In need of some fresh motivation!

My name is Nicole, and although my profile claims that I'm 18 years old, I'm actually a 17-year-old senior in high school (but will turn 18 in January - I just wanted to be able to sign up and start ASAP!) struggling to make her way through a stressful year of school. All of the stress of college deadlines and applications makes it easy for me to want to eat carbs all the time, making it hard for me to stick to a healthy eating plan.

I used to weigh 145 lbs. before I found this site. Now, I weigh 135! I'm 5'0", so this is still a tad overweight for me, but my goal is to get down to about 110 lbs. Whether that takes months or years, it doesn't matter, as long as I feel healthy and happy on the journey to the goal.

I've been a member here for a while, but I started to lose my motivation a little before Thanksgiving, and through the holiday. Now, I'm looking to start losing weight again to get back on track. I'd love to lose this weight before my high school graduation in June. :)

I don't have too many friends on here, so I'd love to make some new friends! If you'd like to add me so we can motivate each other, feel free to drop me a request. :)


  • CamiXiomara
    You can do it! I'm rooting for you. Remember how hard you worked to lose those 10 lbs and how great you feel. Never lose sight of what's important. It's good to start taking care of yourself at an early age. It builds excellent habits. I do wish you the best of luck in your last high school year. It's stressful. Try to find activities that help ease the tension. If you are an emotional eater, eat healthy snack that will not exceed your daily caloric needs. Foods that are high in fiber and protein, are excellent, because they'll keep you full and satisfied. I wish you luck! Continue strong and push to the end. The rewards that you reap will be amazing!
  • angiereeves33
    You can do it!!
    It's a hard time of year, with the holidays and a million things pulling in a million directions, but know you have support here.

    I'm 34. Stay at home mom of 4 (6, 4, 4, and 2). Actually I sort of work from home, as a BeachBody coach, helping others set health and fitness goals. Love all things BeachBody.
    I'm currently in the middle of the ChaLEAN Extreme program. Love it.
    My hubby is a college football coach- Coaches Tight Ends for the Gophers at the University of Minnesota! GO Gophers!

    Would love to help you along as you commit to your health and fitness. You're worth it!! And what a great example you're setting for others.

    Stay strong!!!
    Gets those workouts scheduled, and don't let yourself negotiate out of it!


    (on Facebook as Angie Peterson-Reeves if you want to add. I'm on there more often)
  • fluteypie
    fluteypie Posts: 42 Member
    Thanks, Cami! Your words are definitely words to live by. It's good to remind myself how much better I feel that I've lost 10lbs, and how much better I WILL feel once I lose more and get down to a healthy weight! I'd love to find some good snack ideas that are satisfying and healthy at the same time. :)

    Thank you, Angie! I actually have a BeachBody aerobics DVD that I love, and before I started this new one I'm doing now, I did it for a good month or two! That's awesome that you're a coach! Thanks for your words of encouragement! :)
  • CamiXiomara
    Thanks, Cami! Your words are definitely words to live by. It's good to remind myself how much better I feel that I've lost 10lbs, and how much better I WILL feel once I lose more and get down to a healthy weight! I'd love to find some good snack ideas that are satisfying and healthy at the same time. :)

    Camille approves. LOL. Anytime. Thank you for the add, though. I wish the best for you. Stay strong. If you would like good, healthy snacks to munch on, let me know. My snacks consist mainly of fruits and veggies, because I'm a vegetarian and I do not know anything about meat. Sorry!