Does an aim dress/jeans etc work?

anyone tried this as motivation? does it actually work or just depress you more when its still not fitting?


  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    i always have "goal" jeans. It motivates me.
  • Saffyra
    Saffyra Posts: 607 Member
    I have a dress I started with. I couldn't wear it at my heaviest weight. Then I could zip it up halfway. Last night I could zip it up all the way but it was still too tight to wear in public.

    I cannot WAIT until that baby fits and I can wear it out! The time is coming!
  • MochaMixAZ
    MochaMixAZ Posts: 844 Member
    Depresses me.

    Even when it fits, it doesn't fit the way I thought it would in my head. :-) Or, sometimes it fits perfectly and my mind just hasn't caught up with the weight loss.
  • julest25
    julest25 Posts: 140 Member
    I hope so, I have a lovely Karen Millen dress that I bought a size too small which I hope to wear on Feb 4. If not my daughter gets to wear it :noway:

    I've got about 7lb to get in to it and about 10 to be really comfortable. I keep getting it out and trying it on. It's certainly helped me get back into the exercise and I am trying very hard to keep within my cals. So who knows.
  • Gay11nell
    Gay11nell Posts: 166 Member
    I do this all the time! It works for me, I need something to look forward to!!!!!!!! When it doesn't fit THAT'S MOTIVATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • HeelsAndBoxingGloves
    I tried that and it just never worked for me... but I know it definitely helps some people! I usually end up needing the space for clothes that actually fit and end up getting rid of those "too small/too tight/too whatever" clothes
  • roberts1013
    roberts1013 Posts: 103 Member
    I did this with just the smaller sizes in my house till I ran out of pants. It helped when i didn't see the scale change much to see pants starting to fit that didn't before. how ever I only started with one size down at a time not with the final size I would like to be. which still feels like a long way off!
  • MarcRipley
    MarcRipley Posts: 5 Member
    I end up buying two pairs. One size that nearly fits me now and the next size lower. Switching back and forth is great motivation especially when you start to notice that the larger one is getting very loose and bunches up when you tighten the belt and that the next pair are really starting to fit really well. Unfortunately, I've gone from 48-> 46-> 44 -> 42-> ->40 -> 38 -> to now 36's so I have a bunch of jeans that don't fit and need to sell or give to goodwill. But in retrospect, thats good!

    Now work clothes are another matter, it can get expensive! So I've been tending to wear slightly baggy work clothes for the time to save money. I usually get new clothes when my coworkers tell me "Dude, it's time to get new clothes." Ha ha!

    Stay motivated, because it works!


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  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    I did this with my wedding dress. I deliberately bought a size 14, even though I was a big size 16. It worked - I fitted into it.
  • ncw89
    ncw89 Posts: 61 Member
    Not deliberately I started with a dress - I found it in Tesco for £1 so even though I wasn't sure it'd fit I decided it was worth a try!! So it went on but didn't do up...then when I started exercising I tried it on every few weeks and seeing it get nearer and nearer was really exciting! If nothing else it was good because I wasn't actually losing any weight but with that I was able to see that my work in exercising was paying off nonetheless. So for me it was good but I guess it depends on how you think you'd feel, esp. if the weight loss perhaps didn't happen as quickly as you'd like...
  • tamaranash
    tamaranash Posts: 37 Member
    I have clothes I use as goals.. I think it works because you aren't letting anyone down, your letting yourself down, and sometimes that is all you need. I started a month ago with a pair of jeans, then I bought a dress a few days ago, its a bit tight, but does up.. since the christmas party season is upon us, I want to wear this dress.. so its in my mind all day.. sometimes when I am weak the clothes is better motivation and more real then the "ultimate goal" everyone is different..but right now, as I sip my protein shake and think of "what exercise I will do today" I am confident its keeping me on target!!!! Good luck! Set some Non scale goals, and scale goals what does it hurt???? and measurements are a great boost when the scale has its slow times!!!!! (just remembering to do it, and even having a hand to do it to be more accurate is the hard part!
  • what923
    what923 Posts: 100 Member
    I pulled out one pair of skinny jeans (I knew about what I weighed when I wore them before) so I think if you know that and have a rough weight goal to go with it and then dont try them on all the time (that would be depressing) but maybe just once or twice on your way down. Then when you get there you'll be surprised how easily it slides on. Size is what matters anyway- weight alone is too obscure depending on body size/composition. I also had tracked my bust,waist, hip measurements over the years at different weights and that was my true 'size' goal. Good luck- no matter what the scale says- any exercise, better eating is going to make you healthier and isn't that what we all really want?
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    I used to have two pairs of "goal jeans" and a couple of tops that didn't fit when I first started...but now they're too big (blows my mind when I put them on thinking of them as "skinny jeans" and they're baggy).

    I've now bought new jeans 2 and 3 sizes smaller that I am able to wear :) I like to have something that's a little tight around just for motivation though..I think its a good inspiration. Additionally, I got rid of basically ALL of my 'too big' clothes, because I feel like keeping them around "just in case" is like giving yourself permission to gain it back!
  • kolyn75
    kolyn75 Posts: 30 Member
    Yes this does work. I may not always lose pounds which for me is normally the case but inches tend to fall off. I started off with a pair of jeans that would not button or zip. I felt so good when I could zip them and wear them. I spent the next hour trying on different things in closet and I had a ball seeing the differences.
  • VinVenture
    I have a pair of hot-pants that are too small. When I got them I couldn't even zip them up, now they barely give me a muffin top. Totally worth it. I'm so psyched, at this rate they'll fit me come next summer and I'll look beyond awesome. :D
  • ruggedBear
    There are about 4 different sizes of clothes still in my closet (many of them work suits that were just too expensive to give away!) Every few weeks, I play dress up to see what might fit and have had some pleasant surprises - more exciting when the scale hasn't moved very much. The best surprise was the skinny jeans (tucked away for more than 4 years) that came out of hiding last week when my current favs started to droop in the caboose.

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  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    If it is realistic than go for it. But at 18 you are actually still growing and so be careful. I prefer to buy new!!
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    If it is realistic than go for it. But at 18 you are actually still growing and so be careful. I prefer to buy new!!
    Still growing at 18? Boys maybe, but most girls are done growing in height within about year of starting puberty. I'm the same height I was at 13 or 14...