I need some MOTOVATION!!!!

Hi I am new to this website and I really want to make it threw. I am only 21 years old and weight 200 pounds. I had a son 3 years ago and ever since I gained 40pds. I have tried tio diet but it does not work I LOVE TO EAT!! but I am determine to try and this time make it. I have no motionvation I keep assumin I will never reach my goal, or it will take to long. Do yo guys think its possible if I work 9-5 and I am a single mom??? Please give me some advise......



  • estela820
    Hi I am new to this website and I really want to make it threw. I am only 21 years old and weight 200 pounds. I had a son 3 years ago and ever since I gained 40pds. I have tried tio diet but it does not work I LOVE TO EAT!! but I am determine to try and this time make it. I have no motionvation I keep assumin I will never reach my goal, or it will take to long. Do yo guys think its possible if I work 9-5 and I am a single mom??? Please give me some advise......

  • MyaPapaya75
    MyaPapaya75 Posts: 3,143 Member
    of course its possible make a plan on paper and stick to it...it will prob mean getting up earlier and going to bed later and possibly missing your fav tv shows but you can do it..get a stroller and hit the pavement..walk walk walk....get those portions and calories under control...take it from me you dont want to be above 200lbs....get it under control....perhaps even find other single moms that may be looking to lose weight and exchange hr for hr of watching eachothers kids at a playground or something so the other one can walk....
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member

    anything is possible if you work for it

    the best thing to start with is walking

    read alot of the the newbie threads

    someone please post them for her

    good luck:smile:
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    there are lots of single parents on here. You can do this you just need focus and support. Find a group to join, you can do this, if you don't do it so much for you do it for your son.:drinker:
  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425

    Welcome to mfp. I am also a young single mom. I have been here for a few months now. It is totally possible to lose the weight with your work schedule and being a single mom. Just stick to your calories and healthier eating. Get your son involved in your workouts. Go for a walk with him. Play at the park with him. climb the steps and go down the slides. Good luck with your weight loss goals.
  • HealthyKt78
    HealthyKt78 Posts: 439
    A fun idea and a way to spend time with your son....if he moves a lot, which most toddlers do, follow him. Play follow the leader with him and do what he does. You'll probably get a workout just from an hour of that. If not, take him outside or to a park or just walk outside with him.
  • avr1321
    avr1321 Posts: 96
    the GREAT thing about this site is that for people who love to eat they still can! This isn't a diet, its a new lifestyle. If you LOVE pasta and really need it sunday for dinner, then burn an extra hundred calories and eat that pasta. That's why I love this site. When I need my fix or high carb food or chocolate :love: YUM, i just workout for an extra five minutes and burn some more calories so I can eat it.

    If you feel like you can't go on, or need to eat a pint of ice cream, just come on the site and read some of the posts! They always help me :bigsmile:
  • Rottiemama
    :flowerforyou: Welcome !! One of the most inportant things you can also do is start visualizing yourself at your ideal weight...don't see a number..see your body the way you want it to look. Say nice things to yourself instead of I will never make it to my goal weight. You will be amazed how positive energy attracts positive results. You CAN do it. I wish you all the good thoughts for your success. A ahppier heathier you will impact your son as well. He deserves the best you!!! :bigsmile:
  • estela820
    Thank you GUYS, WOW this site is awesome every one here is such a big help. I already have the erge to go run and give it my all. Wow a never realized the ton of things I could do to commit to my goal weight. Honestly none of you here realzed the huge impact your words and incouragement have caused me.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :smile: I will keep in touch and check in every day.....
    MOMOFTWO29 Posts: 8,276 Member
    Hello and welcome to MFP. This is the best website ever. I love it here and I think you will too. This website is so helpful, supportive, motivational, and everyone here is so nice and friendly. I just wanted to wish you a lot of success on your weight loss journey. You can do this. :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile: :flowerforyou: :smile:
  • estela820
    Welcome to mfp. I am also a young single mom. I have been here for a few months now. It is totally possible to lose the weight with your work schedule and being a single mom. Just stick to your calories and healthier eating. Get your son involved in your workouts. Go for a walk with him. Play at the park with him. climb the steps and go down the slides. Good luck with your weight loss goals.

    THANks you were my main inspiration>>>>>>
  • estela820
    Thanks your words really help me get threw this day!!!
    People like you really amke a difeerence!!!
  • fragable17
    i'm a young 22 year old single mom to a three year old boy. and my work schedule is 7-4 but i work an hour drive away from my house so technically from 6 am to 5 pm has to do with work for me. and i love food as well. it can definitely be hard to motivate yourself at first or really to KEEP yourself motivated. i focus on the fact that i want to be a good role model health wise for my son unlike my mom was for me and which is still the case. also i want my self confidence that i had before back. every time i think about not working out or cheating on meals i just think of how much more i WANT to look and feel good then i want the food or to sit at home. you just have to really push yourself and stick to your plans. write down EVERYTHING you eat (especially pay attention to the nutrition facts and what they really mean). EVERYTHING you do for exercise. you hold yourself much more accountable when you write everything down that you're doing. i'm such an unorganized person but i've really pushed myself to do this and it helps. also don't be TOO strict on yourself either.
  • estela820
    i'm a young 22 year old single mom to a three year old boy. and my work schedule is 7-4 but i work an hour drive away from my house so technically from 6 am to 5 pm has to do with work for me. and i love food as well. it can definitely be hard to motivate yourself at first or really to KEEP yourself motivated. i focus on the fact that i want to be a good role model health wise for my son unlike my mom was for me and which is still the case. also i want my self confidence that i had before back. every time i think about not working out or cheating on meals i just think of how much more i WANT to look and feel good then i want the food or to sit at home. you just have to really push yourself and stick to your plans. write down EVERYTHING you eat (especially pay attention to the nutrition facts and what they really mean). EVERYTHING you do for exercise. you hold yourself much more accountable when you write everything down that you're doing. i'm such an unorganized person but i've really pushed myself to do this and it helps. also don't be TOO strict on yourself either.
  • estela820
    thanks!! being in my same situation you must really understand me..... Thaks for the extra motivaton I do need it. It has been two days and I am so confused on what to eat..
    I hope we keep connected:smile::laugh:
  • carrie1
    carrie1 Posts: 8
    :happy: i am new here. i am very determined to get the weight off right now my problem is staying with it! i weigh 247lbs. i am 34 years old. i have been making myself walk more with tricks like parking far out in the parking lot, taking the long way around the office to get something. and starting today i am going to walk on my breaks. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! thank you