Just joined & need some fitness/health buddies!


I just joined and need some help with motivation. Anyone want to be a health buddy?
I am 45 and going to college full-time. I live in the Midwest where it is now too cold and dark to walk outside by myself. Hubby works evenings & I'm in school all day.
If you would like to join forces, then give me a shout.
: )


  • Angieee17
    Angieee17 Posts: 17 Member
    Extra motivation is always welcome.. Feel free to add me!
  • harold_IV
    harold_IV Posts: 46 Member
    welcome!! Lets be friends:P
  • jody2807
    jody2807 Posts: 115 Member
    Hello Angela ,

    I only joined a few days ago also , I would alsowould be happy to join you, As motivation is the hardest thing I believe and when you have somene that can help motivate and push you a little more than you push yourself can not be a bad thing , If you have someone that you need to show your results to ect , then this is going to make you stay motivated a little longer and i would like this for myelf as well . :blushing:
  • I need health/fitness buddies also!! I live in the Midwest also and have the same problem with getting outside to walk. I would love to be buddies!!
  • weimawhat
    weimawhat Posts: 25 Member
    Totally agree with the Midwest gloom this time of year. We just had our first snow fall yesterday.
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Congratulations on going back to school! I know that must take a lot of work and dedication! You're an inspiration!

    Welcome to MyFitnessPal! I hope you find it as helpful as I have!