P90X/Insanity Hybrid, anyone?

Hi everyone,

I'm currently 7 weeks into P90X, but taking it easy this week because after a food filled Thanksgiving, I decided to try the Shakeology cleanse. On Thursday, to kick things up post-cleanse, I plan on adding Insanity to my workouts. Has anyone done this before? And if so, how's it going?


  • elcorcoran
    The lack of cardio in P90X is my same exact concern. Is the schedule you follow on Beachbody.com?
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    To be honest the hybrid isn't probably going to help much with maintaining muscle. You have to be doing extremely heavy weights and be sure to avoid a calorie deficit to do this. P90X uses a lot of calisthetics w/high reps. This is going to give you a calorie burn closer to cardio. On the contrary though, I have not noticed much loss when doing P90X or Insanity for that matter. I mean, my Bench Press and other strength exercises are still near what they were before.

    As for the OP question. There have been days I have done both just for extra burn and because I'm addicted haha. I'm not sure how beneficial it is, but remember the rule of thumb for weightloss is caloric deficit. Just make sure you aren't burning out. That 1 or 2 days you ate more aren't going to kill your exercise so I'd think you would be fine w/o clense and getting back to your normal routine.
  • ohpiper
    ohpiper Posts: 729 Member
    Hi there,

    I've been doing a combination of P90X and Insanity for awhile now. It's very effective. After doing the Insanity Max workouts, the P90X Plyo workout has become a whole lot easier. Actually by doing the P90X/Insanity combo and combining that with the use of this site to track my diet, I've had the most effective results so far. If you stick with it, and are good with your diet, good results are unavoidable! I've had to buy new clothes; I'm leaner than my high school football days and probably in even better shape thanks to the work w P90X. Just stick with it, don't let excuses get in the way, and you will be more than happy with your results.
  • tbudge
    tbudge Posts: 114
    My hubby does a P90x/Insanity Hybrid and he loves it! I can see amazing results on him. He said it makes the cardio easier in Insanity, and from what I see he has a lot more endurance for the strength training in P90
  • deseablev
    Does anyone have a calendar they can share for their hybrid? Or how do you guys go about it? I'm trying to figure out how to combine insanity and p90x. Thanks!