Am I doing this wrong 30DS Q

I have been running three times a week, couple of aerobic classes and recently started rowing on non-running days. Make sure I have a rest day a week. Apart from a slight knee injury (few weeks back) which I did whilst walking (not exercising typical), I have not had an pain or injuries whilst exercising.

I started doing the 30 Day Shred dvd with light 1.5 kg weights. Concentrating on getting a good form with the movements and I have been struggling with some of the moves etc, but I do enjoy it.

However both times I have done this 30DS dvd, I spend the next 2/3 days really stiff and uncomfortable, actually painful to walk down stairs, sit down. Why is this happening ?

Is it just as I am so unhealthy and never used this set of muscles OR am I doing it totally wrong.?

I am amazed anyone can do this day in, day out for 30 days and not fall to pieces !

Despite my discomfort I seem to be seeing/feeling 'new to me' muscles in my legs, ones I must not use whilst running/.


  • Pinkmaddycat
    Pinkmaddycat Posts: 175 Member

    squats and stuff like that are a bit of a killer if not done correctly and jillian doesnt exactly go through good form, i only lasted 2 weeks as the pain got too bad. will try again one day with better form from the start
  • angiek2322
    angiek2322 Posts: 68 Member
    when i started 30ds.....I was so sore......Like could barely walk up the stairs or sit down of the toilet..... sore. Press on. It will get better. You are shocking your muscles. When your muscles are sore it is because you have made tiny tears in them. The repair is the part that builds new muscle tissue.

    It will get better:) good luck to you!!
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I felt like this the first three or four days of each level. You are just using new muscles in new ways :D It's perfectly normal. (Unless of course its excruciating pain)

    Sounds like you are doing it just right!
  • Setof2Keys
    Setof2Keys Posts: 681 Member
    You're pretty close to my current weight and I can not do this either without being in pain. I put it up and will try again later. I am all for pushing yourself but we all know injuries don't lead to progress. This last weekend I figured out my inner thighs all the way to my knees are EXTREMELY WEAK. I am going to work on that then try again. It is possible that we have not used that part of our bodies in so long that they are just too weak. Don't stop working towards your goal, just modify it for now.
  • rochey1098
    Remember to eat lots of protein and stay hydrated. Muscle building isn't something the body does without good reason, stick with it and I'm sure you'll be happy you did.
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    I felt the same way the first time I did 30DS. It will get better. Your body is probably not used to that kind of circuit training. Same thing happened to me when I started P90x. I thought I was in pretty good shape, but couldn't sit down without wincing after the plyo workout. That's when AfterGlow came into my life...

    It's a recovery powder/drink sold at GNC (pretty pricy, unfortunately) that helps you "recover" from your workout. It helps you not to be so sore. It doesn't take away all the soreness, but it definitely helps. I'm sure there are many types of recovery formulas out there, this is just the one i stumbled onto.

    DISCLAIMER: I don't sell anything. I don't endorse anything. I'm just an average Joe(sephine) trying to lose weight!
  • KCarpenter83
    KCarpenter83 Posts: 36 Member
    I run about 20 miles a week and 30 day shred always makes me VERY sore. You just don't use those muscles in regular life, even running! I use my soreness as my guide to when to change to level 2 or 3 - i stay at each until i stop getting sore which usually takes about a month (of doing the workouts 3-4 times a week)
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    My first day of the Shred had me in pain for 3 days (stairs, sitting, etc). Then once I started back, I figured I would modify certain things a bit so as not to kill myself so I could continue on. Not quite so deep in the squats or lungers, sometimes substituting punches in place of the jumprope portions b/c that kills my knees. I haven't had to take a break again since that first time - I can feel it during and after my workout, but I'm not in horrible pain like I was that first time. Each time I push a little bit more and modify a little bit less, instead of trying to go all-out like I did that first time.
  • JennyDuffy
    JennyDuffy Posts: 45 Member
    I doubt you are doing it wrong! I'm on day 8 of it now and just took it steady for first few days gradually increasing the effort I put in. Just make sure you follow Anita to begin with. Also make sure you fully stretch afterwards in the cool down. I find this helps to ease the aching the next day. The more you stick with it though the more your body will get used to it. I find I still ache a little but not half as much anymore. I also walk around a lot at work so unless you have an active job, maybe make sure you've done some light exercise in the day (such as walking) to warm up your muscles

    Good luck. Hope that helps.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    I was doing cardio, yoga and weight training before I started 30DS and I still felt the pain the next day. If you're feeling anything more than muscle fatigue, that's not good and could be a sign of bad form or you're pushing too hard. The squats/lunges really did me in, and all the jumping hurt my knees - so I practiced my squat/lunge form in front of the mirrors at the gym and stopped jumping so high on those exercises and it really helped.
  • KCarpenter83
    KCarpenter83 Posts: 36 Member
    I felt the same way the first time I did 30DS. It will get better. Your body is probably not used to that kind of circuit training. Same thing happened to me when I started P90x. I thought I was in pretty good shape, but couldn't sit down without wincing after the plyo workout. That's when AfterGlow came into my life...

    It's a recovery powder/drink sold at GNC (pretty pricy, unfortunately) that helps you "recover" from your workout. It helps you not to be so sore. It doesn't take away all the soreness, but it definitely helps. I'm sure there are many types of recovery formulas out there, this is just the one i stumbled onto.

    DISCLAIMER: I don't sell anything. I don't endorse anything. I'm just an average Joe(sephine) trying to lose weight!

    Yeah any recovery drink will help with soreness- Accelerade, P90x recovery drink, chocolate milk (no joke!). As long as there is a 4:1 carb to protein ration this does the trick in acting as a recovery drink.
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Also make sure you fully stretch afterwards in the cool down. I find this helps to ease the aching the next day.

    This also! The warm up and cool down on the DVD are really not enough for me so I always did extra.
  • djphatnutzinc
    djphatnutzinc Posts: 2 Member
    i don't know you're workout history, but it would be safe to assume that you're sore from your body adapting to the new exercise routines. I know from personal experience, if i take a couple of months off, ...or years.. :D.. i'll end up sore for several days, even while. What i do to when i'm wait a day..and do the same exercise but with no get the blood flowing back into the muscles to help rebuild the torn strands. Be sure to have a good amount of protein and amino acids in your diet as these tend to reduce the amount of soreness.
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    Right I'll stick with it, I am aiming to build up to three times a week.

    I'm only running 6 to 9 miles a week, just a beginner nearly graduating the Couch to 5 K running program, so still pretty unfit.

    I'll check out youtube to get some pointer on right way to do squats etc.

    I think my protein levels are pretty low too, I'll work on increasing protein in my diet and/or getting in some protein shake. (And look at Afterglow)
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    even at my weight of 130 I find that I am sore with this DVD as well, there is a lot of jumping and exercises that are hard on the knees. It definetely takes a toll. But as others have mentioned the sore muscles is since yu are working muscles that you are not used to using.

    Keep at it hun!!
  • sundinsgurl
    sundinsgurl Posts: 1,157 Member
    Oh and P.S if you find that you are reallllly sore than dont fret to take a rest day! You will only do more damage if you work yourself too hard
  • NovemberJune
    NovemberJune Posts: 2,525 Member
    I often feel sore after a Jillian workout. Like last night I started level 2 of ripped in 30 and my butt is killing today! but i wouldn't say i feel stiff.... I hardly ever do a Jillian workout 2 days in a row. I usually do a Jillian workout 2-4 days per week, and exercise bike 2-4 times per week. Great job btw
  • myshell26
    I also struggled with this. The pain was pretty bad and made me not want to work out at all. Now I just do the 30DS 2 times a week. I do cardio kickboxing and low impact aerobics the other 4 days a week. Example of my week... Monday: Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds 3 mile walk, Tuesday: Violet Zaki's Weight Loss Cardio Kickboxing, Wednesday: Jillian Michaels 30 DS and repeat. I take Sundays off to heal.
  • KCarpenter83
    KCarpenter83 Posts: 36 Member
    Right I'll stick with it, I am aiming to build up to three times a week.

    I'm only running 6 to 9 miles a week, just a beginner nearly graduating the Couch to 5 K running program, so still pretty unfit.

    I'll check out youtube to get some pointer on right way to do squats etc.

    I think my protein levels are pretty low too, I'll work on increasing protein in my diet and/or getting in some protein shake. (And look at Afterglow)

    Unjury protein is the best I have found - 20g protein 100calories, low sugar low carb. Tastes good too, seriously. It completely dissolves in water with no texture at all. 100% whey isolate. Amazon sells it along with
  • natini
    natini Posts: 347 Member
    It is my opinion that the name of this video is deceiving. I dont think it was meant to do 30 days straight. Your body needs a rest for recovery between workouts. I would listen to your body and do it every other day or 3 times a week. Good luck!