Joining the Gym - Think I'll be laughed at



  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Everyone in the gym is there for the same reasons as you. No one will laugh.
  • dmpizza
    dmpizza Posts: 3,321 Member
    At most gyms everyone has headphones on and a TV in front of their face. They probably won't even notice you, no matter what you look like.
  • baldchocnsexy
    There may be a few "gym snobs" but as the others have said you are all there for the same reason. You are doing this for YOU! And also if they give you any truble you tell them that Karl said to kiss his...well you know. Go get em!
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I used to think that - but it's actually the other way round - you may get the odd approving glance or a bit of a smile from people that are in the same boat - especially if you are carrying one of the white cards they give you with your first gym induction on it and they have one too. but once you have gone for a while - you can have a wee chuckle at the super skinny ones that breeze in, look at their nails, text a mate - flirt with the gym staff and then spend 10 mins on one machine whilst admiring themselves in the mirror- then head off for the showers.

    no-one cares - everyone is there to do their thing and focusing and what they need to focus on to get through their workout - so it gets easier and easier.

    when I expressed my fears once - a good friend of mine put it into perspective n said "Carol - you're not that important" lol - and she is right - so don't let that stop you joining.
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    Right thats sorted then! I'll pay rent then be down there! will report back. Thank you all, I know I'm really self concious, and I'm sick of it holding me back.
  • chrissi_k
    chrissi_k Posts: 175 Member
    I think the others have already given you great advice and answers. For me it is a struggle every time to go to the gym too because it is on an army base and everybody working out there is in an amazing shape. BUT you know what it doesn't or better shouldn't matter, because I am going there to do something for my health and if someone else thinks I look funny or I don't fit in there, then it is their problem.

    So go over there, enjoy your work out and don't be afraid of others :)
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    Right thats sorted then! I'll pay rent then be down there! will report back. Thank you all, I know I'm really self concious, and I'm sick of it holding me back.
    This is really exciting, go for it and don't let anything stop you!

    You can do this :bigsmile:
  • groomchick
    groomchick Posts: 610 Member
    15 years ago i walked into a gym weighing 209 lbs...I could barely walk. Im sure everyone in there was thinking...This aint gonna last long. Nobody ever said a word...Until 6 months later...then they couldnt stop themselves from saying something. I got the nickname... Cardio Queen. I lost 87 lbs in 6 months. Who gives a **** what anybody thinks... besides... show em what your really made of!! Hang in there!
  • hsk1019
    hsk1019 Posts: 235 Member
    You know what?

    Your question has been answered.

    The only thing that's stopping you is you.


    Swich your computer off, stand up, walk to the gym and sign up.


    Go on, you know you want to! Really. Now.

    Still here?

    GO!!! :bigsmile:

    Then come back and tell us how it went.

    AGREE!!! Do it!!
  • Liopleurodon
    Personally I love seeing people at the gym who are maybe a little larger than the average person there (as am I) because it's taking back this stupid idea that we seem to have as a culture that fitness isn't for everyone. Somehow we get this dumb idea in our heads that the only people who should go to the gym are people who are already in perfect shape. I think maybe we get that idea during PE lessons at school - we get picked last for teams, or we do badly in a race and think "I guess exercise isn't for me then" and go off and become more and more unhealthy. It's bull****.

    I expressed my own concerns about being out of shape to my personal trainer, and he said he's really not fussed about what kind of shape people are in when they start working out, as long as they're prepared to put in the effort. Everyone has to start somewhere. It's the people who don't bother exercising when he's not looking directly at them who drive him crazy.
  • sunnykt
    I kick started my weight loss through running at night (probably not that safe, but I live in a really safe area) and doing calisthenics at home, plus walking to uni everyday rather then driving (it's only 2km).

    But I agree with this:
    "I used to think that - but it's actually the other way round - you may get the odd approving glance or a bit of a smile from people that are in the same boat - especially if you are carrying one of the white cards they give you with your first gym induction on it and they have one too. "
  • dougstevens
    dougstevens Posts: 208 Member
    The answer to your question and fear is YES.
    There are so many different types of people out there in this world. Some will laugh; and some maybe territorial and wonder why you are at "their" gym. These people are very few. However, for every one of those people, there ARE many more who are supportive and welcoming. (Just look at the responses so far.) You get to choose who to listen or who to ignore; kind of cool eh?

    Your are Human; Expect Mistakes
    The gym like anywhere else has its own culture, its own rhythm, its own quirks. If you are not an old veteran of the gym, expect to make mistakes. Give yourself the opportunity to learn the equipment, the culture and people. Give yourself a honest perspective. Yes, at first it will be awkward and intimidating. The more you visit the more you become familiar and comfortable. And yes, which each visit you will become more comfortable and you will become a familiar face.

    Questions to you.
    Three short months from now you would have either been going to the gym or not. You are a healthier and stronger person than you are today or not. You had set a goal and reached for that goal; or not. Which will it be?

    Also, imagine that during those three months its the first week of the new year. There are a lot of new faces; people who are feeling the same as you are right now. You have been regularly going to the gym for month. Enough times for it to become a habit. Seeing the looks on their faces, you could reflect back and remember how you felt today. You might even smile and laugh at yourself.

    Of course, One of the people you may find laughing at you is You. Laughing at yourself is a powerful and good thing.
  • FatPandaBandit
    The closest I ever gotten to being laughed at was when I stepped on to a treadmil between a woman walking fast and a man jogging and the man told me I needed to sweat as much as they were. So I did a jog myself. After five minutes I got red (its normal for me. I'm red faced when Im hot, cold, embarrased, etc.) and he grabbed his towel and tried to use it as a fan for me, smiling asking if I was ok. I found it funny myself as well as embarrasing that I got so red, but it was only out of concern.

    So, I say go for it.
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    I've had those fears with everything i do, sometimes they've been warrented and sometimes not. However, you might 1-2 people like that and tbh, if you let them keep you out of the gym and from exercising you are the one who loses. Besides when you hit it hard and shape up your body you will be the one laughing. It's an awesome feeling. When i went to the gym i found that as long as i worked hard and could zone out nothing else mattered. Atleast give it a try, most gyms have a trial period. You will probably love it and good luck.
  • behind_blue_eyes_83
    I totally agree with what was said about PE lessons - a good friendly gym should help you take ownership of your fitness and feel entitled to maintain it (even if you aren't 'sporty'!). My old gym was brilliant, and, like you, nearby and cheap. Now I've moved and started losing weight again I really miss it and am trying to find new ways to get back to fitness. I want a nearby, cheap gym!!! *googles exercise videos*
  • janehen12
    janehen12 Posts: 162 Member
    I waddled over, joined, and did 25 mins. Reminded myself why I hate cross trainers, but overall rather enjoyed it.

    One person did look at me like "get that fatty out of my gym" but it was otherwise really quiet there.

    Now i just need the motivation to go again...

    Thank you all for the kick up the backside I needed!!
  • kimcat73
    kimcat73 Posts: 687 Member
    Never let others stop you from doing what you need to do. I used to be self-conscious about going, in the beginning, but honestly I just see it as everyone is there to do the same thing and everyone seems very focused on their own workout. The only time I had someone act strange was when I was on the bike and a kid walked by eating a glazed donut ..... he laughed at me then but I kind of thought it was funny, lol. Keep in mind that you need this and eventually you will be a regular at the gym and fit right in:) Be proud of yourself for taking that first step and keep up the great work!
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    I had a friend once who was fond of saying , " he who laughs last laughs best " . Do what you need to do without worrying too much about what others will think , this is for you and you will be laughing with joy when you start seeing results.
  • wisgal77
    wisgal77 Posts: 59 Member
    The type of people that you think will be laughing at you are too busy wanting everyone to look at them.
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    I waddled over, joined, and did 25 mins. Reminded myself why I hate cross trainers, but overall rather enjoyed it.
    I'm absolutely delighted.

    What I do is put it in my diary, same time every week, and see it as an appointment. As you get into the habit of going, it does get a LOT easier to make time for it.
    Thank you all for the kick up the backside I needed!!
    Happy to kick your backside any time you like. :bigsmile: