I'm back...

Hey guys. I haven't logged into MFP in over 16 months and I haven't lost any weight in that time period also. Infact, I have to set my ticker back because I've gained back 10 of the pounds I lost with this site. I NEED you guys! I had forgotten how great the level of motivation and support was here. Looking at the before and after picture thread has almost brought me to tears. I was headed there and can remember when I posted my before after picture after my 30 pound weight loss. Now I'm almost back to square one. I know that I can do what so many of you have accomplished and I was getting there before I hit a plateau that I just couldn't break.

On November 22, 2011, I turned 29. It is my ultimate goal to lose 70 pounds before I turn 30, nearly a year from now. I've never set out to start something and actually finished it in my entire life. I would love to enter my 30's as a healthy person that has actually accomplished something huge and can almost restart my life. I've been clinically obese throughout my 20's and I want...no, I NEED to break the trend.

Alright. Thanks for reading guys. :smile:


  • skyeblu18
    Welcome back! I joined earlier in the year, wanting to lose 20-30 lbs. I was weighing in at 198 at the time. Needless to say I fell off and haven't been on the site in months. Just found out the other day that I'm up to 228, so I need all the motivation I can get!
  • Krshannon1128
    Krshannon1128 Posts: 8 Member
    Best of luck!!