For the members looking for that extra support



  • jennysmission
    jennysmission Posts: 391 Member
    Some of my MFP friends and I are part of a wonderful Facebook group that offers support, motivation and friendship for people that are trying to lose weight. The group became so popular that we had to open a second, a third, fourth, fifth AND sixth group!!

    We are basically a support group. A place that you can discuss your issues, struggles, successes and goals. We hold weekly and daily challenges to keep things fresh.

    We weigh in weekly on a Monday (this is not set in stone, you can weigh in any day you like and add it to the Monday weigh-in thread).

    The groups are amazing places with a great supportive attitude, so much so what we have had to open SIX! We try to keep the numbers small and I would love it if you could come and join us!

    Great advantage of the group--
    - great place to have all your updates and to see everyone else's progress
    - Monday weigh ins with the announcement of who is most successful in losing weight for the week! (healthy competition is great :)
    - MiniChallenges to keep pushing us forward.
    - Great way to share any concerns and communicate with other people like you very directly :)
    - We will have challenges between the 6 groups each week also

    Anyone interested? Don't worry about outing your weight in your newsfeed....The group is set to secret so that no one else on your facebook can see what you're typing.

    Let me know below and I'll be in touch to add you to the group :)
    Looking forward to seeing you soon :)

    would love to be apart of your facebook group!
  • deannabalestra
    deannabalestra Posts: 11 Member
    I would like to join too
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    current through here. :)
  • I would like to join
  • sarahricks
    sarahricks Posts: 90 Member
    I would love to join I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    current through here
  • wish21
    wish21 Posts: 602 Member
    I'd like to join:) but don't have fb:(
  • pinkita
    pinkita Posts: 779 Member
    Wish I could but I deactivated my Facebook account in early Jan. 2011--curiously that's when I started losing weight :) I have privacy concerns with Facebook.

    Sounds like a wonderful group though!
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    unfortunately there is no way to add you guys to the groups unless you had facebook... if you would really like to join, you could always set up an account under an alias and only use it for our group. :)
  • I would love to join you guys! :)
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
    current through here!
  • I would love to join this group!
  • I'd love to join :)
  • lcoreo5
    lcoreo5 Posts: 216 Member
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I would love to join, sounds like a great group and a great way to be challenge and be held accountable
  • *boing* *boing* Let me in!! I'd love to join!!!!
  • empc
    empc Posts: 88 Member
    Yes...please! I have been working up the nerve to post and look for help. This may be it. Thanks so much!
  • coyoteo
    coyoteo Posts: 532 Member
    I'm interested as well.
  • LJ102011
    LJ102011 Posts: 110
    Me too please!
  • moonblu
    moonblu Posts: 19 Member
    I would love to be apart of this FB group....I need the support and I would love to give support!