I need help before i essplode

So, recently, I lost 55 pounds, gained back 11 because i burned myself back and ate it back.
Now i'm back on track, over the thanksgiving weekend, i didnt eat horrible but i didnt' eat well, but i definitely know i was constantly burning more calories than usual. doing things 24/7.
I gain 2 pounds. I know damn well, i didn't eat enough to cancel out all that exercise okay cool.
This week, the past 4 days I have been working out decent amounts, kicking *kitten*.

Yeah, cool.
Someone told me i look like i gained weight, cause i told them i feel it and they said i sorta look like it.
Why the heck am I gaining weight and looking heavier when i'm kicking booty tang?
So i thought..

and p.s.
please add me, i need motivation, thank you :)


  • liveinthemix
    liveinthemix Posts: 360 Member
    Hmm.. could be water weight.. I'm sure the lbs will start dropping off as long as you stay consistent w/your eating habits and exercise..! :)
  • thirtyandthriving
    thirtyandthriving Posts: 613 Member
    Looks like your logging is good this week. Keep it up and see what happens at the end of the week. :)
  • I don't know the "scientific" answer to this. All I can say is our bodies do crazy things and have minds of their own. I suggest just keep at it workin out and strive to lose that weight! I think the right mindset will get you far!!! Best of luck to ya girl!!
  • chicky89
    chicky89 Posts: 260 Member
    I honestly find losing weight is 90% eating right, and 10% exercising!!!

    Get back on track, and you will do great!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    Could be a bunch of things. I agree with the others - try to be patient and give it time. And, remember that our bodies can go up and down a couple of pounds for no real reason. Or because of sodium (which is often hidden in foods) or the TOM. Think of this as a health journey - losing weight is just one of the benefits.
  • fvincentelli
    fvincentelli Posts: 15 Member
    When you work our really hard you exert your muscles, which causes a small amount of swelling to occur as they rebuild themselves over the next couple of days. As a result, you'll retain some water and it's not unusual for it to add up to a pound or two. Don't lose your patience and don't give up - as long as your calorie intake is smaller than your burn, you'll be losing fat and, in the longer term, losing weight.

    One thing I do that may help you: even though I weigh myself every day, I don't look at yesterday's number for comparison - but at a week ago. If you are consistently meeting or exceeding your calorie deficit goal, then you'll see a steady pattern of weight loss.

    Keep up the both the healthy eating and the exercise. The combination is unbeatable.
  • savage22hp
    savage22hp Posts: 278 Member
    You may fluctuate 1 to 3 pounds up or down ( or at least I do) . Don't sweat the gain , just keep focused and forget yesterday's failures or successes . Today is the day !
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    #1 F^&% that person for telling you that you looked like you gained weight. How rude!

    #2 I'm sure it's all in your head. I was bad over Thanksgiving break &for the past week I've felt like the fattest girl in the world! You're not alone...
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member

    I don't think you'll "essplode" from gaining 11 pounds. Otherwise, I have no idea what you're saying

    I obviously wasn't being literal.
    I ment before i explode with anger.
    I'm frustrated.
    And to the person who said they don't know what i'm saying, it was pretty clear.
  • TDGee
    TDGee Posts: 2,209 Member
    Lemme ax U question, What U mean when U say U burned yourself back and ate it back?
  • Hey Kiersty....

    I hear you love. Relax first of all. Stress is a HUGE factor in gaining weight. It not only affects our patterns, but dictates how our bodies retain food and burns fat.

    I wanna congradulate you for losing 50+ pounds! Awesome girl! Focus on that.

    a little friendly advice as well, from a very learned person....that person who confirmed for you that you looked like you were gaining weight is cruel and insensitive. I assume they know how hard you worked and what weight means to you...that comment was hurtful and I am sorry for you. Surroudning ourselves with ****ty people also does not aide in healing our bodies or losing weight.

    Keep it simple. and remember you have done this, and so you know you can and will

    1. move your body
    2. put good foods in your mouth
    3. accept where you are at
    4. keep your eye on the goal

    ^^ it is that simple. Cyber Hug!

  • guntherma
    guntherma Posts: 115 Member
    Sodium? I grow amazing amounts if I have a handful of potato chips because of the salt - sometimes to the point that I need to put on sweat pants because my jeans just don't fit anymore (this kills me since my favorite snack is Lays potato chips and ice cold pepsi) - otherwise, I am clueless as to what is going on - don't let anyone discourage you though - this is hard enough without peoples helpful comments.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    So, recently, I lost 55 pounds, gained back 11 because i burned myself back and ate it back.
    Now i'm back on track, over the thanksgiving weekend, i didnt eat horrible but i didnt' eat well, but i definitely know i was constantly burning more calories than usual. doing things 24/7.
    I gain 2 pounds. I know damn well, i didn't eat enough to cancel out all that exercise okay cool.
    This week, the past 4 days I have been working out decent amounts, kicking *kitten*.

    Yeah, cool.
    Someone told me i look like i gained weight, cause i told them i feel it and they said i sorta look like it.
    Why the heck am I gaining weight and looking heavier when i'm kicking booty tang?
    So i thought..

    and p.s.
    please add me, i need motivation, thank you :)

    iz water wait 4 realz
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    So, recently, I lost 55 pounds, gained back 11 because i burned myself back and ate it back.
    Now i'm back on track, over the thanksgiving weekend, i didnt eat horrible but i didnt' eat well, but i definitely know i was constantly burning more calories than usual. doing things 24/7.
    I gain 2 pounds. I know damn well, i didn't eat enough to cancel out all that exercise okay cool.
    This week, the past 4 days I have been working out decent amounts, kicking *kitten*.

    Yeah, cool.
    Someone told me i look like i gained weight, cause i told them i feel it and they said i sorta look like it.
    Why the heck am I gaining weight and looking heavier when i'm kicking booty tang?
    So i thought..

    and p.s.
    please add me, i need motivation, thank you :)

    iz water wait 4 realz

    I'm pretty sure I got the damn point across, I don't know why people are so damn critical.
  • Drink lots of water to feel full. I sometimes plateau this way and then drop a pound or two quickly. Just your body trying to set its own rythem. This is a hard time of the year, so keep your chin up and you will succeed.
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    So, recently, I lost 55 pounds, gained back 11 because i burned myself back and ate it back.
    Now i'm back on track, over the thanksgiving weekend, i didnt eat horrible but i didnt' eat well, but i definitely know i was constantly burning more calories than usual. doing things 24/7.
    I gain 2 pounds. I know damn well, i didn't eat enough to cancel out all that exercise okay cool.
    This week, the past 4 days I have been working out decent amounts, kicking *kitten*.

    Yeah, cool.
    Someone told me i look like i gained weight, cause i told them i feel it and they said i sorta look like it.
    Why the heck am I gaining weight and looking heavier when i'm kicking booty tang?
    So i thought..

    and p.s.
    please add me, i need motivation, thank you :)

    iz water wait 4 realz

    I'm pretty sure I got the damn point across, I don't know why people are so damn critical.

    i nott critcall i m dunk bot the po int wasis water weait
  • Jorra
    Jorra Posts: 3,338 Member
    I'm sorry that you gained 11 pounds doing whatever you did, but I hope it is water weight and comes off soon. As others have said, drink lots of water and limit your sodium intake for a few days. Try getting some more sleep too, that works for me.
  • KierstyPants
    KierstyPants Posts: 468 Member
    I didn't realize there was a guideline for typing. Perhps i should take your approach and make it more clear to understand.
    I normally don't type that way unless i'm arguing with people. Otherwise, I don't care.
    I apologize for the confusion, and thanks for the advice..