The Gift of Health December Challenge (CLOSED)

Hello Everyone! As you know, we have made it through Thanksgiving and for those of us who were struggling, we are probably REALLY having a hard time getting on task. SOOOOOO...we will partake in this month's challenge with hopes of gaining consistency (again) and getting the scale's cooperation! :laugh: Then, if things go well, we will start the Biggest Loser 90 Day Commitment Challenge! I will be taking ideas for that once we see how this goes.

There will be a token of excellence for the winner (probably a giftcard or gas card) of this month's challenge, so that should be a little bit more of an incentive to work yo bootay off! LMBO I will be using what worked for most of us...the August and September Challenge do not be surprised if it looks the same...just less reporting.


Alright, there will be five weeks in this challenge. This will be a short week due to the 1st falling on a Thursday! Weigh ins must be reported on Sundays. We will have a new topic posted every Monday, for encouragement, check ins and recipe/suggestion reports. You do NOT have to report anything everyday, but we ask that you tell us about your progress at least twice a week on the thread. If you miss a weigh in, you are OUT! Everything will be based on weight percentages so I need your starting weight by tomorrow. Please log each day and get your water in to maximize your challenge results.

WEEK ONE: 180 minutes (30 mins per day) or more of exercise, at least 64 ounces of water daily and daily logging in the food dairy. Also, here is the additional exercise for the week:

100 jumping jacks and one mile (elliptical, running, walking, swimming, jogging, biking)
100 crunches and three sets of 21s, (see above)
50 squat kicks and 50 crunches
50 squat kicks and 50 push ups
50 Swimmer's Presses and three sets of 21s
100 stair climbs and 50 crunches

You can either do them in order or select which one you want to do daily, but they need to be done by the end of the week. If there are any more suggestions or questions, let me, let's give ourselves the BEST GIFT EVER...THE GIFT OF HEALTH!


  • IRIST9975
    IRIST9975 Posts: 93 Member
    I am so excited! I really need this kick in the butt to get in gear. When we started out in August I did really well cause I felt I couldnt let you guys down so I worked extra hard. Now I am a couch potato again...LOL I also joined the Leslie Sansone Walk at home December Challenge to help push me. I will enclose the link if anyone else is interested. Thanks Mo for taking the time out to do this.
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    I definatley need to do something to get my butt back in gear...I know it sounds sad but when my hubby saw how much i weighed on sunday...he said i wasnt allowed back on facebook until i lost at least 12 lbs....i know sad....i seem to do better when i actually have to post results and stuff....
  • msmonique0919
    Hey Ladies! I am excited as well! If this is successful, then we will be keeping them GOING! Iris, I will be on this Leslie Challenge with you! I soooooo need it! Let's give ourselves a great gift this December. Also, it would not hurt to have a goal to work toward either and when you reach it. REWARD yourself...not with food, but with something SEXYYYYY! LOL
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    that walk looks interesting to do...I know i will be on vacation from the 21st through the 28.. I will still weigh in (hopefully the cabin will have a scale.) we will be in the mountain and be doing a lot of hiking
  • ivygirl328
    I'm back! Count me in. I need a reality check. I've been a lazy bum lately. I can't get motiviated at all. I'm afraid to step on the scale tomorrow, but I will just for you Mo!!!

    Let's do this!! Kim
  • ivygirl328
    Oh, yea, should we make a group? Would that be easier? Just a thought.
  • IRIST9975
    IRIST9975 Posts: 93 Member
    That is great to hear Mo. I am so excited. I told my daughter about the challenges and the 5 miles I have to walk tomorrow for the Leslie Sansone challenge and she looked at me like I am from another planet or more of yeah right sure your going to walk 5 miles tomorrow and do this MFP challenge uh But I will show her. I have to wake up everyday at 4am so I plan to start at 5am tomorrow and do some exercise. I will exercise and then weigh myself...LOL give me the opportunity to burn off whatever I can. I hope all you wonderful ladies have a good night. Tomorrow is ours!!!! Good luck all my fabulous sistas, we can do this!
  • msmonique0919
    A group is cool, but you know that I am MFP Technically challenged so how can I do that?
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Hey ladies!!! I'm definitely in and really starting weight as of this morning is 205.8 and if all goes well I'll give myself the gift of ONEderland this Christmas!

    captain - to make a group, go to the community tab, and then underneath there you'll see "groups." on the right, click "start a group" and go from there! we can have a separate thread each week for our check ins and weigh ins. love it!!!
  • ivygirl328
    Hey Mo! I see Em has you all straightened out on the Groups thing. My "official" weigh in this morning was 156.8. I cannot wait to get out of these 150's. I've been stuck at 157 something since the beginning of November.

    Everyone have a great day!!
  • IRIST9975
    IRIST9975 Posts: 93 Member
    Good Morning everyone!!! I am feeling real good now, just got in 3 of my 5 miles to complete for the day. I wanted to do all 5 at once but my body said "Are you crazy???!!! Baby" So I am here huffing and puffing but wanted to share that small victory. I almost thought I wasnt going to get it done, my 4 year old decided today of all days to wake up extra early and want 20 million things and make me feel guilty by saying she woke up cause her tummy said grrroooowwwwllll and she is soooo hungry. LOL
    Anyway, I see everyone is posting their starting weight here so I am going to take the plunge and put mine also. I never tell my weight out loud but I am hoping that this will make me work extra hard to burn the fat. So here goes.....My official strarting weight for December 1st, 2011 is 267.2
  • vemaddox
    vemaddox Posts: 133 Member
    ok so i will post my starting weight on here as beginning weight for decemeber is 212...yes i gained all the weight i had lost back plus some
  • IRIST9975
    IRIST9975 Posts: 93 Member
    ok so i will post my starting weight on here as beginning weight for decemeber is 212...yes i gained all the weight i had lost back plus some

    Thats ok GInny, its a new month and a new day. We shall start fresh and count our victories. All that matters is that we never give up.
  • msmonique0919
    Absolutely...we are starting fresh...TOGETHER! There is strength in numbers! I will set the group up...any name suggestions. I did like Flab to Fab...let me know and then I will set it up.
  • msmonique0919
    Okay, the group has been created and I sent everyone invites. If I missed anyone, let me know. Also, please note that I went ahead and used Flab to Fab, but we can always change it.