Newcomer Saying Hello!

Hey, my name's Charina and I'm pretty new to this site so I figured a hello was needed!

A little about myself if you're curious: I'm 19, 5'5, and weigh 130 pounds currently. My main goal is to drop some weight, 10 pounds at the most then gain muscle. I read that you won't start to really see tone and definition if the fat is covering your muscles so I do need to lose a few pounds. But the reason why I'm doing this is pretty simple and common: To be healthy and appealing, healthy being the most important, but looking good doesn't hurt either!

I remember being an active 6th grader, always running around, playing sports, climbing trees and challenging myself when the others doubted me. I loved a challenge back then. But as the years went on, I became less active and more of a reclusive couch potato. I never realized the full extent of it until I started working out recently. I couldn't even jog for a full 30 seconds without losing my breathe completely and becoming tired. I couldn't believe it! My endurance was shot, and I knew I was out of shape. Being small and skinny means nothing, and it doesn't mean you're healthy or in shape, and boy have I learned this lesson!

So I joined a community gym a week or so ago, and plan on going 4 times a week minimum, maybe more if I decide to. Weight lifting, jogging on the treadmill to get my endurance back up to where it used to be, and just feeling good overall. I'm tired of being tired, sick of feeling sluggish and unmotivated.

So here I am! And I hope to get tons of inspiration and guidance from you all.
