For those who are into Spin

I am taking my 1st Spin Class tomorrow morning and I was hoping to get some pointers or tips that would help me. I used the bike for a bit at the gym and really hurt my tookus! Thanks!


  • Anngetsfit
    Anngetsfit Posts: 17 Member
    I have been taking spin class now for about a year and love it. It took about 2 weeks of classes before mine did not hurt. Some people in class have gotten gel seats which might help but they did not for me. Just give it time and your body will adjust to the seat. It is one of the best workout.
  • CollegeGirl19
    A mistake I often see is people leaning on the handlebars when in a standing or climbing position. You could possibly hurt yourself doing this and you'll get a much better workout if you use your core to hold you up. The tookus pain will pass, also! Haha. I absolutely adore my morning spin classes and I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
  • Mitchlou84
    I bought some cheap cycling shorts, does help as they are padded! Otherwise you do get used to it!!
  • SkinnySoph88
    Make sure you show up a few minutes early to get help setting your bike up by the instructor. I also highly recommend bringing a towel and water- I ALWAYS need them! :) Also, remember that you can control your own resistance so ease into it! I know every instructor is different, but my spin classes are pretty grueling. If you don't pace yourself it's really hard to do the whole workout.

    Lastly, have fun...and your butt will go numb by the 3rd class!
  • tehtog
    Most bicycles saddles are meant for men. Due to differing bone structure women need broader saddles (hence the pain). Depends what their equipment is like.
  • GoStaceyGo
    GoStaceyGo Posts: 29 Member
    i love my spin class! you're def. going to be sore tomorrow. the instructor should help you to set up youre bike the right way. seat should be at youre hip bone, and handlebars should be the same height as ur seat. the seat should move back and forth for your comfort. just have fun its an awesome workout for ur legs, glutes, and core! keep it engaged so you dont hurt your back. enjoy!
  • cathie2903
    cathie2903 Posts: 85 Member
    I've been going spinning for about 3 months and i love advice would be to make sure you keep your own pace to start. If you try and keep up with some others you may tire out quickly......I did! Now I'm used to it keep pace but couldn't have done that t the start! Kills ya bum at the start too ;p
  • Lindseysund8
    I just took my first a week ago and am eager to hear responses here. I loved my first class. Afterwards...