What is wrong with me?

Ok, so I've been at this since the beginning of November, my first 10 pounds came off easy, I'm assuming mostly water weight. Then just about 2 weeks ago I gained 3 pounds overnight, so I thought it was because of that time of the month, well that has come and gone but the weight is not budging.
I weigh everything I eat, I log everything, even if its one piece of chocolate. I also have a heart rate monitor so I know what I'm burning is correct. I don't eat after 8pm and I do for the most part eat back all my workout calories.
So excuse my language, but what the hell? This is getting so frustrating.


  • kevin3344
    kevin3344 Posts: 702 Member
    We'll need to see your diary. Settings > Diary Settings > Diary Sharing and change it to Public. To answer your question though how long have you been tracking? It will take a couple of weeks to see results. I would throw in some cardio/strength training and see if that jump starts your weight loss. Something like 30 day shred usually has results.
  • grannygethealthy1111
    Why do you think something is wrong with you? You have lost 10 pounds in only one month. You have to lose the weight the same way you put it on, one miserable pound at a time. Open your diary and the folks here may be able to help you with some suggestions.
  • Tujitsu56
    Tujitsu56 Posts: 392 Member
    Just have to show some patience and stop putting so much trust in the scale. The scale is not the guru of fitness. You will be better off paying attention to how you look in the mirror or how your clothes fit. Just keep in mind that keeping the weight off is hard too. This is why I tell people to just take it slow. You won't get discouraged and will be more likely to keep off the weight:)
  • happyb3
    Why do you think something is wrong with you? You have lost 10 pounds in only one month. You have to lose the weight the same way you put it on, one miserable pound at a time. Open your diary and the folks here may be able to help you with some suggestions.
    Because I've gained 3 lbs overnight and still have not lost it.
  • amberwebb79
    amberwebb79 Posts: 113 Member
    Something like that happened to me, 2-3 pounds up and stayed there about 3 weeks. Everyone told me it was sodium, or chocolate, or eating too much, or too little, even though nothing had changed.

    Then suddenly it all came back off, and I lost weight double time the next 3 weeks.

    I vote that our bodies are just nuts.
  • fitaliciag
    try eating back only half of your exercise cals. i never eat all mine.
  • happyb3
    Something like that happened to me, 2-3 pounds up and stayed there about 3 weeks. Everyone told me it was sodium, or chocolate, or eating too much, or too little, even though nothing had changed.

    Then suddenly it all came back off, and I lost weight double time the next 3 weeks.

    I vote that our bodies are just nuts.
    I'm glad I'm not the only one.
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    1 lb = 3,500 calories over maintenance. So to gain 3 lbs overnight, either:

    1. You ate 10,500 calories over maintenance that day, or
    2. It's water weight.

    Which do you think is more likely?
  • happyb3
    try eating back only half of your exercise cals. i never eat all mine.
    I hear so many different things on what to do, eat them, don't eat them. I guess I'll just have to find what works for me.
  • therealkittymao
    therealkittymao Posts: 194 Member
    Almost the same thing happened to me! I got through it and have lost more since. I think you are right, the initial weight loss is probably a lot of water and then you hit paydirt, you know? And if you are working out regularly you are probably building muscles (which, you know the drill, weigh more than fat), so your body is building muscle (which is a great thing, because they will help you lose in the future) and regulating itself water-wise... and it gains a little.

    I started Aug 31 with the 30 Day Shred, and I did the whole thing, didn't lose an amazing amount (lost of inches, less weight) and then I did actually gain a bit back for some reason even though I was still working out about a week after that. I could feel myself getting discouraged and I was like, whatever. Just keep going with your plan (1400 calories a day, 20 min a day working out to 30DS, a good 20-30 minute walk every day). It took a while (couple of weeks) but FINALLY it started paying off.

    Make sure you take your measurements, because once when I was feeling really down about the pounds on the scale I took my measurements and was like WHAAAAA??? I had lost a full inch off my hips but the scale had not moved at all. I think it's because I was doing a lot of squats and lunges and thigh-related things, so I was nourishing and toning huge, heavy muscles in my body. So they were changing shape AND getting heavier. I think. I'm not a scientist or a trainer or anything, but I think that may have been what was happening. This is probably also happening for you, so if you haven't already logged your measurements, you should!

    Also, it takes for-freaking-ever for NOTICEABLE change to occur. I read something like, give it twelve weeks for people to notice you've lost weight. TOTALLY true. I am about at the 12 week mark and these are the first comments I am getting, like, oh, you look thinner, are you doing something? Like, yeah! Since AUGUST, yo. So... the changes are slow sometimes, but it is so worth it when the weight DOES finally start to budge. Don't lose hope, it sounds like you are totally doing great and you are right where you should be!!!
  • Aviendha_RJ
    Aviendha_RJ Posts: 600 Member
    Because I've gained 3 lbs overnight and still have not lost it.

    Been there, done that. It's probably salt, or in your digestive track. Alternatively... your scale analog or digital? I have an analog, & I have to set the tare back to Zero every time I get on it. It's possible you've moved it to a spot on the floor where it isn't level.

    Have you been working out? It could be muscle. Check your measurements. The scale frustrates me, but since I started running, I've been hovering in the range of 145-150lbs, & my measurements are dropping steady.
  • happyb3
    1 lb = 3,500 calories over maintenance. So to gain 3 lbs overnight, either:

    1. You ate 10,500 calories over maintenance that day, or
    2. It's water weight.

    Which do you think is more likely?
    Yes I realize its water weight, but I'm just not understanding why its been 2 weeks and still not gone.
  • Art63
    Art63 Posts: 87
    I'm new at this too (just started tracking my food intake two weeks ago) so don't put much stock in what I have to say but I just wanted to encourage you. Like that other person said, you've done well losing ten pounds. Wow. I mean really....that's great. Okay, you gained three back but that seems perfectly normal. Losing ten in a hurry was probably a shock to your body and it said whoa...

    Losing one pound a week is a more realistic goal, don't you think? That's what lots of people on here are doing and there are an awful lot of success stories here. The more I read the more encouraged I get.

    Maybe you could go back to the Settings and redo your Goals and then try to stay close to that daily caloric intake number.

    Anyway, good luck to you.
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    This happens to me all the time. i JUST lost those instant 3 lbs -- i had them for 3 weeks and today I woke up 4 lbs lighter. it happens. ignore it. you're fine! if you're eating right and exercising and drinking water just ignore it and it will go away... eventually.
  • tdmcmains
    tdmcmains Posts: 227 Member
    This happens to me all the time. i JUST lost those instant 3 lbs -- i had them for 3 weeks and today I woke up 4 lbs lighter. it happens. ignore it. you're fine! if you're eating right and exercising and drinking water just ignore it and it will go away... eventually.
  • BuffyKicksButt
    I am buying a measuring tape today since I have been at it for about a month also and fluctuate between losing 2-4 lbs from my original weight but it always goes back up. Water weight, time of the month, constipation - it all affects that stupid number we see. Its official scales just SUCK!!!
  • UponThisRock
    UponThisRock Posts: 4,522 Member
    1 lb = 3,500 calories over maintenance. So to gain 3 lbs overnight, either:

    1. You ate 10,500 calories over maintenance that day, or
    2. It's water weight.

    Which do you think is more likely?
    Yes I realize its water weight, but I'm just not understanding why its been 2 weeks and still not gone.

    Then why are you worried about it? Isn't your goal to lose fat?
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    MORE water, less salt. Simple as that. Change your diary settings to watch sodium as well and keep a close eye that you don't go over 2500mg a day. That number does not change no matter how much exercise you do, so watch the snacking on salty stuff like peanuts/chips etc. Almost everything has sodium, lunch meats and some cheeses are especially bad, particularly the ones from Subway.

    You are doing fine. You're brand new, your body needs time to adjust to the shock of a new routine, it will snap out of it.
  • dore0021
    dore0021 Posts: 137
    1 lb = 3,500 calories over maintenance. So to gain 3 lbs overnight, either:

    1. You ate 10,500 calories over maintenance that day, or
    2. It's water weight.

    Which do you think is more likely?
    Yes I realize its water weight, but I'm just not understanding why its been 2 weeks and still not gone.

    I understand you're getting frustrated but everyone is trying to help. How about you open up your diary, and as long as you've been documenting honestly as you say you are we'll be able to tell you what's up. It's all a matter of calories in/calories out.
  • happyb3
    1 lb = 3,500 calories over maintenance. So to gain 3 lbs overnight, either:

    1. You ate 10,500 calories over maintenance that day, or
    2. It's water weight.

    Which do you think is more likely?
    Yes I realize its water weight, but I'm just not understanding why its been 2 weeks and still not gone.

    Then why are you worried about it? Isn't your goal to lose fat?

    Because I worry, thats just how I am.