looking for advice...

I've been on this website for quite a while and I'm struggling. I'm admittedly not putting my whole heart and soul into it...... I'm so ready to get going, to just see even 5 lbs of weight loss. I'm going to go to orlando with a friend in early March, and I really wanted to go as a reward to myself. (the bad part is that I have to buy the tickets now) What do you think is a realistic goal to set for my self? Am I better off to set a goal of a certain ammount of pounds lost, or just staying on track for a particular ammount of time? I hate setting dates for myself because when I get there and I don't reach them, I feel so terrible. any ideas for how to turn this into a reward?


  • kristilovescake
    kristilovescake Posts: 669 Member
    Set a series of small goals, say 10 goals, and if you fulfill 6 of them then you deserve a reward?

    Such as:
    1) Lose 10 pounds
    2) Eat 7 servings of fruits/veggies a day
    3) Track food every day
    4) Exercise at least 45 minutes at least 3 times a week
    5) Drink 10 cups of water a day
    etc, etc.

    That way if you don't manage to succeed in all goals, but you are able to stay on track with most of the goals, then you deserve a reward and breaking it down makes it more manageable.

    I've found a series of small goals is a lot easier to focus on than one or two big ones... and if you have a handful of options you won't feel like a failure if you only succeed in a handful of them.
  • Speedtrap
    Small achievable goals are the way to go.
    The more you achieve the better you feel, the better you feel the more you will want to do.
  • Spotter1983
    Spotter1983 Posts: 2 Member
    I think that Krohnie has the right of it. That's an amazing idea!

    But, honestly, I struggle myself, and hopefully what I'm trying to do for myself will help you. It's been difficult, because if I have the choice between the salad and the burger, 9/10 I'm going to choose the burger. I find that if I try to keep a diary, or enter the food as I go during the day, I'll know that "Crap, for dinner I need to eat something light or I'm going to blow it."

    What helped me the most, though, was trying to make sure that I was surrounded by good choices, and eating snacks. My willpower is next to none, but I'm also kinda lazy in the fact that, if it's at my house, I'll eat it instead of going out. Thus, if I have yogurt , nuts ( Like Walnuts, almonds, raw/unroasted) available at my finger tips for snacks, which help make me not as hungry, which in turn make me not want a whole lot to eat which then makes me not as picky with what I'm craving.

    Also, drinking water is a must. I even started drinking those Slenderize Fuze drinks. They're about .75 a pop where I live on sale, and they taste great, have vitamins, and help me stay full. If you don't like the taste of water, I've found that Mio of Crystal Light is helpful to sweeten the taste, or drink it near freezing. The coldness of that kinda numbs your mouth to the taste and you're more likely to drink more of it.

    Also, there are wonderful books called, "Eat this, Not that." And they have a book for eating out at various restaurants ( which I myself like to do...often...). They say, "If you're absolutely craving fast food, instead of the Big Mac, maybe try a grilled chicken sandwhich from here!"

    Everyone is different, and trying to do what worked for one person may not work for another. You have to try to get yourself motivated and friends honestly help with that as well. I joined here at the behest of a good friend and I find myself more likely to stay to the good because they can now see what I eat! haha.

    Find a forum where you have mini goals and can post what you're doing and get support!!!! It's awesome!

    So, I guess in short:
    1) Don't weight yourself every day.
    2) Eat 5 smaller meals a day
    3) Drink lots of water, and even try drinking a glass before you eat something to help full you up!
    4) Try to make the better choice if you go out to eat!
    5) Don't get discouraged!!!
    6) Talk to other folks and friends!!!

    Good luck!!!!
  • maddymama
    maddymama Posts: 1,183 Member
    Similar to the other pp, I do better when I set goals for myself that are entirely in my control, rather than for losing weight. I focus more on exercising 6 days a week, eating healthier, drinking more water, etc. The scale can be tricky, but the other stuff I have complete control over.
  • stevwil41
    stevwil41 Posts: 608 Member
    I started out wanting to lose 70 lbs and I broke it up into the first 20 and then 25 and 25. I still haven't made the second 25 but my goals have changed a little. Now it's more about size than weight. One more pants size and I'll be in an area I'm comfortable with and that'll probably be within about 5 to 10 lbs of my original goal.

    Basically, set a few goals that you feel comfortable with, 10 lb increments or whatever, but be prepared for them to possible change a little. Good luck with everything:)
  • macd40
    macd40 Posts: 14
    I find I do the same thing...the small goals is definitely the way to go. The one thing that I find really works is to log in and be accountable to myself each day. For six weeks I was logging in whether I had a good day or no and lost 10 lbs. When I stopped logging in and wasn't holding myself accountable, I started the old bad habits and gained back weight. I've just returned after six weeks and know that if I can go day by day I will be successful. I set small goals for each day and allow myself to feel good for meeting the small success - eventually the small success will result in a big success.
  • elimendoza31
    elimendoza31 Posts: 359 Member
  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    hi there,

    i think the fact that you care enough to be here and seek out the help of others is a great first step. you should pat yourself on the back for that. i think that is probably one of the hardest things to do- get started when the end is so far off.

    i also think your admitting that you aren't 100% in it is another giant step. you can only do this for you. when your heart isn't in it, it is way harder to want to do anything, and because of that, the results just don't show up either.

    i would say fake it till you make it. there will be days when you just will not want to do a darn thing- but remember this: something is better than nothing. that means, like everyone else said: set up small goals.

    one easy goal is to eat as many home-cooked meals as possible. if you are strapped for time, set up a day to cook measure out your servings and freeze them. when you're hungry or need to take food with you, simply heat and eat!

    another easy goal is to keep healthy snacks with you. this way you will never go hungry, and you will never allow yourself to use the vending machine or drive-thru out of pure hunger.

    everyone here has given great advice...i hope this steers you in the right direction. as for the trip: go for it! you shouldn't punish yourself because of your weight. a trip should be fun regardless of what size you are- period.
  • istalkzombies
    istalkzombies Posts: 344 Member
    Set a series of small goals, say 10 goals, and if you fulfill 6 of them then you deserve a reward?

    Such as:
    1) Lose 10 pounds
    2) Eat 7 servings of fruits/veggies a day
    3) Track food every day
    4) Exercise at least 45 minutes at least 3 times a week
    5) Drink 10 cups of water a day
    etc, etc.

    That way if you don't manage to succeed in all goals, but you are able to stay on track with most of the goals, then you deserve a reward and breaking it down makes it more manageable.

    I've found a series of small goals is a lot easier to focus on than one or two big ones... and if you have a handful of options you won't feel like a failure if you only succeed in a handful of them.

    this is a pretty good idea here
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thanks! I'm so glad that people bothered to answer! I just put it out there and wasn't sure if people would just blow it off or not. (kind of what my husband does when I bring it up!) so Thanks. I will think about the small goals, find ones that work for me, and work hard at it. (and not just till I go to orlando! Forever!)