New and lost

I moved to live in Cyprus and start a life with my boyfriend but when I looked in the mirror I was disgusted by what I saw. Eventually learning snippets of the language I managed to get work as a ballet teacher and the weight dropped off me. After loosing 3 stone I felt better but then everything crashed around me, cancer had struck my family then my relationship fell apart, my future, everything. I've just moved back home and after a few weeks of mums amazing cooking it's all piled on and I'm back to feeling depressed and lonely. I've never done anything like this and apart from entering my weight everyday and every morsel that enters my mouth I'm finding it hard to be motivated.


  • italianissima
    italianissima Posts: 140 Member
    Hi there,

    The best thing I can tell you: You are not alone. Even on the worst of days, you can come here and there will be others that are battling just as hard as you are.

    If you feel it's too much to log everything, start slowly. Maybe you can just log exercise. Then, when you feel better, you can start to log just breakfast, then lunch, the dinner, then snacks, etc. Until you are logging it all.

    In the meantime, look for friends to add. You will love the energy around here!

    Best of luck to you!
  • earlgreygirl09
    I too, am finding it hard to stay motivated lately......Hang in there! Weight loss won't be as easy as it was putting it on. Heck, if it was easy than everyone in the world could do it! Sorry to hear that you're having a hard's easy to let your weight go during times like this as you have other priorities.

    Just try as best as you can to do what makes you happy and really use this website to your advantage. We're all in the same boat!
  • sooty02
    Hello all,

    I have been toying with the idea of taking control of my weight for a while now, over the past few years i have eaten what i wanted an managed to get away with it however its catching up with me and i need to stop it. Im 22 and in the military however im starting to gain a belly and think i need a little support.

    Anyone fancy helping let me know :D
  • Royrogers1966
    Im new too. My nieghbor lost 33lbs. I asked her how she did it and she showed me the app on her phone. Its very exciting because I never realized how many calories certain food contained and you can be proud of the exercise you do.
    It has helped me get out of bed. It will help you feel better too.
  • twinmommy3
    twinmommy3 Posts: 28 Member
    I feel for you and wish you the best. Everyone has challenges, some a lot tougher than others. I suggest you start logging everything right away. That in itself may be motivation for you.

    Dance away, it will help!
  • beduffbrickie
    beduffbrickie Posts: 642 Member

    really sorry to hear that you a have had a real tough time lately, been their myself, I bet gloucester is a shock from sunny cyprus...?
    anyways im looking for more english friends, as the times zones are bad enough trying to keep up with the american friends, so if you want to add me, please do.:smile: