Cost of Obesity

I just learned through a program that I'm doing that in 2020 the cost of Obesity will be 1 trillion dollars in the U.S. That is scary. Its scary for health reasons and financial reasons. A New York Times study from 2001 said that for every $1 we spend on quality nutritional supplements, we will save about $28 in health care costs.

I want to congratulation everybody here for being proactive, and working to change your own health. You have already taken some excellent steps! Good luck with your health and weight goals! Keep fighting the good fight!


  • sarah_boombah
    sarah_boombah Posts: 124 Member
    What a nice post, thankyou :)
  • bevsdietfor2011
    bevsdietfor2011 Posts: 361 Member
    Wow!!!!! That is just crazy......thank you for the was very informative and interesting.
  • raptbricolage
    Of course, obese people will also be footing a lot of that cost, because obese people pay taxes too! It's not the "poor noble healthy skinnies" taking care of the "poor ignorant selfish fatties" :D (I know you didn't, but I've seen a lot of people accompany that statistic with some serious sizeism and demonizing, so I thought I'd head it off...)
  • Lumberjacklady43
    Oh wow! Well we are on a good start to change all of that.