Momma Needs to Get Her Body Back

I am a 27 year old SAHM mother of two under the age of two (boy and girl) ages 1 and 2.5. I had a C-Section almost a year ago and had begun losing weight slowly. Then I had decided to get the Depo Shot (mistake) and over the course of six months gained about 20lbs. Now my weight is hoovering around 220 and I am ready to get my body back. I need some help and encouragement......but I am sure looking to see those results. Will be beginning the 30 Day Shred on December 1, 2011.


  • What is the 30 day shred? i am a SAHM too! I have to wonderful girls. I have gain about 30 since i have had both of them and looking to lose it. I have a hard time staying motivated to do it so just need that little push to keep me going!
  • I'm a working mum but feel your pain ladies. My baby is now almost 15 months old and I am still carrying the weight. I have lost 12lbs since June 2011. Waiting on my 30 Day Shred dvd being delivered :)
  • I am 25 years old and on the same boat as you....I have 3 kids all under the age of 7 have been struggling with my weight ever since. I am new to this but i'd gladly help to motivate you.. :happy: ..WE all need the same thing..:wink: ..I am hoping to lose 40 pounds....What is the 30 day shred???:huh:
  • In the same boat, SAHM of two insane little girls! I'm going to give the 30 day shred a go tonight! Wish me luck ;)
  • Jaytee79
    Jaytee79 Posts: 237 Member
    This Momma wantes her body back too! 30DS is a great start! I didn't lose a lot of weight with it...but lost a lot of inches so make sure you take measurements before you start! Feel free to add me as a friend...I would love to help motivate and encourage another Momma trying to get back to her pre baby body!
  • I'm a SAHM of five, myself. Ages 14, 12, 5, 3 (4 next month) and a 17 month old (18 months on the 3rd). :)

    I started dieting when I knew I was up over 200 (I stopped weighing at 206, so there's a chance it was even higher). I joined here when I cracked into One-derland.

    I go to the gym (childcare at a gym is a wonderful thing, especially for a SAHM!!) and I have dabbled with the 30 DS. I had great results even doing some modifications!

    Good luck!!
  • NikHef
    NikHef Posts: 2 Member
    I am a 38 year old working mom of 4. My youngest is 16 months and I am still carrying about 18 lbs of baby weight. My plan was to lose all the baby weight while I was home on maternity leave (12 weeks) and here I am almost a year and a half later still overweight. I was using MFP religiously a few months ago and working out with the Couch To 5K running program and I had started the 30 day shred. Needless to say, I am impatient and I stopped doing all of it when I wasn't seeing the results I wanted fast enough. Two weeks ago I decided I needed to get back into it and attack the holiday season head on. I haven't been as religious about tracking my food on MFP but I have been hitting the gym about 5 days a week and I am in week 4 of the Couch To 5K program (again)! I've gained one lb in the last two weeks but I lost about 1.5% body fat so I guess that's a start. Good Luck to everyone and let me know how any of you make out with the 30 day shred. Maybe I'll go back and try it again if you are seeing results.
  • I am a 26 year old working mom of 1...but, I've gained a desk baby. I work lots of hours in the day, night and on the weekend. I carry a lot of stress as well, which, no doubt, does not help.

    I own 30 Day Shred (Jillian Michael's dvd), wii fit, Y membership and free facility membership in my hometown, a Gazelle at home and have done every diet know to man I think.

    I just can't stay on track to save my life.
  • quiksandy
    quiksandy Posts: 246 Member
    I'm a stay-at-home / work-from-home mom of 2 boys (8 and 4). My oldest has autism and it seems like I had been just completely consumed with caring for him and forgot to care for myself. Before kids I was about 125 lbs. After I got all the way up to 163 (which is a lot for me since I'm a very small framed person..and short 5'4.5"). I knew I needed to make a change but never thought I had it in me to lose the weight.

    In August I finally made the choice to try some new things and ended up on MFP by accident. It was one of the best things I ever did. I went from wimpy workouts to maximizing my workouts to increase my calories burned. I was also stunned at the calories I was consuming. I just had no idea I was overeating so much.

    Now, 3 1/2 months later I am 116.4 lbs and 17.5% BF (started at 33% BF). Trust me, I am not the person I expected could do this. That was other people. People with gumption and strength. I felt I had neither. But I stuck with it on the days I wanted to quit and cry. I had TONS of support from MFP friends. Without that, I'm convinced I would not have had success. Stick with it. If I can do this, YOU totally can!
  • Lily_1
    Lily_1 Posts: 38
    Just know everything begins first with a thought. You made the first step already. If you can believe it and see yourself where you want to be you can do it! If you would like food tips/ideas let me know.
  • My story is almost Identical to yours...I was on depo while I was engaged for 2 years and gained 70lbs (I was around 195 when I got married) while on it. After I got married I lost 25lbs and got pregnant with my oldest (whose almost 5) by the time she was 15months I was 155lbs and pregnant with number 2 and I gained 60 lbs with him and could never drop below 180 while I was nursing him and when I stopped nursing at 10months I got pregnant with #3 who is now 10 months and no longer nursing. I really want my body back especially since we are done having kids and DH is finally deciding to lose weight. I am also a SAHM....and I have a really hard time getting a workout in.....the only thing that seems to work is wii fit and just dance....the kids love playing with me.
  • edithcita
    edithcita Posts: 13 Member
    Hello ladies! I relate to all of you. I have a 2 1/2 year old. I gained 40lbs with pregnancy and I was already 15lbs over my ideal weight. I lost 10lbs within a month of giving birth, but then I gained it all back and then some. I am at my heaviest ever, 175lbs. (I am 5'4') I work full time and it is hard to find time to workout. I also struggle with snacking during working hours, I have a pretty sedentary job, so that does not help either. I used to run 5miles every other day and now I am running zero! I understand that it was before I had my kid and I had more spare time but I want to get back on track!

    Have a blessed day and hang in there.!
  • 30 day shred is a Jillian Michael workout video. It's short but effective...only 20 minutes. Great when you can't fit in a full workout. I use it along with her other video "No More Trouble Zones". I use these on days I can't (or don't want to) get to the gym. Give them a try.
  • 30 day shred is supposed to be fab, i have the dvd too but keep meaning to start it :-/

    Anyway HI.... I'm Gemma, I'm 25 and a SAHM to 2 girls aged 1 and 2 (3 in jan) I gained most of my weight during my 1st pregnancy then once i decided to start dieting i lost a stone and found out i was expecting baby number 2, i was infact almost 11 weeks gone so had to stop the cambridge diet (500 calories a day is no good for a growing baby lol)

    I tried to eat as well as possible and exercises as much as i could which kinda paid off as all i gained the 2nd time was just the stone i had lost before finding out i was expecting again.

    I joined this site a week ago and am finding it amazing, i never realised how many calories i ate until i have started sticking to the 1300 daily amount i have been set but do feel so much better for it although im yet to do my first weigh in hehe

    Good luck with your journey and feel free to add me x
  • I'm new at this too. Let's be friends and we can help each other. :)
  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    oh my! I am a SAHM of a 4 yr old and 1 yr old. I would love to start the 30ds with u. U sound vry motivating. Welcome to MFP!
  • What is that about the 30 day ??