Joining the Gym - Think I'll be laughed at



  • evilbahumut
    you can have a wee chuckle at the super skinny ones that breeze in, look at their nails, text a mate - flirt with the gym staff and then spend 10 mins on one machine whilst admiring themselves in the mirror- then head off for the showers.
    So spot on! Cocaine is a hell of a way to keep the weight off, but sometimes you gotta make an appearance to keep the appearance up. Well, that's the joke anyway. :/
  • wildcata77
    It's ridiculously expensive, but my husband and I joined a wellness center for this exact reason. Theere are a ton of morbidly obese and older people that are there as part of a physical therapy plan monitored by doctors. I've seen a much higher ratio of "normal" people that are middle aged, middle weight, just trying to get or be healthy than beefheads lifting or super-thin runner types.

    I totally think if you just focus on the reasons you want to be there, you will be just fine, even if the first visit or two are tough. Good luck!
  • LexieSweetheart
    LexieSweetheart Posts: 793 Member
    I had that fear. Once I went though everyone was focused on doing them. I have met many nice people. I have never been laughed at in fact many members compliment me on how far I have come
  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    I am a very big woman, and I have never had a problem with mean people at the gym (belonged for three months). Even the young and fit crowd are very positive. Plus, no matter what they are thinking privately in their heads, I know that in a year, they will be thinking "she did well..."!
  • SooZ1138
    One of my biggest insecurities about going to the gym was that I didn't know how the use the different equipment and was scared that I would do it wrong. I got rid of this by asking someone who worked there to show me how to use each piece of equipment! I walked into that gym feeling prepared and ready to get my pumping on! =P

    I understand your insecurities tho, it still bothers me when I see people look over at other peoples treadmill or machine to see how they're doing... I mean, really... who cares!?! I've started putting a towel over my machine =D

    Good luck and have fun!!
  • rjmlb86
    I know the fear you're talking about but I've been going on and off to the gym for years and all I can say is no one will laugh at you.

    I don't know anyone in this world who would pay gym membership fees to specifically go and laugh at people. They're all there for their own fitness and most people are totally absorbed in what they are doing and envisaging their own perfect bodies.

    The group of muscular guys doing the weights in corner of every gym are far more interest in the diameter of their own biceps than anything you are doing.

    Remember: if you are at the gym/doing sport/exercise, you've already made the biggest step: you want to change. Everyone has to respect you for that.
  • JJinWI
    JJinWI Posts: 197 Member
    It took me a YEAR just to get the courage to join a gym that had opened in my neighborhood. I was so nervous going the first few times, but now I absolutely LOVE it and look forward to it. It is THE best thing I have done for myself in a very long time. You will NOT regret it and I'm sure you'll be posting soon telling us how great it is! :)

    Think of everyone else doing their workouts completely naked - maybe that will help :)
  • lookitsmikel
    I got a gym membership about a month ago, and I was scared of the same thing... You see all these "fit" people running on the treadmill, and I am out of breath walking. However I soon found it was nothing to be scared of! Most people are in thier own world listening to music, and everyone else has been friendly.

    No one is going to laugh becuase if your trying to get healthy. As you start to loose weight you can then encourage others at the gym that they can do it too!
  • TourThePast
    TourThePast Posts: 1,753 Member
    You see all these "fit" people running on the treadmill, and I am out of breath walking.
    That was me, and now I'm the running on the treadmill.

    Janehen12 that can be you too.

    Being the least sporty person on the planet, if I can do it, anyone can. :)