People on Medication

Just wondering if anyone else is on some serious medication and still trying to lose weight.
I'm taking a whole lotta meds plus interferon and ribavirin, and I really need and want to lose weight, but find it really hard to find the motivation. The medicine is supposed to make me not hungry, but that's definitely not happening. I'm also on Vyvanse, which is an amphetamine, and I'm still hungry. Although sometimes I feel like I can't eat at all and the thought of food makes me feel sick, these times are few and far between...

Please tell me if anyone else is experiencing anything like this.


  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    Why are you on so much medication? If you don't want to answer that, that's perfectly understandable, but are there not more holistic or natural ways to approach whatever is wrong with you? That many medications jacking with your system can't be a good thing...
  • Purpleflipflops
    Purpleflipflops Posts: 563 Member
    I mean, I think you have to deal with it. I understand, I am on two medications that cause an increase in appetite, and Find it struggling. I would agree with jrdoty, Do you need to be on these medicines? I would see if you could lower your dosage, It might help
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    I'm not going to ask why you're on these meds, as it's none of my business, but how about going back to your primary care doc or whomever is handling the 'scripts, and asking them about safe weight loss while on these meds. Since you may have a complex health issue going on, I'd go right back to MDs for this one. Plus, you don't want to not eat well, taking all that stuff. You may need a certain amount of food to simply help process the meds.

    just sayin'

  • ellielolita
    I know how you feel. I'm on 4 different medications, from Antipsychotics to Antidepressants to Sleep aids.
    And the ones that I'm on have made me gain about 70 lbs. :( But everyday, I take vitamin B when I wake up, and that gives me some energy to get up and go work out. :P I also drink coffee, and have some kind of protein in my breakfast.
    I hope this helps.
  • jen2607
    jen2607 Posts: 148 Member
    It's natural to feel hungry, even on meds. I have days where I have to force myself to eat. Other days, I feel like I am starving, but lately if I order anything the size of a "normal" meal I will get a few bites in a be full. I keep bags of frozen veggies and frozen chicken fingers from trader joes in the freezer. So if I do get really hungry I have something easy and healthy to throw in a skillet, steam, or cook on the George Foreman.