Before Workout Pictures

I'm 3 days into the 30DS and haven't had time to take my before pictures to document my progress until today. It was one of the most depressing things I've done recently. I don't have the best self image and standing in front of the mirror with only a bra and underwear on taking a picture of myself did not boost it whatsoever. It kinda made me discouraged that even though I'm taking the step to start getting fit and working out everyday, that it may not work. That I'll still look like this and won't look better even with I'm done. I know I probably will and I'll probably see more of a difference once the 30 days are over and I can compare the pictures, but as of right now I'm discouraged about the whole thing. For those of you who've taken pictures to document your progress, how did you feel when you took your before pictures?


  • lik_11
    lik_11 Posts: 433 Member
    Currently doing 30 day shred...
    Hubby took my pics- I refused to look at them. So: ashamed.
  • mssgirl11
    mssgirl11 Posts: 99 Member
    i just started 30ds monday and i let my bf take pics of me. when i looked at them, i felt like you...blech!
  • SkinnySoph88
    I definitely can relate to what you described...I think sometimes taking pictures in just a bra/pants can be discouraging. I personally tried not to look at my body too much during my process and when I lost my first 15 pounds, I could stand back and really enjoy the difference! But then again, everyone is different.

    One thing I want to say is when you say "it may not work.."-luckily, weight loss is a science. If you are exercising and eating healthy at your calorie goal, you WILL lose weight (over time. sometimes a looong time. that's just the way it is). Of course, this is always easier said than done or else we wouldn't be here! :D

    Try to spin your picture into a positive- this feeling is EXACTLY why you are trying to lose weight! Have it motivate you. Good luck!
  • asyouseefit
    asyouseefit Posts: 1,265 Member
    Took the pictures but didn't look at them before the end of the 30 days!
  • Elisirmon
    Elisirmon Posts: 273 Member
    I felt yucky but wait a week or two and keep up your exercise then take more then you get your moral boost!
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    After taking my very first before pictures I cried. I cried because I had let myself get to a very low point. I cried because no one told me how terrible I looked... it was horrible. HOWEVER; now I take them and when I compair to the before picture I am always happy, maybe not with the way my body looks (it has a long way to be where I want it to be) BUT I am happy because I can see the changes that go unnoticed every day.

    I applaud you for taking those pictures, keep them and keep taking them, and look at them every so often you really will be amazed at how far you come - even if the scale stays in the same spot.
  • Justjoshin
    Justjoshin Posts: 999 Member
    I really wish I took before pictures.
    I have started taking pics of myself now, but I REALLY wish I had one from day 1.
  • lubilu24785
    I hated & still hate my before pics...still can't get round to putting them up...I felt gross :( upset me at first but then i thought...'if i hate this something about it'...I am now 22lb lighter...have taken more pics & feeling better each day...more people are noticing the weight loss which helps also...

    Keep at is so worth it

  • carolina_r
    carolina_r Posts: 359 Member
    I am in the beginning stages of 30DS, and I didn't enjoy the pictures either...My hubby took them for me - and somehow, my brain doesn't get the same message when glancing in the mirror. The pictures seem worse!!!

    That said, I am so glad I took them! The results I've seen posted are amazing - and many commented that they didn't lose much on the scale - but the PICTURES told another story (as did the measuring tape)!

    Rest assured - you will be SO glad 30 days from now that you took these. Just stick with it - and if you need motivation, join a group on the group forums, or find an MFP friend (or a real one) to do it with you!!!! I tried doing 30DS a while back, but faltered because I wasn't accountable to anyone on a day to day basis...

    This time around, I've joined a group, I check in daily, and I pre-log my workouts to MAKE SURE I don't cop out and use the "I'm too tired" excuse.

    You can do this!!!!
  • cbu23
    cbu23 Posts: 280 Member
    Just think of how great the after pictures are going to look! I'm on day 4 of 30DS and I took my before pictures the other day....AWFUL!!!! I just got myself excited about the after pictures I'm gonna have.
  • ddoohaluk
    ddoohaluk Posts: 40 Member
    No doing 30DS but p90X and I didn't take before photos. I am nearing the end of week 8 and I really wish I would have. I keep looking in the mirror and "thinking" i see a difference. I wish I had proof that there was a difference. I am thinking I will take photos at the end of week 8 so I can see if if there is a difference after 4 more weeks of Tony.

  • dasexiimommy
    When I took mine it motivated me like noting else and ever since then Ive been busting my *kitten*. Some days I dont work out and sometimes I have to make myself but I do it. I am on level 2 of the 30 DS and in the first 7 days somebody told me they saw a difference in my belly. The inches will FALL off even if you dont lose alot of weight you will be able to tell in inches!!!! I dont do it everyday I mix some of her other videos in like 6wk/6pk and Killer Buns and Thighs and Im loving what she is doing to my body!!!! You are going to curse her out you are going to cry but its only 20 minutes and it brings results!!!! Add me if you want some extra support!!!!
  • AngelaeLebron1
    AngelaeLebron1 Posts: 171 Member
    I did a before video, to get the full effect. It's disgusting. I did that about 2 months ago, before joining MFP..when I was 15lbs heavier than I am today. Then I did another video after I lost 10lbs and noticed a huge difference. I am now more excited and motivated because I have 5lbs left until I can do another video..I wear the same shorts and sports bra in each video as well, so I can really tell. These videos are for me only...I will prob. never share them, not even w/hubby. Just too embarrassing. As for the 30DS, I took pics on day 1, day 10, day 20 and will take a pic on Sat ( day 30). I have shown these to hubby, he says they are great, especially noticeable in my back. He said that he can tell the difference in my back even more in person. Mostly b/c my love handles are going down, causing my back fat to go down as well. Anyways, I will be posting results in a blog on sat, possibly with a before and after picture, for those who are interested. I really love the 30 day shred!! =) Eventually you will be so happy that you took that before photo!! Don't forget to take measurements as well!! =)
  • bhalter
    bhalter Posts: 582 Member
    I just took my "before" pictures this week...I'm glad I didn't ask my fiancee to take them because I quickly shoved the camera away and didn't want to look at them anymore. I guess I haven't looked at myself in the mirror in a long time, because I didn't realize I had gotten so bad. It just motivates me though to have such amazing "after" pictures that I won't care about someday posting the depressing "befores."
  • ct2020
    ct2020 Posts: 34 Member
    I just looked at them as a "NEVER AGAIN" type of thing. Yes, I hated them, but I used that as motivation to keep working hard and never let myself look and feel like that again.
  • 3GKnight
    3GKnight Posts: 203


  • Orvett
    Orvett Posts: 83
    Here's my 8 day results on 30 day shred.

    My pics were on my phone. It was depressing but it kept me going.
  • altarimage
    altarimage Posts: 95 Member
    Thanks everyone! Yall have really helped and I can't wait to take my 30 day pictures! :) I still don't wanna look at them again until I have the 30 day ones haha.