Diet pills?

Ok. 7 months ago I went to see a diet doctor. He put me on prescription diet pills and I have lost 50lbs. Im wanting to learn to eat healthy and work out since I have about 30 more to loose and don't want to gain off the pills. I would actually like to not take them because I'm worried about the damage they could be doing to me. But when I don't take them I'm hungry, I don't make healthy choices, and I sometimes binge. I feel like this doctor is kinda a quack. I'm rushed in and out of the office, he has me on about 1000-1200 calories a day but gets on to me for snaking on 10 calorie jello or an apple. Any advice? Should I stop the pills or keep going till I reach my goal?


  • oneIT
    oneIT Posts: 388 Member
    Whats going to happen when you stop taking the pills?

    Diet and fitness are not a job or something you have to do. Its a lifestyle and if you treat it any different chances are you will just gain it all back.

    At least those are my thoughts...
  • ashnm88
    ashnm88 Posts: 748
    I personally would stop taking the pills. I've dropped 45lbs so far just with exercise and eating better. Have 35lbs to go and I rather it be me doing the work and not pills.
  • Meghan0116
    Meghan0116 Posts: 1,268 Member
    I would stop the pills and get a new doctor. The over eating is most likely not because you are hungry but because you are masking something else. Being on here more will help a lot. I hope things go well for you in this journey.
  • catwrangler
    catwrangler Posts: 918 Member
    I've never heard of a diet doctor.
  • I would personally wean myself off of them and try to just eat healthier and exercise more, you can't stay on diet pills for the rest of your life so you need to learn how to control things on your own. It gave you a good jump start, a very good jump start on your weight loss but you need to learn a healthy way of doing this instead of relying on a pill. When you feel really hungry drink a bottle of water and see if that helps you, make sure you give yourself enough calories that you can snack on some fruit or veggies when the hunger becomes over whelming, we are not here to starve ourselves, but to learn to make better and healthier choices for ourselves that will last a life time. Just my opinion, and I wish you the best in whatever you decide to do.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    Talk to your Doc about them. With pills like that you need to be weened off. It will give ur body time to adjust to being without them.
  • They have bariatric clinics where I live too and they will prescribe Adipex. I took it and lost nearly 50lbs as well. When I stopped taking it (it made my heart race, anxiety spike, sleeplessness, dry mouth, headaches) I gained the weight back SO quickly and even some additional. In my opinion, the pills are just a quick fix with no long-term results. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    I think diet pills are crap. Net 1200 a day, if you're hungry exercise and eat more. When you reduce your calories without suppressants you will feel hungry for the first 30 days, at which point you need to remember that
    1) the healthier you eat the more quantity you can eat
    2) self control is important, if you have self control issues maybe it's not your appetite that's the issue and you should see a good family practitioner to get on a anti-depressant, anti-anxiety or other drug or counseling for that part of your personality.
  • JoJo_fat2fab
    JoJo_fat2fab Posts: 297 Member
    Pills = Bad :-)

    Get off them and get a new doctor
  • hperowl
    hperowl Posts: 234 Member
    When in doubt seek a second opinion! I might see another Dr. Nothing I've read about diet pills has been encouraging. Keep in mind too that a lot of medical groups have contracts with pharmaceutics companies, so they're going to push the meds that will get them a kick back. And as stated before, loosing weight is a lifestyle change.
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    You need to change your mind set, and understand that while a 1200 calorie is good, and you stick to it while on the pill, you need to teach your mind a body to be able to stick to it while off the pill.

    Those diet pills while they work, once you get off them you will gain that weight back, because you never actually learned to eat healthy because the pill did all the hard work for you

    You can stick to the pill if you choose, but you need to recondition you train of thought, its not a diet, its a lifestyle change. While you are on the pill, if you feel for a treat you should have it, that way when you stop taking it, it wont be so nerve racking and you wont try to eat everything you can because your mind feels it will never see them again.

    Eating healthy is hard, we all struggle with it daily, hence why we are all here. However, its a learning process and you have to take it one day at a time

  • Ok. 7 months ago I went to see a diet doctor. He put me on prescription diet pills and I have lost 50lbs. Im wanting to learn to eat healthy and work out since I have about 30 more to loose and don't want to gain off the pills. I would actually like to not take them because I'm worried about the damage they could be doing to me. But when I don't take them I'm hungry, I don't make healthy choices, and I sometimes binge. I feel like this doctor is kinda a quack. I'm rushed in and out of the office, he has me on about 1000-1200 calories a day but gets on to me for snaking on 10 calorie jello or an apple. Any advice? Should I stop the pills or keep going till I reach my goal?

    Um, between your avatar, low post count, and this "doctor" story, I'm thinking this is MUD.

    If not, get a new doc ASAP.
  • Whats going to happen when you stop taking the pills?

    Diet and fitness are not a job or something you have to do. Its a lifestyle and if you treat it any different chances are you will just gain it all back.

    My thoughts exactly. When you're trying to lose weight, it isn't a quik fix. A diet is a quick fix. Healthy eating & exercise is a lifestyle. When it comes down to it, you have to decide whats more impotant: your life or this doctor. He's a complete moron for putting you on diet pills in the first place. You are going to have to come off them eventually, so I would suggest pouring those pills down the sink and starting fresh.

    Go to the grocery store & buy fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meat (chicken, turkey, and fish), and unsalted nuts. Log your food and don't cheat yourself. Start moving and make it a point to exercise for at least 30-60 minutes a day. Incorporate strength training. If you start NOW, you will not be gaining back the weight. I can almost garuntee it. No cheats, just health.

    As for feeling hungrier off the pills, you'd be suprised how full you can feel when you start eating healthier. Because almost everything healthy is low cal, you can eat more of it and not feel guilty about it. And even if you go over your calorie goal on JUST healthy foods, so what? Its still great nutirition your body will utilize for maximum health results.

    BTW, no one should ever be eating below 1200 calories a day - that's dangerous for your metabolism.
  • What's MUD? My profile pic is of how I feel about diets in general and also the fact that I'm not comfortable posting a real picture of myself on the Internet with a ton of people I don't know. Thanks for the judgment and support. Maybe you should stick to not saying anything if you have nothing helpful to say. Thanks.
  • Oh and another thing wildcata77 my low post count is because I started using this app yesterday. Sorry I didn't meet your post count for advice.
  • For me pills are just not the answer. Yes you may lose 50lbs on them but I can guarantee that you'll get your 50lbs back when you are off them. You can't be taking them all the time can you? These pills are also bad for your internal organs like your kidney and liver so please be careful.

    Please remember the 3 golden rules of weight loss. Drive, Exercise and Diet. If you get all these right, you'll lose weight the healthy way, your body will be happy and you'll never gain the weight back again.


    Ryan - Lost 170lbs - Hypertension GONE! - High Cholesterol GONE! - Pre-Diabetes GONE!
  • Oh and another thing wildcata77 my low post count is because I started using this app yesterday. Sorry I didn't meet your post count for advice.

    Wow...a little defensive, but whatever. There's no post count for advice. MUD means "made up drama".

    I did give you advice...I said, "if this is for real, I'd advise finding a new Dr". I think any doc that advises use of diet pills and super-restrictive diets is probably a quack, which you suspect yourself.
  • Thanks? You’re right, you did offer me a one line suggestion that said the exact same thing i already had. I just couldn’t see past the paragraph in which you attempted to discredit my question and concerns. I guess most people would be defensive when a stranger judges them as seeking drama and attention based on a one inch picture square and some ability to see the amount of topics posted. I am just defending my very legitimate question and the fact that i thought this was a site where i would not be judged on petty things like a profile picture or the amount of time i spend posting topics and questions. I do have a life. Not to mention the fact that i am new to the site and have not had time to post many topics. Nor do i attempt to call people out if i think they have a BS post when i really dont know for sure. I just read it and move on. I think you may be the drama seeker....
  • gashinshotan
    gashinshotan Posts: 749 Member
    what kind of pills Amphetamines I would still take them as you ease into new eating and exercise then just stop when you run out....
    Thanks? You’re right, you did offer me a one line suggestion that said the exact same thing i already had. I just couldn’t see past the paragraph in which you attempted to discredit my question and concerns. I guess most people would be defensive when a stranger judges them as seeking drama and attention based on a one inch picture square and some ability to see the amount of topics posted. I am just defending my very legitimate question and the fact that i thought this was a site where i would not be judged on petty things like a profile picture or the amount of time i spend posting topics and questions. I do have a life. Not to mention the fact that i am new to the site and have not had time to post many topics. Nor do i attempt to call people out if i think they have a BS post when i really dont know for sure. I just read it and move on. I think you may be the drama seeker....
  • Yes. Its call phentermine. It works really well with not making me hungry but i have had a few side effects. I have about 2 weeks of pills left and didnt know if i should just suddenly stop them or try and get myself into a better eating pattern and then quit them. And there is still part of me that wants to get my next refill so i have a back up if i start to backslide...