Losing 20 pounds by 1 yr wedding anniversay!! before pics!

hi everyone!! I am finally getting off my @$$ and losing this weight! In 2008 I was 154 and I LOVED myself! In 2008 I met my husband and we got married on May 7 this year! Needless to say I have packed on the pounds since (what I like to call love weight!) well, I want to look good again since I have let myself go and my hubby and I want to have a baby so I am going to do this! I want to lose 20 pounds by May 7, 2012 and be healthy and fit for the baby to come!! So, with that said I will be posting again on December 30, 2011. This is my third day following MFP to the tee and I plan on staying with it!! Good luck and will power to everyone!!! See ya'll in a month! :-)

[img]http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h431/beadyzspics/Starting weight loss journey/Front2-November302011-2-1.jpg[/img]

[img]http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h431/beadyzspics/Starting weight loss journey/Side-November302011-1-1.jpg[/img]

[img]http://i1109.photobucket.com/albums/h431/beadyzspics/Starting weight loss journey/Back2-November302011-1-1.jpg[/img]


  • kyliecakes0405
    kyliecakes0405 Posts: 73 Member
    You can definitely do it! I'm eager to cheer you on!!!!
  • wivish72
    wivish72 Posts: 32 Member
    Good Luck! I wish you all the best and much success!
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    You can do anything you set your mind to. I've lost over 70 lbs in 7 months!
  • jwaitman
    jwaitman Posts: 367 Member
    Good luck to you!
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    okay the irony is... I got married MAY 7th too!! lol... AND... loosing weight before trying for a baby too!! :) 20 lbs would be awesome but I started my goal at 11 cus I suck at goals... I want to get in shape first before ttc though.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    You have the willpower, you got this!
  • russeljames
    russeljames Posts: 103 Member
    Get em girl
  • Go girl! You can do it! And you are so brave to post pics!
  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    20 till May should be easy! :)

    Feel free to add me. :D
  • That is GREAT!! May 7th was a beautiful day!! We can do it!!!
  • Best of luck. I also gained weight when I got married. My husband is a good cook!
  • Thanks EVERYONE!! I hope I can stick with this!! You guys and gals ROCK!! See ya'll in a month!! Hopefully with a noticable weight loss!!!
  • mainscott
    mainscott Posts: 36 Member
    I'm the cook! Yikes!!
  • I'm the good cook in this fam! haha So, now it's the healthy stuff!! I am trying to look for good healthy recipies....
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    yes it was an awesome day!! looks like you had a beautiful wedding too! :) I sent you an add request. my diet isnt perfect but my diary is open for ideas. it keeps me accountable lol.
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    dont look at todays lunch though... blush**
  • thanks!! they are gross but I think it will help me more.....kinda like proving to myself I can do it bc I have to show that I can look better than I do now....it's a mind thing! haha
  • mainscott
    mainscott Posts: 36 Member
    My cooking has changed dramatically and am loving the grilled fish, blackened chicken, grilled zuccinni and soups. The salads are getting old though.
  • I need to figure out how to blacken chicken! that sounds yummy!! :-)
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    You can do it! Believe in yourself even when you feel like giving up!!!