I need a MFP buddy!

I'm a 21 years old, single mother of an almost 2 years daughter named Kandice :D I currently weigh around 200 pounds and I want to drop back down to my "pre-baby weight" of 125. This is two years worth of weight gain and I hate it. I would love to have a MFP buddy to encourage me and keep me motivated. Common goals and weight loss would be nice that way we can work with each other. Thank you!! :)


  • littleblonde200
    Hello. im a mum of 2. i have around 60lb to lose. i started using this site properly yesterday. Would love to be weight loss buddy's x
  • KassiStGeorge
    That would be awesome! Thank you!
  • harold_IV
    harold_IV Posts: 46 Member
    I'll help you!!
  • jferrara41
    jferrara41 Posts: 6 Member
    Take it slow, you did not gain the weight in one day you can not loose it in one day. Start by eating the right calleries such as high fiber and vitamine foods. Don't for get the exersize. I recomend walking for 15 min to starrt and gradually getting to 45 to an hour if you have time. Make it a date with your daughter and you will find the pounds will slip away,
  • sassyshook
    sassyshook Posts: 213 Member
    You can add me if you would like!!
  • KassiStGeorge
    Thank you for the advice!