
Any other young moms out there trying to lose the baby weight? I just had my second son 6 weeks ago and never fully recovered from my first. I need all the motivation I can get!!


  • Dexy_
    Dexy_ Posts: 593 Member
    I had my second bub 9 weeks ago! Add me if you like :)
  • Flanski

    I had my second 4 months ago and my first was only 16 months old, so i can relate. I never fully recovered from my first pregnancy either. I lost about half the weight I put on then got pregnant again. It's feels much hard to loose the weight this time around. But pregnancy does quite a number on our bodies, can't expect it to be the same.

    Support is here if you need. :)
  • Megan5683
    Megan5683 Posts: 47 Member
    I had my son almost 2 years ago. I gained about 20 pounds from the actual pregnancy but gained an additional 30 pounds after that. I've losjust about lost that 30 pounds so now for the other 20.

    You can do this! good luck! and feel free to add me
  • WalkingZero1
    WalkingZero1 Posts: 42 Member
    I am! I had my son 15 months ago and I am now trying to lose my baby weight. I couldn't try to lose weight before because breastfeeding, so now that I'm done (I breastfed for 14 months) and have my boobs back I am trying to get back to my pre pregnancy weight.
  • sarahmumtothree
    I'm a mum of 3, Had my last bubs 11wks ago.
    I nearly fell over when i seen that i had put on 5kg in about 6ish weeks!
    I have to lose about 8-10kg to get back to my weight prior to this pregnancy.
    My baby doesn't sleep well at night and has bad colic so i find myself constantly eating chocolate!
    But I'm happy to say that i haven't had any since Saturday!

  • pmcd430
    pmcd430 Posts: 18 Member
    I am! I had my son 15 months ago and I am now trying to lose my baby weight. I couldn't try to lose weight before because breastfeeding, so now that I'm done (I breastfed for 14 months) and have my boobs back I am trying to get back to my pre pregnancy weight.

    How did you make it that long! I made it about 4 weeks before supplementing... and now pretty much just formula. I would have gone longer, but he just wasnt gaining weight and eating all the time! There is so much more freedom when I dont have him attached all the time, lol.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    Does 29 put me in 'older' mom status? I hope not! My youngest is two but am still dealing with the extra weight I gained from pregnancy. I didn't lose a single pound after having was crazy! Add me for support if ya like :)
  • pmcd430
    pmcd430 Posts: 18 Member
    My oldest will be 8 soon, I had actually lost his weight and some a few years ago... but gained it all back plus some! I never got into shape though, and thats a real problem. I only gained 29 with this pregnancy, but I am still up 12 pounds from it. I'd like to lose AT LEAST 30 pounds, but my biggest concern is getting into shape. I can't stand seeing all the fat hanging out the sides -- under the arms, above the bra, above the jeans, back rolls... you know what I mean!
  • pmcd430
    pmcd430 Posts: 18 Member
    Does 29 put me in 'older' mom status? I hope not! My youngest is two but am still dealing with the extra weight I gained from pregnancy. I didn't lose a single pound after having was crazy! Add me for support if ya like :)

    Not at all - I'll be 26 in Dec. LOL -- maybe I'm not so young anymore?! I should have just said ANY mom!!

    I love your SN!!
  • janiecorona
    I had my baby a year and a week ago, I weighed 273 the day I had her and now I weigh 187, which is my lowest weight EVER! lol I still have a bit longer way to go, but it feels so much better now that I'm at a healthier weight.((:
  • RaeEG
    RaeEG Posts: 11
    I had my son 10 months ago... Some weight came off quick but now I am just stuck!! I would love some motivation...especially this time of year:)
  • WalkingZero1
    WalkingZero1 Posts: 42 Member
    I am! I had my son 15 months ago and I am now trying to lose my baby weight. I couldn't try to lose weight before because breastfeeding, so now that I'm done (I breastfed for 14 months) and have my boobs back I am trying to get back to my pre pregnancy weight.

    How did you make it that long! I made it about 4 weeks before supplementing... and now pretty much just formula. I would have gone longer, but he just wasnt gaining weight and eating all the time! There is so much more freedom when I dont have him attached all the time, lol.

    Yeah, that's normal. Breastmilk is a lot easier for babies tiny stomach to digest, so they eat a lot more. But I don't know how I did it either lol. There were lots of times were I just was just like "omg let's go get some formula". But i was super determined to do it. I didn't really bother me about the freedom either, just because a lot of my friends kind of "dissapeared" when I got pregnant, so I didn't have anything to do lol.
  • WalkingZero1
    WalkingZero1 Posts: 42 Member
    I had my baby a year and a week ago, I weighed 273 the day I had her and now I weigh 187, which is my lowest weight EVER! lol I still have a bit longer way to go, but it feels so much better now that I'm at a healthier weight.((:

  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I have 2 girls (11 and 6) and 1 busy boy (4). After.almost 11 years and 3 cswctions I'm still working on it. I should have started years ago! Congrats on your little one.! Add me if you'd like.
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    LOL you're so funny :) I totally understand about covering up with a sweater to hide the fat rolls...I totally do that! ;) My thing is the back fat freakin' gross! :(
  • Laura_Ivy
    Laura_Ivy Posts: 555 Member
    I breastfed both of mine for a around 13 months too and holy hell do my boobs show it! Deflated sacks,anyone?! :op
  • pmcd430
    pmcd430 Posts: 18 Member
    My husband yelled at me the other morning... apparently I woke up to breastfeed in the middle of the night and said "WTF I want my juicy boobs back", as I was plopping one in his mouth lol. Because I'm doing both breast and bottle, mostly bottle these days, mine have about gone away. I just happened to notice, while half asleep, that I grabbed at a handful (if that) of squishiness. Ugh, I really do miss nice full boobies... mine are too small to deal with the amout of sagging that's going on! LOL
  • janiecorona
    I had my baby a year and a week ago, I weighed 273 the day I had her and now I weigh 187, which is my lowest weight EVER! lol I still have a bit longer way to go, but it feels so much better now that I'm at a healthier weight.((:


    Thank you.(:
  • lyknscribe
    Yep! Mine son is 2 and the "baby weight" excuse isn't cutting it anymore. I'm here trying to make a lifestyle change...exerciseing and all that - Feel free to add me! Good luck, this is a wonderful place!