Hi! I'm brand new and struggling! Help!

igotthis123 Posts: 5
edited October 5 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I am a 37 year old female with a long time weight problem.
I just started using myfitnesspal and think it can really help me. I have lost 15 pounds on my own but am struggling lately with afternoon "boredom" binges that have caused me to regain 2 pounds. I need some suggestions because I still have 70 more pounds to lose. This weight is beginningto affect my health negatively.

Looking for friends with advice.


  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    How do you structure your meals/snacks during the day? I found that what best helped me what doing the "6 small meals" every day. I eat breakfast before I leave the house and then am basically eating every 2-3 hours until I go to bed. Not enough that I feel "stuffed" obviously, but it tides me over and almost makes me feel better to know that I have a snack coming 2 hours later. My "trouble time" is the evening. I've tried filling my evenings now with activities and exercising so that I won't be mindlessly snacking while I'm watching TV, etc.

    I hope that helps! Feel free to friend me if you'd like. =)
  • What can you do to fill in those bored times? Do you have a hobby or interest? If it's something active you will be getting more calorie burn and eating less! (Also working out helps regulate your hormones and blood sugar, which leads to less cravings).
  • Thx! I will try to eat 6 small meals because 3 small meals i definitely leaving me feeling hungry and overwhelmed with the changes. I really need to increase my activity level also. I am only working out 3 times per week currently. I am going to stay on track and not give up!
  • I really don't even have time for hobbies because I work full time and go to school full time. I guess I have just developed a habit for eating when I'm bored. I really do need to make working out a priority. Thx!
  • In addition to changing your approach to meals, think about other ways you can keep yourself "full". I find that fiber or protein water mixes are both low in calories, taste delicious, and help you get through until your next snack. I bet you can find them at your local grocery store! I like the fiber water especially, because it "gets things moving" (if you know what I mean) and helps your body better regulate digestion and nutrient absorption.

    I think you are headed in the right direction!! Small changes now add up to big changes later... so don't worry!! You can do it!! Feel free to friend me if you want!!
  • Hi, I'm somewhat new to this site also. Yes it is going to be a challenge,but if you look at the health benefits of losing the weight, you will gradually fall into a routine and do what you have to,to lose the weight. I am a gamer on Facebook which occupies my mind and I find I don't snack like I use to. I also challenge myself. I'm trying to commit myself to walking at least 30 minutes everyday. I am coming to the realization that I owe myself some attention for at least an hour a day by doing that. Feel free to friend me and maybe we can exchange some ideas and encourage each other through this journey.:flowerforyou:
  • I will try the fiber water. It sounds like it could help me to feel fuller. I seem to always want a quick fix to my weight problem. I am trying to learn patience and make a real change to my lifestyle.
  • You are so right! I really need a routine to keep me focused and accountable. I need to develop some healthy habits and keep up with them! It is so good to hear from other people that know how I feel.
  • EuphonyChloeH
    EuphonyChloeH Posts: 107 Member
    I agree with the smaller meals/snacks. Usually I keep my snacks under 100 calories, and its even better if it's a fruit or veggie of some kind since they're low cal (most of them anyway), and your sneaking them into your daily diet. Also, you may not have time for hobbies, but how about just keeping a crossword or sudoku phone app or book handy so you can do puzzles instead of snacking? It definitely helps me out - I play solitaire while vegging out instead of snacking and it works! Feel free to friend me for support :)
  • ChristinaBarnhouse
    ChristinaBarnhouse Posts: 274 Member
    I have the same problem! Around 2:30/3:00 I have a craving for a snack. This site has helped me stay accountable for every calorie I consome and has been a BIG help!

    Feel free to add me and welcome to MFP! :wink:
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    I snack regularly through the day (morning snack, afternoon snack, nighttime snack). Nothing wrong with that; you just have to allow for it in your calories. The key is to find low-cal snacks; I try to keep my snacks to 100-150 calories, but definitely no more than 200. I use Snackwell's, Skinny Cow ice cream/candy, 100 calorie popcorn mini-bags, Special K Cracker Chips, fruit, veggies, yogurt, etc. You can also try sugarless chewing gum; Extra makes some that taste like various desserts (key lime, mint chocolate chip, strawberry cheesecake, orange dreamsicles, etc.). Also, if you know it's boredom, try doing an exercise DVD, taking a walk, reading a book, etc. Another boredom killer is to read the MFP forums! Some of them are quite entertaining!

    Feel free to friend me if you want to discuss it more. You can also take a look at my food diary if you want (avoid Nov. 23-27--I had gallbladder surgery and my food diary is pretty sparse for those days because I felt like crap!).
  • mochalovies
    mochalovies Posts: 192 Member
    The key is to find low-cal snacks; I try to keep my snacks to 100-150 calories, but definitely no more than 200. I use Snackwell's, Skinny Cow ice cream/candy, 100 calorie popcorn mini-bags, Special K Cracker Chips, fruit, veggies, yogurt, etc. You can also try sugarless chewing gum; Extra makes some that taste like various desserts (key lime, mint chocolate chip, strawberry cheesecake, orange dreamsicles, etc.).

    ^ agree! I am a big snacker -- key is for it to be healthy. If you feel you are just snacking just because -- force yourself to drink water until you feel full. My fav snacks are trail mixes (healthy ones), edamame (soybeans) . I also like sauted veggies so I pack a serving here and there too. I am also a junk monster -- so if I have cookies/candy around it will be DEVOURED -- so I do not even keep that stuff around ;)
  • StephEwell
    StephEwell Posts: 82 Member
    It's definitely normal to struggle.. I definitely struggle. Recently I was studying for my CPA exam and threw my healthy ways out the window because I was too lazy to keep up with it. Remember that what you're trying to do is not a diet, it's a lifestyle change. It's not going to work if you starve yourself. Eat when you're hungry but make it a smart choice rather than an unhealthy choice. If you mess up, don't fall off the bandwagon but rally and go for a long walk or a bike ride.

    Truly the hardest part for me is remembering that I'm not on a 'diet', I'm trying to lose weight and keep it off for good. Hope that helps :)
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