all those who work at home

for all those who work at home. Just one question, HOW do you find the motivation. I had a gym membership , it expired and i don't want to renew because i just wouldn't have the time to work out at the gym( I am a student and i have a part time job). I have the 30 day shred since like 2 weeks now, and i'm just stalling. aarghh i'm so used to the gym atmosphere, i find it difficult to work out at home.


  • SkinnySoph88
    I work out at home and I try to think of it like anything else I don't want to do. I don't like work necessarily- but I have to do it in order to succeed! I try to use this mentality with working out. It's an errand like everything else.

    Something I like to do to make it more fun is after I have the moves pretty much memorized (i.e. 30DS) i mute the video sound and turn up my own music. This helps pump me up, and sometimes I even dance while I do the moves (i.e. shaky my booty as I do bicep curls!). That always makes it more fun for me!

    If you really can't ease into it, I'd consider renewing my membership and *making* time for the gym even if it's late at night or early in the morning.
  • aweightymatter
    I work at home AND work out at home... I personally love it! Think about all the positives. You can do it pretty much any time of day you please (I guess as long as you can find a space where it doesn't bother anyone you live with), you can wear whatever you want, you don't have to wait to use machines or for a particular scheduled class, you don't have to drive or get there however or look for parking... All in all it takes up way less time than going to a gym :)
  • 81carmen
    I absolutely HATE the gym. I am so self conscience when I am there. I recently purchased a used elliptical and I use that for my cardio (aim for 30 min a day). I just put on my favorite pvr'd show or the music channel and do it while I'm watching. 30 mins goes by so fast! As for other exercises, I just do them throughout the day. I keep a little checklist of how many sets of sit ups, push ups, leg lifts and whatever else I do during the day. I run a daycare from my house so I don't really have whole chunks of time to do an entire work out at once. Before I know it, I have done 4-5 sets of 25 sit ups and I don't even really feel it.

    So try setting a timer or something and do a couple sets of whatever exercises you can and spread your sets out throughout the day!

    Hope that helps!