Finally fighting the pounds!

Hey all, Im a 20 year old female just looking for some people to talk to/with on the site. Used to use the app on my iphone but got 'bored' and lazy of the whole diet and exercise concept but im back in rhythym and its going well so far!


  • Speedtrap
    Welcome back,
    Keep trying, it is the only way to go!
  • dy54
    dy54 Posts: 3
    Good for you. I'm a bit older like 30+ yrs. but i'm with you.Sick of dieting.. sick of the extra weight. At my age it starts to effect your health...
    I like that "Fighting the pounds"...Good Luck
  • carrie_eggo
    carrie_eggo Posts: 1,396 Member
    Welcome! It definitely helps to have MFP friends to motivate you. :smile:
  • kimb091
    Thanls guys, such good motivation on this site i love it! Been sticking to calories and exercise, this is only my second day but i feel great and enthusiastic! Only have 10 lbs to lose but theyre such stubborn things! ha Good luck with your journey the rest of you.