Exercise motivation!!

I need help with fitting in exercise. My situtation is not much different than anyone else. i dont like getting up early to go but I also am so zapped after work once I pick up the toddler...(i only have one child)..I have a gym membership at planet fitness and its only a 15 min drive from home. Can you all help with suggestions to help me get motivated.please and thank you ..I want to have a great success story too...muah!!


  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    a 15 minute drive is certainly enough to keep you from the gym if you are not otherwise a gym lover. My recommendation is to find an exercise DVD program that you can do at home. try to get into that...its something you can do when its convenient for you (sometimes that will be in the morning; sometimes after work). If you grow to enjoy it, perhaps you'll be more motivated to start going to the gym.
  • i used the very things that were my excuses as motivators. i get up everyday and eat right, exercise and maintain spirituality so that i can be here for my family. i used to say i couldn't go because of them, now i go because of them.
  • amandavictoria80
    amandavictoria80 Posts: 734 Member
    Unfortunately, motivation to work out has to come from yourself. From within. Sure, we can all tell you to JUST DO IT and all that jazz, but YOU have to want it bad enough.

    If you find it hard to go to the gym, as I would, what about finding things to do right at home? Work out videos are a great way to do this.
    You can also just use you and your own body. Put on some music and dance! Dancing is a great work out and makes you feel great. There are tons of things you can do. Squats, lunges, push ups, crunches, etc.

    I wish you lots of luck!!!!! I know finding motivation can be very hard. The majority of us all experience it. You just gotta kick your own butt!
    Feel free to add me if you want! :)
  • TranceGirl
    TranceGirl Posts: 121 Member
    I agree with H Factor, 15 minutes would be too long for me too. I like home videos and you get a better workout than just getting on the treadmill or elliptical because you have a virtual trainer on your screen pushing you.

    good luck!

    MSG me if you need ideas on good home exercise videos. :)
  • I agree! I have wasted so much money joining gyms over the years and NEVER using them. I currently use my dvds, right now I'm doing Jillian's 30 DS and I walk laps around my office. There's great ways to fit in exercise right at home. Play your favorite CD and dance around with your toddler for 30 mins. Exercise plus family time! Just be creative and have fun!
  • Gabriall
    Gabriall Posts: 101 Member
    sometimes its very hard to get motivated to go, believe me! and I love the gym, my trick is to focus on how good I feel when I have finished and also, its "me" time. I go into the gym, I put my headphones on, I listen to audio books so for me going to the gym means "reading" a couple more chapters of my faverate author while getting my buzz on.

    some days I have simply told myself, its reading time, the gym part comes by itself.

    But a big part of exersize is finding the right thing for you, some people love classes (I hate them!) they are social and exersize at the same time, also guided so you dont have to think about it, some people love running (I miss it sooo much) because theres a sense of freedom, some love competition, even if it is with themselves (nooo not me honest).

    try something new :) if it doesnt work, dont sweat it try something else.

    Running outdoors (discovering new places) was my faverate and will be again when I am physically capable, chinese martial arts (because it was fun to be fit and a little scary too) and i will get back to that too. gym probably my third faverate, its my me time my reading time and i love the feeling when im finished.

    :) If you need some ideas please feel free to add me and ask away
  • jackswife1207
    jackswife1207 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm struggling with time constraints and motivation myself! I'm not sure where to find it but I'm looking myself! I think we need to just come to the point where we are tired of looking and/or feeling the way we do, and change it! If you're like me, you know what has to happen and that you can do it, it's just a matter of getting it done! I'm like you though. By evening I don't want to do anything but can't hardly drag myself up in the morning as it is, much less to exercise.

    I just joined a challenge for accountability on this site. It's a 75 mile walking challenge to get me moving. Maybe something like that would help.
  • Babieseverywhere
    Babieseverywhere Posts: 311 Member
    I would cancel the gym and use the money for a babysitter a couple times a week, so you have time to go for a run or bike ride and I like the suggestion of doing dvd's at home. I like the 30 Day Shred, it doesn't like me yet ;)
  • I agree
  • thanks everyone!!! really good tips and tricks here
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    if you really want to use your gym membership, find a buddy to go with you. I am far more likely to get out there and DO something if there's someone else doing it too. Better yet, get your workout buddy and take the toddler for a walk in the stroller. Even at night, after dark, if you're in a safe neighbourhood, walking can be super fun because you can see in people's houses! I went for a late night walk with a buddy a few weeks ago - we did 5 miles after 7.30pm! It was fun seeing who was out, into people's houses and looking at the light fixtures and stuff! lol Seriously, a buddy to walk with or go to the gym with is definitely the way forward.
  • gazz777
    gazz777 Posts: 722
    Walking with infant ... it's in MFP ! You can use that 15 minutes at home with weight. Quash the arguments and do it ! And I know you can. Moms can do anything, and WILL do anything to be there for their family... Serving them is easier when you are healthy, fit, and breathing !
  • Find an old picture of yourself at a weight that you think you look good at (preferably in a swim suit) and put it up where you will see it every day as a reminder of what you're working for. This works for me. My husband has a 24" x 36" poster of me in a bikini (at around 120lbs) in our garage and every time I see that poster I know that I want to look like that again. Also someone else mentioned dancing as exercise. Put on some music and dance with your toddler. Kids love to dance. Keeps you in shape, the kid out of trouble and has the added bonus of wearing their little butts out so they go to bed on time and stay there. ;)