Is this ok for beginning on my new elliptical?

I just got my new elliptical machine & i am out of shape for exercising, & right now, i can't stay on it longer than 10 to 12 minutes. Is this ok for a beginner? I want to get to where i can stay on it for at least 20 -25 minutes at a time, but i feel like i got to build up to that. Is this ok that i can only stay on it for 10-15 minutes right now? I have noticed the elliptical burns twice as many calories as a treadmill, i like that. I used to walk at a brisk pace on my treadmill for 30 minutes, since i am working harder on the elliptical, can i get the same or better results in shorter time say around 20 minutes on the elliptical v/s the treadmill?


  • spennato
    spennato Posts: 360 Member
    I remember when I first tried the elliptical I could only go for like 5 minutes. You have to build up your endurance.
  • healthchick
    healthchick Posts: 75 Member
    Every exercise you do is worth doing, and well done on your progress with exercise so far. Aim to increase your time by two minutes each day, in no time you will be doing 30 minutes. Be proud of yourself your doing great
  • killerkat89
    killerkat89 Posts: 22 Member
    Yes for a beginner its ok but do you best to build up your time. 10-15 mins on a Elliptial is better then non at all. Take babysteps to build your way up. Also try distracting yourself while on your elliptial. Listen to music, watch tv.,..... Get in to it. Trust me I have been there done that. I now have a workout partner, my husband. He keeps me on the treadmill after i say i want to be done. So do what ever works best for you. Good Luck and stick with it.
  • naturegirl84
    YES it is most definitely normal! My first time on the elliptical was brutal!!! I struggled to do 5 minutes! I felt like I should be able to do more as well. Good for you for doing as much as you have been ! keep it up:)
  • catbrand
    catbrand Posts: 227 Member
    If I'm honest, when I got mine I could only manage 3 minutes on it before I was out of breath and my calves were killing me!! I'm really ashamed to admit that, especially as I'm only 25!!

    But I kept doing sets of 3 minutes on it a couple of times a day and when I felt ready I built up to 5 minutes, then 10, 20 etc, now I can do 60 minutes no problem. It only took a couple of months.

    Everyone is different so there is no 'normal' amount you should be able to do as a beginner, but 10-15 minutes sounds fine.
  • rgoodearl
    rgoodearl Posts: 360 Member
    It is absolutley ok that you start out slow ! This will let your body adjust to your new lifestyle while minimizing the injury risk. Just keep at it and add 5 minutes when you feel you're ready. Your body will let you know. Feel free to add me if you want ! Congrats on your new lifestyle !!! :happy:
  • kbmoose
  • Crimson_
    If you are moving, and sweating, and ur heart rates up then its worth doing, it starts slow but you'll get to where u wanna be and where u need to be! good luck, just keep at it and you'll get there!
  • mamitosami
    mamitosami Posts: 531 Member
    Hey, it's likely 10-12 more minutes than the day before you got the elliptical! Good for you! I would absolutely love to have a machine to work out on at home (although, I do admit to fully being a gym rat--LOVE the gym!).

    Good for you and keep us updated on your progress! You'll be so excited by your milestones.
  • ZoayZoay
    ZoayZoay Posts: 60 Member
    I started at 2 minutes last week. I'm up to 4 minutes now. I know this will sound like nothing to some people but after my various injuries and problems I'm pleased with it. (The bicycle and the treadmill I can do for much longer, but the running movement was beyond me to start with.)

    It's at the gym so I can't just hop on for another go, more's the pity. But it's a useful part of the regime there.
  • ultimategar
    ultimategar Posts: 96 Member
    Good start! Remember that the warm-up part of any exercise can be the hardest, mentally and physically. I've been using my elliptical for a long time and I still hate the first ten minutes, but love it after that.
    Keep up the hard work and try to increase your time a little each day. Even if you're barely moving on the lowest setting, that's better than not doing anything!
  • tshea090211
    The elliptical is def a lot harder than most . Sometimes i find it easier if you have someone next to you to talk to.. If you're just on it sometimes its hard to not look at the screen and the time just seems to go by slow...
  • Yori1
    Yori1 Posts: 142
    Try putting the elliptical in front of the TV and watching your favourite shows whilst on it. If find this helps to distract me and i stay much longer than intended. Good luck.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    that's fine starting off. an elliptical is a beast of a machine to start with, lol. and there are some many different variations that target different muscles groups in the arms and legs, and back. so are more difficult than others. long story short, you will build up that endurance to keep going, and I also like that it burns more calories quicker and has less impact on my feet and legs.just throw in a little strength training before or after and some ab work (like 5 minutes) core balls are great for this, (I just had to share, it's like a new toy) haha
  • em9371
    em9371 Posts: 1,047 Member
    thats better than my first attempt! my gym instructor told me to do intervals for weight loss, so I do 1-2 mins slow speed / high resistance, 1-2 mins fast speed / low resistance and repeat as long as I can. it keeps the workout more interesting having it in smaller chunks too instead of say 30 mins of the same thing :)
  • twocsmom
    twocsmom Posts: 120 Member
    I started at 2 minutes last week. I'm up to 4 minutes now. I know this will sound like nothing to some people but after my various injuries and problems I'm pleased with it. (The bicycle and the treadmill I can do for much longer, but the running movement was beyond me to start with.)

    It's at the gym so I can't just hop on for another go, more's the pity. But it's a useful part of the regime there.

    It's a start and that's what matters! When I first started on the elliptical I could only go 2 minutes as well. Now I can go 90 without any problem. You'll get there too...just don't give up!