Staying focused

I find it really difficult to stay motivated over long periods. Usually after a few months I get bored with the food or exercise or logging in my daily intake, that I can find an excuse (work or social commitments) to fall back into bad habits. I know almost everyone goes through this, I just want to know how you stay motivated or pull yourself out of a slump.


  • Maybe find a few friends on here who have similar goals? I dont myself as im trying to put weight on, but its encouraging when you recieve support from others...
  • ced9916
    ced9916 Posts: 3 Member
    the gross feeling i get after falling off the diet wagon really helps re-motivate me...after treating my body good for a while and then eating bad and returning to old habits i feel absolutelt hungover and nasty (without drinking alcohol.) The only problem is i iundo hard work i've done throughout a week in a couple day ordeal.
    Think about how much better you feel when you treat your body right. Slip ups happen and working out is like having a second job...but its worth it in the end.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Visualizing being at my goal weight motivates me. Try and keep something like that in the forefront of your mind.

    Your photo looks like China. I'm 100% motivated to take a trip there next year, and I want to a) fit into and buy clothes while there and b) not stand out as much in a crowd, so those are motivating me too.

    Also, I always imagine that I am eating with my skinny friends. Some of them are so weight-conscious. I eat relatively well, but with them, I eat REALLY well. :wink: Good luck!
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    I sign up for half marathons or some other kind of physical challenge. Once I pay my registration fee, I go. Ready or not. I've done half marathons both ways - well trained and little training. They're waaaaay easier if I've been training.
    FITnFIRM4LIFE Posts: 818 Member
    I look in the mirror now and see things I am proud of. Verses with the extra weight I looked at bra overhang my tummy I would hide in a baggie shirt.
    That motivates me and keeps me on track. My body feels great and my clothes are know longer items to hide and cover.
    And a few other motivators 4 me

    Rocking my jeans at 46;-) lol
    Feeling of accomplishment verses guilt when I had excess weight(example-Monday I will try again, and not do it)
    We all get off track and frustrated.
    Just look at the entire picture and know 80 percent of the time your on track and 20 percent your human, feeling frustrated or having too many calories. If you fall off the motivation band wagon, dust off and feel no guilt,look at the big picture;-) And get your butt back on:-)
    Best of luck
  • Good Morning,

    I am having a discouraging moment here. LOL. I have been doing this for 3 weeks now and I have lost 8 pounds. However, for the past week, my body has been at a stand-still. I haven't lost any more weight but I am still exercising and eating under my calorie limit except for the weekends when I go out of town - then you will see an increase in my eating. I need to know what I am doing wrong. Am I not eating the right foods or what. Please give me some insight. Thanks
  • @ sjtreely: I like the whole idea of mini goals. Going to the gym became part of my routine but at the moment my heart's not into it, I love hiking and I've gotten my friends into it, so I might set up some hiking goals.

    @ Pam080175: Just keep at it, your nody loses weight at different rates. If you're eating healthy and exercising more than you're consuming then eventually you'll lose it.
  • As of late I've been finding it real difficult to stay focused on my diet and exercise routine. I am a mother to an amazing, handsome, 4 month old boy but I still haven't lost the baby weight. I'm a pretty short girl so all this extra weight makes me look like a meatball. I try motivating myself as each day goes by but the lack of energy makes me fail! I'm young and I sure don't want to look like this for the rest of my life. Eating healthy and changing my diet has been real hard but I really want to accomplish my goal of looking like I did before getting pregnant, but most importantly I want to be healthy again!