
Well I've been training with a personal trainer for 6 months now - we do a mixture or resistance/weight training (heavy, I'm a big girl and quite strong) and cardio,

The weight isn't moving at all even though I'm training 3 times a week and go for a swim at least once a week - I'm also being careful with my eating....................what's happening!!


  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    Maybe your trainer sucks.
  • upinthecosmos
    upinthecosmos Posts: 149 Member
    You may not be eating enough to keep your body fueled so your metabolism is just burning too slowly. Talk to your trainer, they should have ideas on how to help you. Maybe add more protein, eat smaller meals more often, drink more water, cut down on some of the exercise for now (not cut out, just a little less each day). Everyone is different but the trainer can usually help.
  • Queenbee412
    I am having the same issue! I blame my lazy thyroid. I am going back to the doc in a couple days to have it rechecked
  • KyleB65
    KyleB65 Posts: 1,196 Member
    If you are not already doing so, keep an eye on your sodium intake. As you are young, try and keep it between 2000 & 2500 mg per day. In addition drink lots of water every day.

    And, (my opinion) focus on cardio. If you are overweight, the first goal is to shed some pounds. The best way to do that is to get your heart rate up and keep it there for a while. As you lose weight and your cardio rest/recuperation improves start working on strength exercises. NOTE: I do not want to contradict anything you are being told by your trainer!! Just letting you know what has worked for me!

    Lastly, with regards to diet. Not sure how you are taking in your calories? But, if you have not already done so, stay away as much as possible from processed foods (anything canned, boxed or prepared & frozen). Focus as much as possible on eating fresh veggies and lean protein.

    Good luck on your journey!
  • Slugsasarus
    Slugsasarus Posts: 76 Member
    Try switching up your routine completely. Instead of lifting weights, try a cardio class like kickboxing. Your body has adjusted to your routine...time for some muscle confusion!
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    Have you checked your measurements, maybe you're building muscle and a faster rate than you are losing fat.
    Make sure your trainer knows what your goals are as far as health/fitness/weight/body size&proportions.
  • kimberly0416
    kimberly0416 Posts: 123 Member
    Same thing happened to mile several years ago. I wasn't getting in enough cardio. Add spinning class three times a week and it'll take care of that.
  • Soon2BeMrsThomson
    Thanks for all your replies guys, some good points well made!! Babs I've actually lost 15 inches but only 4Kg - hence the cinfusion.

    I know I don't drink enough water, do you think this is a big factor? Sorry I'm so rubbish with dieting/exercise - I've been a yoyoer all my life :-(
  • upinthecosmos
    upinthecosmos Posts: 149 Member
    Water does make a big difference! Your cells need it, your body needs it and it helps curb the appetite if you drink it throughout your day & with meals.