Love my new weight loss tool!!

I love working out and staying active, but I have a problem eating the right foods and limiting the amount of food I eat. I am so excited that my cousin introduced this site to me!! I know this is the key to finally getting back into my skinny jeans!


  • xhellokittycatx
    Welcome!! You can do this!! I showed my best friend this website today.
  • Crystal_R84
    Crystal_R84 Posts: 88 Member
    I think as long as you aren't gaining weight and look great it's ok too enjoy's too short! I love working out, eating healthy but my husband and I love good food and drinks and I will totally allow myself 1-2 times a week to cheat on a meal. the rest of the week i usually eat clean. pick 1-2 days that a meal will be a cheat won't feel bad, just make sure you still workout and eat for the other meals. =-) is too short and not that serious...enjoy it with those you love =-)
  • ryanperna
    ryanperna Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! I've been here 2 weeks and am seeing a great deal of success. It really works!
  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Welcome too the site.. Cool name by the way.. lol
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    That's also what I love about this site. You don't feel deprived. To the contrary, you can eat what you want but just have to watch your calorie intake. I pretty much eat the same way I always have, except I pay more attention when I'm getting close to my calorie limit.

    Also, I picked up 30 Day Shred after reading about it on MFP and it's awesome! Definitely has helped tone my core. Do a search on MFP and you'll see lots of threads.