new and struggling to cut out sugar!

hi all im new to this, im really struggling to cut of sugar. its only been afew days and i crave it so bad! i usually eat sweets and jellys all day everyday now im trying to get healthy so cut it all out even sugary drinks,
anyone else struggled and what worked for you?

also looking for new friends so please add me :-)


  • Allyson1985
    When I first went off sweets, I ate a lot of fruit in place of sugary foods. The natural sugars seemed to curb my cravings.
  • taso42
    taso42 Posts: 8,980 Member
    Eat things that are not sugar. When you're full, the craving will probably go away. It may come back again later. Then you eat more non-sugar things. And repeat.
  • Artemis_Acorn
    Artemis_Acorn Posts: 836 Member
    On the recommendation of a doctor, I supplemented Chromium Picolinate. My sugar cravings were substantially reduced very quickly.
  • aekaya
    aekaya Posts: 163 Member
    Trying drinking herbal tea or hazelnut coffee (without sugar) instead of sugary drinks. You could also eat fruit or make your own smoothies, or you could add natural sugars like honey to your diet. You could also use stevia in your drinks! If you're craving a sweet snack, you could eat something like greek yogurt with granola and berries, or a bar of dark chocolate as well. Good luck :)
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    iv just started to drink green tea, im hoping the cravings will go away soon! ill give it a week before i try honey or maple
  • yummummum
    I cut out sugar and starchy carbs. The first week was TERRIBLE. Second week HARD. Then the cravings went away. I have zero cravings now!

    I eat lots of veggies fat protein. I am very careful about splenda and stuff too as that can set me off craving as well.

    I feel really super healthy with TONS of energy and great weight loss. I can honestly say I do not miss it now. It was HARD to go off. So hard that I prefer to just stay where I am. I enjoy dark chocolate once in a while. When I first tried it it was bitter and not sweet to me but now it tastes so sweet!!! My taste buds really adjusted.
  • grimms11208
    grimms11208 Posts: 146 Member
    HI Laurie,
    I am just like you I have always struggled with my sugar intake. It has taken me over a year to finally get it very slightly under control. One of the biggest things that helped me though was the Mayo Clinic Diet. I know it has the word diet in it but really it is just another tool to help you change your lifestyle. It has a 2 week 'Lose it' section and this is constricting, BUT only for 2 weeks! After that is all about portion control and eating the allotted fruits and veggies and water amounts. I did the Lose it and lost 4 lbs and since then only a week and a half I lost another 2lbs. So in one month I have broken thorugh my plateau and lost 6 lbs! I am not trying to sell anything I just really believe in the guidelines in this book. It has really helped me come close to completing my lifestyle change. I lost the last 2lbs over Thanksgiving and quite frankly did not even think about what I was eating! I had cheescake for breakfast one morning and cherry pie for lunch the next day but I have changed my eating habits so much that I was still not over eating. Anyways, check it out I think the book is on Amazon if you want to check it out.
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I use good old fashioned self-discipline, self control and will power... It's not that hard.
  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I'd love to help you, but I can't..I am in the same position as you, I am cursed with a sweet tooth :-( I have cut out fizzy sodas, though...and switched to sugar-free which are just as bad as their sugar equivalents but for different reasons :-(
  • jen2607
    jen2607 Posts: 148 Member
    On the recommendation of a doctor, I supplemented Chromium Picolinate. My sugar cravings were substantially reduced very quickly.

    This seems to help me as well.
  • slimgirl19
    i struggle with sugar and it is really hard for to but i started to use organic honey and that seems to curve my cravings
  • kanbiyume
    Oh gosh tell me about it! I have such a sweet tooth, it's terrible! I started to eat lots more grapes because they are naturally sweet and low in calories and small like sweets so it kinda felt like I was still getting my sweeties! If I ever get a craving for something sweet to drink, fruit juice or sugar free drinks are good. They may have added stuff but unless you drink it all day everyday then it's not too bad. ^__^
  • NiciS72
    NiciS72 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Yes, all the time. I find that if I eat enough protein the sugar cravings go away. I also cut out most carbs too as those make me crave the sugar and more carbs. I eat mostly lean protein, lots of veggies (non starchy ones) and a little fruit.
  • clrrrr
    clrrrr Posts: 261 Member
    I cut out a lot of sugar and then relapsed and now I'm trying to get back to where I thing that is keeping me going is the thought of how amazingly delicious bananas were back then. Same with carrots, sugar snap peas, and really all fruit. When you stop eating things with tons of added sugar, natural sugar sources become super sweet and wonderful treats. And you can feel good about it. It's awesome.
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    I don't have a particularly sweet tooth but cheese would be my sugar. It sounds like you have cut it out too fast and that will not work. You need to approach this as a long journey not an instant fix if you want this to be permanent. Can I suggest that you increase your calories a little to allow sugar, balance this by increasing exercise and gradually replace one sweet thing with e.g. fruit, dried fruit etc. There is no need to cut sugar out completely - reduce it and gradually change your eating habits. It is a slower approach but much more sustainable in the long run. So e.g. when you next go to the supermarket, buy a fruit you have never bought before and try it in place of something you normally have. Finally try not to just substitute low sugar alternatives - these contain a lot of chemicals but more importantly (in my opinion) you don't alter your palette! Hope this all helps!
  • LauriesTrying2BeFit
    thanks all i do love fruit so ill just eat more!
  • CharityEaton
    I still have a struggle with sugar but I do chew gum like crazy...still has some sugar but it keeps me from wanting MORE sugar..usually!
    It is hard. You can do it!
    I cut it out where I can and don't stress about it if I have gotta live a little and I hate the idea of all of the other low cal foods that are loaded with artificial sweeteners. Grocery shopping for low sugar items is a nightmare and takes FOREVER to read all of those lables. Just cut a little at a time same as you would anything else.