Should I eat what I work off!?!

I'm curious I'm 5"4" 126 pounds, and slowly getting into better shape, I'm working on toning up and getting better endurance for soccer. That being said
My daily calories is set to 1200 when I workout I usually burn around 700 calories between running forever and weights etc. Does this mean I have to eat 1900 calories!? I just feel gigantic when I eat more then the 1200 now, and I feel like it sets in bad habits for days off from my workouts.. What do you guys/ girls do? I literally feel like my weight doesnt budge if I eat what I workoff if that makes sense..


  • Jadesfattorment
    I don't eat workout calories but some people do. I guess we are all different. If you gain weight when eating back them then don't. Although if you eat 1,200 then burn 700 you're netting at 500 calories, wich is not enough. If you eat them back you will still be at 1,200 calories because you burned off the 700. They cancel each other out. :)

    ~Need MFP friends!
  • stephabef
    stephabef Posts: 936 Member
    Are you using a HRM/certain that you're burning that many? If you are, I'd say you should eat back at least some of them. You don't want to plateau and get stuck eating so few calories! I'm training mine to eat around 1400 at present, I eat back my exercise calories, and I'm still losing. We have pretty much the same stats.
  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    Eating back all of your calories burned is part of the calculation when you set up MFP. You will still lose the amount in your setup (in theory). My ticker doesn't lie. I try to come within 100 +- of my target net.
  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    I think it depends on how much you burn. If you burn 700, you should AT LEAST put back 400-500. If your workout is only good for 200 calories, then I'd say you could ignore the net effect. My normal workouts are around 400-500 and I generally eat what I need to hit the adjusted net calories.

    Every few weeks, I might burn off 2000 in one workout (long run or bike ride), and I'm not going to go eat a huge steak to balance it out, but I will eat an extra 800 calories or so. It's not healthy to starve your system.
  • lexerella
    It depends how hungry I am. I usually try to eat back some but not all of my workout calories. I also tend to overstate my calories and understate my calories burned...which helps keep me in check.

    But yes, if you are in fact burning 700 calories a day, then you need to be eating at least 1400-1500 calories.
  • MrsCon40
    MrsCon40 Posts: 2,351 Member
    If you're looking to get in better shape and improve your muscle tone you absolutely should eat your exercise calories. Your body needs fuel and you cannot grow muscle on a caloric deficit.

    I would also suggest eating more than 1,200 calories - much much more - if you're looking for more fitness and not just more skinny.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    You are already at a healthy weight, so 1200 cals is already probably too low for your current size.
    I'd say you should definitely eat them.
    If you were just starting out and were 226 not 126 then I think you'd have a bit more wiggle room, but at your size you don't have many reserves.