New mama

Hi, Every one! I'm a first-time mom to a 3-week-old (adorable! of course) little boy. I have around 9 pounds to get to my happy weight, but I'm it unrealistic to want to lose weight during the holidays and while breastfeeding?


  • curlyclo
    curlyclo Posts: 243 Member
    It's not unrealistic, you just have to be ready to commit. And breastfeeding burns a lot of calories!! So that's not a negative factor at all, actually.
  • PrincessKittenpants
    Congratulations! When you are nursing you need the extra calories and from my experience loose the weight faster! You just need to make sure you don't over due it like I did :blushing:
  • JAS112
    TAKE YOUR TIME! Your body is still very much adjusting after 9 months. By month 2 I had lost almost 30 pounds. He's going to need those calories now more than ever, so hold on to them while you can! ;-)
  • looktouch

    Breastfeeding should take those pounds off all by itself, but I wouldn't *try* to lose weight while breastfeeding because it will likely hurt your milk supply (plus you'll be super tired and cranky). Since breastfeeding burns so many calories, my advice would be to figure out how many calories you need to operate (for me, not breastfeeding woman, that's about 1800) and track your calories so you know you're not consuming, like, 3,000. If you're breastfeeding only (not supplementing with any other food), it should burn like 500 calories a day. So if you're sticking to around 2,000, you'll be burning about 300/day for a loss rate of about a pound every 11-12 days.

    I have a one-year-old and I didn't watch my calories while breastfeeding and I ate like a horse (it takes a lot of energy to take care of and breastfeed an infant). Now I wish I'd just kept track of my calories so I knew how much I was overeating. I think this is a good course of action because reducing your caloric intake too much will mess with your milk supply. Good luck!
  • bluestarlight19
    bluestarlight19 Posts: 419 Member
    I would wait to worry about losing weight until at least after 6 weeks. Give your body some time to recover from being pregnant. I remember breastfeeding, you will lose weight just through that alone. Just monitor your calorie intake but pay more attention to your little one. If you don't eat, and especially don't drink enough, it greatly effects your supply levels and leaves you feeling tired and ragged (more so combined with the sleep deprivation. At my 7 week appoinment, I had lost about 30lbs since the birth of my daughter. Just becareful when you stop breastfeeding, weight can jump on really quick if you still eat like you are.
  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member

    Not sure if someone has mentioned this, but you can enter breastfeeding into your food diary - it will subtract 500 cals from what you've eaten that day to accomodate (choose the exclusive option).

    I agree with bluestarlight...take it easy! It is not unreasonable to lose some weight, but you need to take care of yourself, your baby (and hence your milk supply) first!! I would set your weight loss goal to very conservative to start (0.5 lbs??) or maybe even maintenance...and just let yourself get used to using the site, logging your food, etc.

    I gained a lot with my pregnancy - 40 lbs - and the first 20 came off on their own without much effort. I've had to work harder for the second 20 (hence MFP) but I didn't start until my guy was 6 months old and my milk supply was well established. Also - I knew that even if my supply was effected, he had gotten bmilk for the first six months, so it was okay if supply declined and I had to switch to formula.

    Take things slow, get to know your little baby boy, and take care of yourself.

    There are lots of moms on here and lots of support to be had. Good luck!
  • Hyperspace
    Just eat good food in normal portions. . If you get hungry, eat something-- just make sure it has some redeeming nutrient value. Do not deprive yourself. That baby will just leach the weight right off you when you're breastfeeding.
    Thanks.. I didn't realize there was an option for breastfeeding in the exercise portion :) I have a 6 month old.. and have really struggled with weight, not as much durring the pregnancy.. .but after. I think I thought that I could just eat whatever, and I would be good to go.. but i'm finding out that I wasn't making the best choices.. and was overeating like crazy. He drinks formula, and has started on veggies and fruit, so I decided now is a great time to focus on loosing the weight.. and holding on to the small amount of milk supply I have left. I am looking for friends to help offer encourgment if anyone is interested.. :)
  • RunningYogaMama
    You ladies are wonderful! Thank you so much for the encouragement, ideas,support...You were all really helpful.And now I feel a little more relaxed about this whole process.