10 by Xmas!

I've got a killer goal going on with myself and my mom. We're both trying to lose 10 lbs by Christmas! Going to be working out daily, and eating as healthy as possible!

What are your next personal goals? What changes are you going to take in order to beat your goal?


  • Im with you, 10 by xmas!...Lets do it!:smile:
  • aurie024
    aurie024 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm also trying to lose 10 by Christmas!
  • road2peachtree
    road2peachtree Posts: 294 Member
    10lbs by Christmas sounds more doable than the 100 I was trying to squeeze in. LOL I'm with you!
  • jlmanderach
    jlmanderach Posts: 9 Member
    Trying to lost 20 by the end of February for a friends wedding on a Cruise.
  • ASPhantom
    ASPhantom Posts: 637 Member
    I want 4 off by Christmas! That has been my goal for months now, to be in the 150s by Christmas.
    I am at 163 right now!

    If I got 10, that would be great, but I will take 4!
  • I'm in!!!!! 10 lbs. by Christmas!!!
  • Maryaly40
    Maryaly40 Posts: 551 Member
    Me too!! I started Nov 1st. I'm down 5 as of this morning, got 5 to go!!!! I'm so determined!!!!!!!
  • Lets all do this! If we work really hard, and I mean REALLY hard, I know we can do this. This will really show us how disciplined we can be :wink:

    Everyone say GOODBYE MUFFIN TOP!
    (or whatever your problem area is)
  • schnugglebug
    schnugglebug Posts: 330 Member
    My goal right now is 230 by the end of January... I am at 245 right now... so 15lb... I could very possibly do 10 by xmas that would be awesome... I will head for 10 by New Years eve though :D
  • Me too!! I started Nov 1st. I'm down 5 as of this morning, got 5 to go!!!! I'm so determined!!!!!!!

    That's fantastic. Way to go! Every pound counts :happy:
  • DannyNovela
    DannyNovela Posts: 39 Member
    count me in! i've needed a goal to set lately. lets do it!
  • My goal right now is 230 by the end of January... I am at 245 right now... so 15lb... I could very possibly do 10 by xmas that would be awesome... I will head for 10 by New Years eve though :D

    10 by NYE sounds very good. I know you can meet your goals!
  • djfrost17
    djfrost17 Posts: 1 Member
    i'm game!!
  • Naomi_84
    Naomi_84 Posts: 197 Member
    Mine too! 10lbs by Christmas, I started last Wednesday and have lost 2lbs so far. I'm starting to think it's maybe a little bit of an unrealistic goal but I'm gonna do my best and see where it gets me. Started the 30DS today too so fingers crossed!!

    Good luck everyone, whatever you're goals are x
  • rachelmorgan77
    rachelmorgan77 Posts: 131 Member
    My hubby and I both set goals to accomplish by my birthday (in March). I want to be in a size 10 (I just barely eeck into a 12 now) by that time.
  • Ian in any helpful tips on workouts.