After workout face stuffing

Gotta find a way to deal with the post workout face stuffing. Its throwing me over the past few nights. But I feel like I am starving when I get home after working out in the evening. Maybe its what I am eating and its not filling me.


  • sryan8408
    Luna protein bar and an apple are what I have after my workouts. They're flavored like sweet treats so you'll think you're getting an awesome candy bar but really youre getting the protein you need to recover!
  • thecrossfitter
    thecrossfitter Posts: 424 Member
    Hard to say...
    -Maybe you need a few more calories throughout the day on workout days?
    -Maybe you should just be mindful of WHAT you feed yourself after a workout. Recovery foods are good, but if you're going far over your calories for the day you might want to add in some other foods, too (Seriously... try to go over your calories in carrots, I dare yah :) lol)
    -Or maybe it is a mental thing where you aren't hungry but feel like you want to eat/deserve it? (Sort of like this:,9171,1914974,00.html mentality. Note, I'm NOT saying I think that exercise won't make you thin - BUT if you just eat it all back + some it WILL undo your work)

    Hmm... that's all I have in my brainstorm for the moment. Any of the above sounding like it might apply? I'm just trying to think of reasons it might be, then can brainstorm how to attack/solve it :)
  • Have a low calorie shake, frozen yogurt...or something that will give you a boost but takes a while to eat it. Then see how you feel.
  • SafireBleu
    SafireBleu Posts: 881 Member
    Have a protein shake. Try to not eat more calories than you actually burned.
  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I make a post-workout trail mix to munch on after working out on my way to pick up my daughter from school. It varies each time I make it, but usually consists of cashews, roasted edamame beans (this is the only time I like these!), some sort of roasted seeds, and a small bit of chocolate covered berries. My trick is to only ever bring the amount I am allowing myself to much, if I bring a whole cup of this stuff I will eat it all, but usually half a cup or less fills my munchy and protein needs. If not, I add in a thing of muscle milk. Best of luck!!
  • Trechechus
    Trechechus Posts: 2,819 Member
    I wolf down a lot of water when I'm done with a workout. It helps fill my stomach, so I'm not tempted to make a b-line for the fridge.
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,090 Member
    I tried to combine main meal with post-meal.
    I work out before my late dinner so I can have a big dinner.
    Also do cardio work out with empty stomach do burn more fat.
    1 hour the work out I may have a light snack if I'm hungry. Drink some tea (caffeine) before the work out for energy.