I just had my first hypnosis session...

.... and it was crazy! I was such a sceptic but I am now reformed. I am getting some 'virtual gastric band' hypnosis free as we are thinking of letting out a room at our gym to the guy, so I wanted to test it first.

I had my first half hour session and I am surprised at how it went. He managed to make me move my arms up into the air all on their own and although I was conscious I was definitely 'under'.

The idea is that you are hypnotised into believeing your stomach has shrunk so you eat less, but he also focuses on things like self esteem, and enjoying food and staying away from deprivation diets.

I will post each time I have a session and let you all know how i get on, feel free to add me as a friend also.

Mary x


  • kenzietea
    kenzietea Posts: 614 Member
    definitely keep us updated, I am curious!
  • Wow that sounds awesome!. Please keep up us updated. I might have to give this a try :smile:
  • PBJunky
    PBJunky Posts: 737 Member
    This thread is in dire need for some sarcasm
  • Sounds fascinating, and if it can work for smokers, why not for "eaters"?

    Please do keep us posted. I would love to know how you go too.
  • zaz936
    zaz936 Posts: 68 Member
    I have a friend that does hypnosis and he says it works really well. I would never ask him, but if I saw someone else, maybe. Let me know if it works!
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I tried it earlier this year. Didn't help at the time but it did help with depression. It was very calming (so calming I feel asleep at one point!)
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    I tried it earlier this year. Didn't help at the time but it did help with depression. It was very calming (so calming I feel asleep at one point!)
  • Luandanielle1979
    Luandanielle1979 Posts: 747 Member
    Sounds great let us all know hpw it goes x
  • nrimas
    nrimas Posts: 83 Member
    I think most of use agree that this process/battle is very mental, so why not use a mental tool to help you succeed? Professional advice is usually, "If you think you are hungry, read a book, take a walk, drink some water....TAKE YOUR MIND OFF THE HUNGER." Work that mind, girl!
  • nrimas
    nrimas Posts: 83 Member
    I think most of use agree that this process/battle is very mental, so why not use a mental tool to help you succeed? Professional advice is usually, "If you think you are hungry, read a book, take a walk, drink some water....TAKE YOUR MIND OFF THE HUNGER." Work that mind, girl!
  • krist3ng
    krist3ng Posts: 259 Member
    Interesting! I'd always wondered about hypnosis. I would feel really gullible if it didn't work, though.
  • whitehandlady
    whitehandlady Posts: 459 Member
  • lkops
    lkops Posts: 9 Member
    Ooo, i'm very curious! I have no doubt that it's beneficial but my only concern would be finding the right person to do it.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I believe that hypnosis can be a great tool. But, it depends on how it is used. I knew one person who lost a good bit of weight through hypnosis. But she was also given a specific meal plan (I remember her eating a lot of salads) and hypnotized into following the meal plan. She said she had a giant chocolate bar waiting for when she was done losing weight. Sounded to me like any fad diet, she probably put the weight right back on again because it wasn't a long-term solution. Yours sounds pretty good from what you said, but for others who are considering it, check out the specifics before you pay for it.
  • Stormyyy
    Stormyyy Posts: 247 Member
    Very interesting, i'd like to know how this progresses, keep us informed please xx
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Hypnosis is widely accepted even in the main-stream medical community as beneficial in many situations, even pain control.

    I quit smoking 20 years ago (after heavily smoking for 20 yrs) after 3 months of listening to self-hypnosis quit smoking tapes. I quit easily, painlessly and I've never looked back. Even other people smoking around me doesn't bother me.

    Since beginning my efforts to lose weight I've been augmenting my dietary changes with self-hypnosis weight loss CD's that I listen to at night as I drift off to sleep. The messages are very positive and they are always extremely relaxing!

    I'm a firm believer that you need to get your subconscious mind as involved and committed in your efforts as your conscious mind to succeed at weight loss.

    good luck and happy eating!
  • nrimas
    nrimas Posts: 83 Member
    Hypnosis is widely accepted even in the main-stream medical community as beneficial in many situations, even pain control.

    I quit smoking 20 years ago (after heavily smoking for 20 yrs) after 3 months of listening to self-hypnosis quit smoking tapes. I quit easily, painlessly and I've never looked back. Even other people smoking around me doesn't bother me.

    Since beginning my efforts to lose weight I've been augmenting my dietary changes with self-hypnosis weight loss CD's that I listen to at night as I drift off to sleep. The messages are very positive and they are always extremely relaxing!

    I'm a firm believer that you need to get your subconscious mind as involved and committed in your efforts as your conscious mind to succeed at weight loss.

    good luck and happy eating!
  • Hypnosis is widely accepted even in the main-stream medical community as beneficial in many situations, even pain control.

    I quit smoking 20 years ago (after heavily smoking for 20 yrs) after 3 months of listening to self-hypnosis quit smoking tapes. I quit easily, painlessly and I've never looked back. Even other people smoking around me doesn't bother me.

    Since beginning my efforts to lose weight I've been augmenting my dietary changes with self-hypnosis weight loss CD's that I listen to at night as I drift off to sleep. The messages are very positive and they are always extremely relaxing!

    I'm a firm believer that you need to get your subconscious mind as involved and committed in your efforts as your conscious mind to succeed at weight loss.

    good luck and happy eating!

    I would love to know the name of the self-hynosis weight loss CD's please!
  • jojoworks
    jojoworks Posts: 315 Member
    Hypnosis is widely accepted even in the main-stream medical community as beneficial in many situations, even pain control.

    I quit smoking 20 years ago (after heavily smoking for 20 yrs) after 3 months of listening to self-hypnosis quit smoking tapes. I quit easily, painlessly and I've never looked back. Even other people smoking around me doesn't bother me.

    Since beginning my efforts to lose weight I've been augmenting my dietary changes with self-hypnosis weight loss CD's that I listen to at night as I drift off to sleep. The messages are very positive and they are always extremely relaxing!

    I'm a firm believer that you need to get your subconscious mind as involved and committed in your efforts as your conscious mind to succeed at weight loss.

    good luck and happy eating!

    I would love to know the name of the self-hynosis weight loss CD's please!

    I've got several, this one is my favorite:
    Guided Meditation Using Self Hypnosis Techniques and Yoga Nidra Relaxation for Weight Loss by Splendor of Meditation and Dr. Siddharth Ashvin Shah