anyone else?

does anyone else not really restrict themselves from every type of food but stays in calorie goal? how is it going for you?? if i have a craving for something, normally i eat it. it's never fast food or pizza or anything like that but i don't restrict myself and stay in my calorie goal. anyone else with me??


  • Thigley74
    I am totally with you on that one if I am craving something I will eat it but I will take a smaller portion and work out a little bit longer to make up for it.
  • ascott048
    I don't really restrict myself I just stay in my goal. I do try to avoid eating certain things on a regular basis, like bread but that is just because it is a trigger for me. I still eat it but just not as often. I do often ask myself if there is a healthier option that I could eat. If I am hungry for pizza, instead of ordering and eating pizza I make it at home so I can have a better portion.

    I have been known to go on a run for a cupcake and I went to the gym on Thanksgiving so I could eat everything I wanted!!!
  • catrivett
    I am totally with you on that one especially since I have been down with migraines for most of this past month. I knew I wanted pizza tonight so I starved myself all day though I drank all the water I could as long as I have water I don't need food. LOL I know what I did today was wrong but since I still have a few treatments to go before I get rid of the problems of these headavhes I can't exercise again yet. I feel like a slug doing nothing except eating, drinking and watching tv. I have only gotten online a couple of times this week.
  • futiledevices
    futiledevices Posts: 309 Member
    Yup, same here. I had pizza for dinner tonight. I didn't go over on sodium or carbs and I still have calories left, too.
  • sherrillg
    sherrillg Posts: 322 Member
    I don't restrict anything but instead I try to eat a better portion. I had pizza just today (1/2 of a cheese personal pan from Pizza Hut and 1 breadstick). I definitely make good choices 80-90% of the time but for me this is a life change and I don't want to live on a "diet". I always make sure to drink a LOT of water and I really haven't seen a difference in my overall progress.
  • Jadesfattorment
    Well I avoid, processed sugars (Added sugar.) and I only eat Whole grains. (Whole wheat bread, oats.) I do not eat corn products because of the sugar but I love fats! Just not sugar. :)

    ~Always needing MFP friends, feel free to add me.~
    JULIUSKITTY Posts: 126 Member
    I eat anything I want! - but use the calorie counter.. I try to watch Cholestrol (but I have high cholestrol)
    I will not drink soda, or mcdonalds, and have limit to fast food. I prefer making stuff from home I found even prepared stuff I can get 2x the food for calories compared to out to eat.