Lose 30lbs in 30 days??



  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I know you want to lose it quickly...who doesn't? But it's not going to happen. Even if you starved yourself and I mean no food whatsoever for 30 days, I doubt you would get there. You probably didn't put it on in 30 days and it's not going to come off in 30 days. Probably could lose 10 or maybe even 15 but that is with strict eating and working out. Your schedule doesn't look like it's going to allow for workouts and doing one massive workout on weekends isn't going to do it. Start now and plan on looking hot next spring and summer. If you put it off now, in May you will be wanting to drop 30 pounds for the summer. If you start now, it will be gone by February.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I know I can't probably do it healthily and it may not stay off. I don't care. I need to do this. Please help me.

    Run! Run a lot and eat protien rich low calorie meals. Stick to aerobics and not much strength training. This is not good advice for long term weight loss, but if you are looking for a quick fix that you don't expect to maintain long term. This is probably your best bet. And one month of it won't kill you.
  • H2Ologist
    H2Ologist Posts: 122 Member
    Not the healthiest goal.

    But, Instead of starving yourself. Increase your protein in the form of low-fat, easily digestible soy proteins. Try The protein shakes from GNC or other heath food stores. The protein with help build muscle, keep you full and give your body the needed energy to keep going. Starving yourself is NOT going to give you the energy you need to burn fat. Not to mention that if you starve yourself, you will FEEL deprived and then give up. Try two shakes a day, one healthy snack and one colorful meal. You can eat what you want for the meal, just eat a little less than what you usually would and make sure it has all of the food groups.

    Good luck.
  • Didn't work for Karen Carpenter very well.
  • Sounds a little dangerous.
  • sounds plenty dangerous...

    look, it didnt all go on in a month... so it CANNOT come off in a month. So quit thinking like that
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    A pound a day. 3500 calorie a day deficit, without working out. Logically and mathmatically impossible.

    If you cease all nourishment beyong water your calorie deficit will be equivalent to your BMR, so maybe 2000 or 2200 a day.

    If you choose to try this we would strongly recommend you get one of them "Life-alert" things,,, 'cause you're probably going to fall, and you're probably not going to be able to get up.
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,357 Member
    That's a pound a day, you should really try not to lose more then 2lbs a week. The quicker you lose it, the quicker you are probably going to gain it.
  • sariana
    sariana Posts: 11 Member
    that doesnt sound healthy , if you really want to loose weight, try to stay away from junk food during the week and eat healthy, make a plan of what your going to eat during the week and stick to it and on weekends do some cardio, you will see the difference, but it takes longer than 30 days to loose 30 pounds, be carefull
  • rmwinters
    rmwinters Posts: 288 Member
    You can try, but you will most likely gain the weight back just as fast (happens to me) and its unhealthy.
  • morganhccstudent724
    morganhccstudent724 Posts: 1,261 Member
    Really?!? What kind of question is this?
  • maxxmore
    maxxmore Posts: 25 Member
    You are looking for a temporary fix, which will not work. As a previous MFP said, get a different dress. Your health is more important than fitting into a dress. Our health is a gift and we should not play with it. Dont mean to be hard on you!
  • The disturbing thing is you know this is unhealthy and you said you "don't care"? Please care. You only have 1 life, 1 body. Fitting into a dress is nothing to sacrifice your health for. You can do real damage by starving yourself. I really hope these responces have helped you and if not, go to your doctor and maybe he or she can help you.
  • dvankuiken
    dvankuiken Posts: 67 Member
    Even though it seems virtually impossible to do - the dangers far outweigh the benefits. It is important to choose a healthy lifestyle and stick with it. I'm sure there's been a time or two that we've all wished we were 30 pounds lighter for the holidays. It is important to realize that you will get 30 pounds lighter, if you work on it. However, it is not healthy nor safe to do so in a month.
  • cmr9059
    cmr9059 Posts: 2 Member
    The word that comes to my mind is "anorexia"...seriously, go talk to a doctor! This "diet" at best is only going to leave you ravenous at the end of the day and more prone to "fail"; at worst, you'll end up in the hospital. Don't kill yourself just to fit into a dress.
  • If you wanted to lose 30lbs to fit into a dress by Christmas you should have started in August at the latest--I started in August at close you your current weight, and have lost 28 lbs to date...that's losing between 1-4 lbs a week which a lot was likely water...

    30lbs in 30days is not only ridiculous but impossible. Especially if you want to continue to live your normal daily life ie: working, studying etc. because even if it were possible to limit your calories and then burn additional calories to that extreme...you would be so flippin tired that you couldn't function.

    Seriously, buy a new dress-I'm sure there will be lots of gorgeous dresses on sale this time of year---take your pick!
  • You don't necessarily have to lose pounds to fit into the dress, do you? If you were to experience a significant loss in inches while maintaining the same weight, I think the results would be similar. Either way, you're not going to reach your goal if you can't exercise during the week. Try something short like Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred or Ripped in 30... people usually have pretty good inch loss results with those, and it's only 20 minutes so I'm sure you could find a way to fit it in if you really tried. Maybe you won't fit into the dress in time for Christmas, so buy a new dress... but you'll feel better than you do now at least.
  • Wow ...

    Why has losing 30 lbs become such an urgent priority on Nov 29, 2011? I see you have been a MFP member since 2010,

    Have you ever in your whole life been able to lose 30 lbs in 30 days and keep it off? What makes you believe you could do it between Thanksgiving and Christmas when the food and wine is flowing and temptation is around every corner?

    The notion of losing 30lbs in 30 days seems unobtainable and doomed for failure from the start. Talk about setting yourself up for a season of self-loathing, regret and personal recrimination.

    With your busy schedule and the added stress of the holidays why burden yourself with more pressure and stress. While goal setting is admirable it needs to be grounded in reality.

    Perhaps you could somehow jolt yourself back to the here and now and reassess your goals and priorities. Set some goals that will make you feel good about yourself now and in the future. Would you consider re-evaluating your short term goals and setting some realistic, sustainable and noticeable goals for December 2012.

    For instance, your short term goal could be to lose one pound per week between now and January 2, 2012 (no small feat with the food and wine flowing). Have your holiday outfit altered or consider a smashing new a holiday outfit you look terrific in now.

    Your long term goal could be to sustain a weight loss of 5lbs per month for all of 2012.

    PS if you weigh 275 lbs whose picture are you using in your profile? Another goal could be to post a current picture on the first day of each month.
  • QueenStromba
    QueenStromba Posts: 57 Member
    I'm going to go against the grain here and say that it's perfectly possible to lose close to 30 pounds in a month given your starting weight if you cut out all processed food, sugar, starchy carbs, reduce your sodium and increase your protein to about 150g a day. Your diet would have to consist of lean protein like fish, lean meat, eggs and low fat dairy along with low carb veg such as celeriac, broccoli, cauliflower and babycorn - eat as much as you need of these foods in order to not feel hungry all the time. Before everyone starts arguing with me over this, a lot of the weight will be water weight so the 30 x 3500 calorie deficit doesn't hold.
  • megz4987
    megz4987 Posts: 1,008 Member
    Didn't work for Karen Carpenter very well.

    Pretty much.

    When I ate half a granola bar (45calories) a day, walked 5+ miles a day and took 4-6 ephedra pills a day, I still didn't lose 30lb in 30days so it's literally unachievable. Also, whether you have this goal for the month and think it'll jsut be a crash diet or not, if you don't reach it (which you 99.9% probably will not) you will have given yourself an unhealthy mindset and beat the **** out of yourself mentally. Just stating probable cause...

    Be careful, you only get one body and one life to live. You don't want to be in the hospital for Christmas/New Year.
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