Weekend Trouble

I do awesome through the entire week, but as soon as the weekend hits I just fall apart. I didn't even log Saturday or Sunday. I didn't exercise either day, and I didn't keep track of what I ate. And it makes it so much harder on Monday to get back into the routine. I feel like everything I accomplished last week has been lost. Any ideas????


  • msce2
    msce2 Posts: 35
    I do awesome through the entire week, but as soon as the weekend hits I just fall apart. I didn't even log Saturday or Sunday. I didn't exercise either day, and I didn't keep track of what I ate. And it makes it so much harder on Monday to get back into the routine. I feel like everything I accomplished last week has been lost. Any ideas????
  • shellynbuzz
    I can totally relate. I do really good thru the week and then the weekend comes and I have trouble sticking with it. I have tried a couple of things that help. One- I plan my meals ahead of time for the weekend so on Saturday I don't have to think about what I'm going to eat, its in the fridge ready for me and two- I try to do some kind of different excercise on the weekend, not my usual, I have two kids so I take them swimming or bowling, just something fun that gets me out of the house. Hope this helps, but don't be to hard on yourself, we all have days when we can't stay on the wagon.
  • rhondababy
    rhondababy Posts: 119
    Yup- weekends are much harder. I think because our routine is different, and most of us want to relax ALL of our routine- work, sleep. and food.
    I haven't solved this problem, but think I am going to choose an evening where I don't worry so much, and see if this helps.
    Please post again if you think of anything.
  • kristie874
    kristie874 Posts: 774 Member
    I do the same exact thing. I am able to pack my foods for the day and figure out my calories while I'm away from home, at work, M-F, but the weekends...well...that's another story. I have a good routine that I stick to M-F and it's been great so far. I still try to watch what I eat on the weekends, but if I want a burger, I'll have it from time to time. I work out 5 days a week, too, and don't worry about it on the weekends. My weight loss has been slow (only 25 pounds since November) but consistent. I'm okay with losing slowly and eating some of the "bad" foods that I want from time to time because I am trying to make a lifestyle change rather than just diet, lose weight, then go back to what I was doing before to get as fat as I got. Sometimes I am all over the board for a week or two and can't stick to anything, but I try to make as good of decisions as I can. It is an effort to stick to all this but it's definitely worth it!
  • msce2
    msce2 Posts: 35
    Thanks everyone! It's great to know I'm not the only one out there struggling with this. I think it's an awesome idea about planning meals!

    Kristie - Congratulations on your weight loss!!!!
  • catlover
    catlover Posts: 389
    Meal planning can be fun. And if you like to cook or want to learn to cook or even don't mind cooking, look at it as a challenge to improve your skills. Spend a little time looking for a couple of new things to try on the week end and then go for it.