 15 years, something I was beginning to think was impossible. Thankfully, I don't eat as bad during the Christmas holiday as I do for Thanksgiving, and I still managed to lose 6 pounds this month, so I know I will get there! Good luck guys and Happy Holidays!!:-)
  • I began my fitness pal april 15, 2011. i had wonderful results. i lost 43 lbs. in the last month i gained 9 lbs i need to start over and i do not know how. i was allowed 1200 calories a day. at this point i am hungary all during day. i need help to get back on track. merry christmas and a onderful 2012. thanks for any help you can give me. johnnie beth coker