Logging sprints?

Hi guys! So i do track in high school and today we did 10 sprints up a hill and six 100 meter sprints.. how would you guys log this? I'm not really sure what to enter it in as! Should i not even count it and try to get another hour of exercise beyond that? That would be a lot but I don't really know what to do. Just wondering what your guys opinion is! Thanks for the help! :D


  • splashwags
    splashwags Posts: 262 Member
    Would definitely log it. Try running? when you ge a chance try a get a HR monitor. That way you can accurately log the calories. Maybe Santa?
  • caitylynn62
    caitylynn62 Posts: 99 Member
    yeah I might just log the legth of track as running..I don't know haha thanks for the idea about the heart rate monitor!
  • Kim55555
    Kim55555 Posts: 987 Member
    I've been doing 30 second hill sprints that last 16 minutes. I have been choosing the jogging up stairs option!

    248 calories burned for 16 minutes.

    MFP lists 248 calories burnt for 30 minutes of slow jogging and I figure that because of the high intensity of hill sprints I would definately have burnt 258 calories in my small session.

    I get a way better workout doing hill sprints than a slow jog! If I hadn't burnt exactly that amount then the post exercise oxygen consumption will be high because I am that exhausted and physically ill at the end of it, 248 calories does it justice.