2weeks and gained! Need motivation!

I started MGP just about two weeks ago! I list a pound then gained four and now this morning I'm down one! is this the start of my losing? My motivation is plummeting and I'm getting frustrated! I have it stuck in my head if I eat fewer calories I will lose and am not sure that eating 1900 a day is right! I've heard people say "you need to eat to boost your metabolism and to burn" but I'm a little frustrated!! Am I expecting too much fir the first two weeks!? Need "friends" input and help!!!


  • JadeMarie78
    JadeMarie78 Posts: 24 Member
    Hey don't give up!! Losing weight is difficult and there's some trial-and-error when you're just beginning. Exercise is great and a little to start can go a long way. However, diet is just as, if not more, important. When I find that I have come in "under" my calorie goal for the week but still have not lost weight, I know that (woman issues aside) it's probably because I'm underestimating the amount of calories, food quantity, etc. that I'm actually taking in. Try measuring your food for a while and see if you portions have really been on point.
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    If you make your diary public, it really does help others help you better...:)
    And dont give up! We ALL get frustrated at one point or another. :)
  • 1. Weigh yourself every week so you don't gain this much.
    2. Cut 200-300 calories of what you been eating which is 1900 so take it down to 1400-1600 calories for a week and see if you get the results.
    3. Eating 5-6 small meals through out the day instead of three main meals and snacks.
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    1900 calories seems like a lot. Many of us on MFP eat 1200 plus about 1/2 of our exercise calories. It's all about calories in, calories out. If you eat more than you burn on a regular basis you're going to gain. It's just that simple. Half the time I try not to eat any of my exercise calories although lately I have and sure enough I'm not losing anything.... just staying steady on a plateau. I stepped it up a notch this morning when I worked out and plan on eating less today so hopefully it will help. Good luck!! :flowerforyou:
  • don't give up! I know we ALL wanna see results on the scale right away but it takes time and effort. You can't starve yourself or it won't help you lose. Stay consistent in eating the right foods, small portions and make sure to eat all 3 meals and small healthy snacks in between!! I have been at this since the end of Sept. and I am DEFINITELY seeing results. hang in there!!
  • wisetim
    wisetim Posts: 1 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm back and at it again! But this time I want accountability. So I'm looking for some friends that want to help each other reach our weight goal.
  • lrd2010
    lrd2010 Posts: 161 Member
    For what it's worth, I'm eating 1500 - 1600 calories a day and still losing. (just what MFP tells me what I should be eating - including my exercise calories)

    The beginning few months are a pain in the bum it has to be said. The scale is a filthy liar and is not to be trusted!

    Get your tape measure out, take a few measurements and see how that does iin a few weeks.

    A new exercise and healthy eating plan will take a while to kick in before you will see a difference.

    Stick with it, you're doing the right things!!
  • trlyblssd79
    trlyblssd79 Posts: 101 Member
    My advice would be to Definitely watch what you are putting into your mouth instead of just making sure you are meeting your calorie intake. The calories/nutrients you take in are really more important than how many calories you eat. Open up your diary and others may be able to help you with your choices or suggest some ways to take it off faster. Is your sodium level low? How much fat are you taking in? I always thought I didn't take in that much sodium but found out through keeping a diary on here that even celery has sodium!!! and my sodium level always went over. You will get it right so don't get frustrated! :)
  • crstlblues
    crstlblues Posts: 2 Member
    Good morning, I know it's frustrating. I just started this myself and will be expecting results way too soon. Keep in mind that if you just started working out then you're also buidling muscle mass at the same time and that tends to add on a few pounds. I've been told several times by nutritionists and personal trainers that most people will tend to gain a little before they start losing and that little gain is muscle mass so don't worry so much about what the scale says at first and stick with it. You can check your measurements and see if there are results there as well. It's possible you've gained a few pounds but may have lost a few inches at the same time. Remember, it's not all about weight...it's about body mass. Hang in there!
  • JeSuisPrest
    JeSuisPrest Posts: 2,005 Member
    This is a lifelong journey, you have only just begun. Put away that scale and get out your tape measure. In the beginning I had DH hide the scale because it is so frustrating to not see it moving down. Exercise, drink your water and stay in the calorie range, don't end the day too far under either. You can do this, you just have to decide how badly you want it!
  • Hi there. I'm in the same boat as you. Stick with it and try to stay positive. Also be patient. As for the calories if you plugged in all your information it will tell you how much you should intake. Add me as a friend if you would like :0)
  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    Mine daily calorie goal is 2,100 so I would guess that 1,900 is too high. Sis-in-law is in the 1,500-1,600 range so I would shoot for that.

    Also, try some circuit training like 30 Day Shred or Ripped In 30 so that you jump start your weight loss.