questions for the ladies

I've been on the pill (specifically - Levlen ED) for about a year and a half and in that time I think I've gained about 5-8kgs that I'm now set on losing (I'm not blaming the pill completely but I do feel it's a factor). I've read a lot about how difficult it is to lose weight while on the pill - is this true? I know it's different for everyone etc but it'd be nice to hear some experiences/success stories from ladies also on the pill. :)

Also, I have really big boobs (36G - and I'm only 17!!!) and I'm hoping that when I lose weight, some will come from my boobs. I think I'm going to get a reduction at some point in my life but I want to see how weight loss affects my bra size first. So my question to the community is - how have your boobs changed from weight loss? Change in bra size, changes in shape? Tips for keeping them as firm/"perky" as possible?

My stats just in case it's relevant - about 74kg and 173cm / 160lbs and 5'8".

Thanks in advance! :)


  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    I gained about 30 lbs in a very short time once I got on birth control. I've always been fat but I never gained weight so fast in my life as when I got on birth control. It does happen to a lot of other women as well. I'm not sure how to get around it or how to counter the effects of birth control on the body and hormones. Personally I had to get off birth control. But I know that many women wouldn't go that route.

    Since starting my weight loss journey I've switched to strictly using condoms and it seems to have helped a lot. Though I only recommend that if you're very careful and mature enough to say no when/if you run out of condoms unexpectedly.
  • helloburger
    helloburger Posts: 243 Member
    Hi, im 20 and been on the pill maybe 3-4 years. I actually lost weight when I started taking it. But I don't believe my weight gain was from the pill, but from being in a comfortable relationship where we went out to dinner or sat in a watched movies and ate!

    also the boob thing, I do believe they go down, mine did, I've gone from a D to a B! which i'm not happy about! but sadly you cant pick where the fat goes from!
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    most of my weightloss came from my chest lol - which for me SUCKED
    can't help you out with the rest though sorry
  • claire_xox
    claire_xox Posts: 282 Member
    most of my weightloss came from my chest lol - which for me SUCKED
    can't help you out with the rest though sorry
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    When I started the pill my doctor told me that weight gain is not necessarily the side effect, but some pills can increase your appetite and the overeating is what causes the gain; but people weren't really onto to this so when they did the trials they wrote down EVERY little thing ailing like some of the side effects are void, but the weight gain one is just due to people being hungrier

    Best thing you can do is just try to figure out when you're actually hungry or just having a grumpy hormonal tummy, and fill up on hella water and low cal snacklets

    Also I feel for ya with the big tits, mine (36 F) are making the treadmill and wotnot a life threatening experience every time, even when properly strapped in their harness
    Wouldn't be able to tell you effects of exercise yet cos I haven't really lost that much and they just seem to be the same for now
    I read in a magazine once about an exercise for keeping 'em perky, don't know if it works though but worth a try

    Exercise: Stand straight with your legs open so they're aligned with your hips. Put your hands together like you're praying but with arms and elbows elevated (elbows aligned with shoulders). Push and hold for 30 seconds. Relax. Repeat. Etc.
  • Hikaru37
    Hikaru37 Posts: 177 Member
    And also some pills can suppress your appetite hence weight loss for some women
  • 4thehardman
    4thehardman Posts: 731 Member
    Oh my, I would love to be a B cup............LOL! The only advantage of bigger boobs is the round of applause they give me when I work out! I am having the same issues with the pill but I absolutely do not want to get pregnant. I'm interested to hear from other women too.
  • zoecalleja
    well dear, i must admit i was on the pill for about 4 years... i recently stopped it as i found it is not very good (health wise)
    and it is said that when you stop it you do lose a lt of water retention.

    i havent seen a differece but saying this i havent excercise in about 2months....
    as regards boobs... when i lost about 3kgs they were thefirst things to go... (and i didnt have much lol)

    but i guess it is how your bosy works as everyones is different.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    As far as the "boob" question - one of the first places I lose weight is in my face and in my breasts, but that's not the same for everyone perhaps? I personally was not happy to see my girls shrink, but it sounds like you'd be happy about it, so I hope it works out that way for you. :D

    As for keeping them perky, I'd look up exercise that build your pectoral muscles. Here's a good article on it:
  • chloizzle
    Thanks for all the helpful advice! I'll definitely make sure to incorporate some pectoral exercises when I start getting really into the strength training.

    And I definitely sympathise with the boobs getting in the way of exercise dilemma! And it's so hard finding good bras to support them as well. Ah, we lead difficult lives. lol
    Since starting my weight loss journey I've switched to strictly using condoms and it seems to have helped a lot. Though I only recommend that if you're very careful and mature enough to say no when/if you run out of condoms unexpectedly.

    Ahh, I don't want to switch to condom only even though I think it would help. It feels bad for me and my boyfriend so, yeah, I like taking the pill. :( I'd consider switching forms of birth control but the shot seems to cause even more weight gain! And I don't know much about other forms... Maybe the implant? Ahh, I don't know. If I find my weight isn't shifting in a couple of months, I'll go have a chat with my doctor. Maybe I should just get my tubes tied lol!
  • helenmelon29
    helenmelon29 Posts: 787 Member
    Ive been on the pill for 10 years and prob put on 1 stone - which im not blaming the pill just life style etc. This year I have lost a stone and want to lose a few more pounds. Dont hink the pill has made any difference to my weighloss.

    I have now stopped taking the pill (a month ago) - no side effects or problems so far.

    Re boobs - think I have lost a little from there but not much (Im a 34DD so maybe a D now). xx
  • seph_house
    seph_house Posts: 101 Member
    i'm on a different pill (cilest) but for what it's worth, i don't feel like it's helping/harming the weight loss. I'm stalled just below 140lb at the moment but i don't think that's anything to do with the pill!

    i have lost a bit of cup size, 34DD->32Dish in 23lb loss which i'm not too bothered by though they are naturally a little more droopy 'cause although the content has shrunk, i don't think there is any way to *really* get the perk back. BUT I have been lifting weights though and the chest/shoulder exercises have done amazing things to tone that whole area so i think they *look* better even if i know there is a little more sag there :) Please, please, please get a good sports bra though!! It'll make your exercise so much more enjoyable and protect all of the delicate fibres in there that give you whatever perk you have is preserved. i have a ShockAbsorber "Run" that i adore (bought from Amazon of all places!) but whatever brand, it's worth finding something that supports you really well.
  • janeinspain
    janeinspain Posts: 173 Member
    The pill (generally) has nothing to do with the weight-gain or loss process, so you should not worry. I have been on the pill for about 1 year and a half. I started losing weight at the beginning of August (172 cm/70 kg) and am now at 63 kg. So far, my experience has shown that the pill actually regulates my body functions.

    Regarding the breasts, you will most likely lose some weight from there as well. Generally, they should shrink with the rest of your body, similar proportions. Don't avoid working on that area too at the gym, the muscle will help a lot for them not to sag.

    Good luck!
  • andiechick
    andiechick Posts: 916 Member
    The only advantage of bigger boobs is the round of applause they give me when I work out!

    haha, this made me chuckle!!

    I did put on a couple of pounds each time I started the pill (been on and off it for 20yrs) but I think it was mainly water n soon got rid of it, but now I'm the wrong side of 35 the doc won't give me the pill anymore :0(

    I tried the depo injection years ago and that's when my battle with putting weight on really started. If you're not planning on having kids in the next 3 yrs, I would recommend the mirena coil. it releases a small bit of hormone and I've found my periods have stopped along with the cramps, craving and bloating, which is a huge sell for me (I don't want anymore kids so its just an inconvenience now). Another option is the implant, which was good, but I found I bled constantly with that although with some people it can stop their periods. This can happen with the injection, mirena or implant, you could go either way, its just the luck of the draw!

    Just re-reading my comments, I think I've managed to work my way through most forms of birth control in the last 20odd years, ha!!!

    (BTW - I'm a 36DD and have been this way for years, sometimes going up to an E cup as I've lost weight and my back has slimmed down, so not everyone loses weight from their boobs!!) :happy:
  • Juleeroch
    Juleeroch Posts: 98 Member
    I was on the pill, many years ago and for many years (if you get my drift). Weight gain didnt really affect me, luckily. (it was eating too much that did that lol) :laugh:

    On a more up to date note. My daughters been on the mini pill for a long time (well about 8 years I guess). She's a trim size 8 (English size) and is 5ft 7" and has really big boobs. The mini pill didnt affect her weight at all.

    (She's now 11 weeks pregnant (planned) so that's all gonna change soon). :smile:

    I think finding out about different types of pill from your well woman clinic / GP etc would be a good starting point.

    Good luck

  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I was taking Yaz (and then the generic) for 3 years. During that time, I had an insanely difficult time losing weight. The pill didn't make me gain anything, but screwing with my hormones made my body comp. not really change at all! Last January, I lost about 2 total pounds. But I was eating 30% under my TDEE and doing P90X with extra cardio. I took myself off the pill for various reasons in August, and I am now losing weight and inches every single week doing less exercise than before.