Here we go again....again!

I know, I know, I'm as tired of saying it as you are hearing it! But I mean it this time :o)

I lost 25 pounds with MFP. Then I went on vacation (in July) and fell off the wagon and landed HARD! I've been laying in the road wallering around since. Occasionally I will get a boost of energy and crawl to the next intersection, but I wind up on the side of the road again. Now I'm only down 15 pounds, and I find that disgusting.

Thanksgiving dinner was at my house this year, which means leftovers abound. The day after our dinner, I barely left the kitchen. I was constantly munching on leftovers, picking at the turkey, etc. Strike one. I felt so sick from all the food the next morning! I just wanted to lay around and do nothing...which is precisely what I did. Strike two.

I don't want strike three! I wanted to be within my goal weight by Christmas, but I've put this off so long that it's no longer realistic. My new goal - I want to lose 1.5 - 2lbs every week until Christmas. I can do this. I WILL do this.

Screw the pushes from everyone else, I'm my own worst enemy. It doesn't matter what people say to get me moving, I'm the one that makes my own decisions...good or bad.

MY time is now.

I'm zeroing out my ticker, and starting new.



  • peterkin923
    Good for you and good luck. I know they feeling....I am starting over again now for the 100th time. But I to feel like this is my time.....
  • skingszoo
    skingszoo Posts: 412 Member
    Get it Get it Get it!!!! I had lost 45lbs from Jan to May and fell off during the summer and came back wollering adding back on 15lbs I am sick with myself. I was so close heck I surpased all my goals and I messed them up!!! I cant do that again. good luck hun!!!! you can do it!!!!
  • Dannypuck
    Dannypuck Posts: 1,067 Member
    Good luck to you! We are here if you need us.
  • k121777
    k121777 Posts: 306
    Hey don't feel bad about starting over again.....and again. I think all of us has a little of that in us! I know I have more than I care to admit. I think you should be proud of yourself for knowing when to put the brakes on. Some people gain that 25 pounds and just keep right on gaining! Step 1. Right direction! Step 2. Knowing that you are in control and have the power to beat the snot out of this!! Step 3.....JUST DO IT !!! and you know you can because you have done it before. Good luck! Lisa From Cali
  • runnermel
    right there with you!!! we can do this!!!
  • drosario1204
    Ive been there...actually im there right now lol!...but im four weeks in and ive lost 12lbs so far....dont worry..take your time we'll get there eventually it just takes some work...but its worth it!
  • missbp
    missbp Posts: 601 Member
    C'mon girl! You CAN do this! You WILL do this! Don't give up on yourself!!! Your goal is realistic. Why not include something like, and extra 10 minutes of cardio to each of your work outs. Kick it up a notch!

    Friend me if you want some support.
  • dvankuiken
    dvankuiken Posts: 67 Member
    you can do it! with MFP you can succeed if you put your mind to it!
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    Screw the pushes from everyone else, I'm my own worst enemy. It doesn't matter what people say to get me moving, I'm the one that makes my own decisions...good or bad.

    MY time is now.

    I'm zeroing out my ticker, and starting new.


    Good for you!! You have identified a huge lesson. We are all responsible for ourselves. You can do it!! (although you don't need me to tell you that. :flowerforyou: )
  • sophjakesmom
    sophjakesmom Posts: 904 Member
    double post
  • jackswife1207
    jackswife1207 Posts: 59 Member
    I am right there with you. I was trucking along, had lost 11 (of the 31 I wanted gone) pounds and was feeling better. Then my daughter started high school soccer. We were running everywhere, every night of the week and weekends. I stopped tracking and exercising. By the time I re-checked my weight at the beginning of November, I had gained 7 of the 11 pounds back.

    I then decided I was going to get those 11 pounds off by the end of the year. As of today, I am stuck right where I was. I just can't seem to find the motivation and unless I track, I overeat! I know I should get up in the morning and exercise before work because by the time I get home and do everything needing done, all I want to do is sit quietly. But I can hardly drag myself up now! Plus, I am stressed out with a special needs son, kids activities, and work and all I want to do is eat chocolate!

    I know these are excuses and I need to get past them but don't know how! I know I can do it if I set my mind to it. I have realistic goals and not a huge amount to lose. Can't figure out why I can't get myself motivated!
  • onewarmmomma
    onewarmmomma Posts: 222 Member
    I know these are excuses and I need to get past them but don't know how! I know I can do it if I set my mind to it. I have realistic goals and not a huge amount to lose. Can't figure out why I can't get myself motivated!

    This is me. But, I finally realized that I can't get myself motivated because I didn't want to motivate myself. I would rather hold on to my excuses (and chocolate bars and ice cream) than get to a zumba class or hit the treadmill.

    I motivated myself once, and I can do it again. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a c25k workout to do :o)
  • jackswife1207
    jackswife1207 Posts: 59 Member
    good for you momma!! I have done better with tracking the last couple of days. I joined the Santa Shuffle challenge and will be adding in the exercise tonight. No excuses! I'm going to do it!!

    Thanks for the encouragement! good luck to you!!