Need motivation!!!

Hey looking for some new friends to help me stay on track and keep me motivated. I just started a new diet and I'm starting to train to run and I'm finding it very hard to stay on track! Any tips or tricks? Low cal energy boosting snacks?


  • jen_ferrante
    jen_ferrante Posts: 23 Member
    Congrats! I've been in a slump for a while and just started getting back into gear. I'm not one for energy bars or drinks, but as far as fitness goes, I'd highly recommend the Nike app for you smart phone if you have one. I use that to track my walks (I only run if something is chasing me) and I find it really helpful. Also, MFP has a strong support system in their message boards if you use them.

    I hope we can motivate each other along the way to wellness! :)
  • NyxDominique
    NyxDominique Posts: 271 Member
    Welcome to the MPF family ^.^

    Good luck on your diet. All diets are hard at first they will get easier just remember that every day is a few day. Don't ever stop trying. That is the cardinal rule. Keep logging. Keep holding yourself responsible. Eventually it will all fall into place.

    I personally like the special K line of products. I find that the meal replacements ones high protein and fiber, and alot of vit B for energy so they are perfect for people who are always on the go.
  • Hi,
    I am new to MPF as well, and let me tell you I can relate to your story. I am in the same boat. Maybe we can help keep each other motivated. I have four children and some health issues nothing too serious as of right now. But I know losing weight would help with the health issues greatly. That alone should get me motivated but its just so hard. So if you can help me out a lil I can do the same for you..Hope this journey becomes one of the most fun times in your life. Take care
  • A whole raw sweet pepper is only around 100 calories and they do a great job of filling you up while giving you a sweet burst of energy without the weightiness of a candy-bar wannabe. This time of year they are everywhere because of all the holiday veggie platters!